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Chapter 2

Have you ever been around people that make everything seem okay. It feels like when I got here someone lifted my burdens and reminded me that I am only 20. Letting go of all the worries you have and just get lost in the moment. That was me right since we have arrived here.
Musa" Please accompany me to the garage, I need to get some ice and more snacks"
I was surprised she was asking, she and I are not really friends. We acquainted because we know the same people. I am more friends with Thabang, him and I have this amazing relationship. By relationship I mean a platonic one, Thabang and I met when I was cleaning at his parents place and we bonded after. We have been friends since then.
Me"Yea, let me just get my sunglasses"
The car ride wasn't weird at all, we spoke about everything, she told me about how she and Anelisa are planning on going to Bali. We bought what we needed from the garage then we went back.
Musa"I heard you crying izolo, are you okay?"
I bit my bottom lip and looked at her
Me"those were left over tears, I'm fine"
I faked a smile
Musa" it's okay, like you know that right?"
"Break ups hurt, cry as much as you want. No one is rushing your healing"
I didn't expect that from her.
Me"It hurts so much"
Musa"But you'll be okay, maybe not now but you'll find your happiness. You also deserve some sunshine in your life"
Me" Maybe some day"
We pulled up the drive way.
Musa"I get why Thabang is protective of you"
Me"You do?"
Musa" yes, you've had your fair share of pain and he just wants to protect you so that you don't feel that anymore"
I smiled
Me"I can take care of myself, I don't know why he thinks I can't"
She laughed
Musa"He knows you can, but he does it because he loves you"

The day went on, we decided to have a braai. More people joined us, it was still fun. Big Sean blasting through the speakers and I was pretending to dance.  I can't dance to save my life but that never stops me.
Bahle"Lona, izobona"
I ran to her, they were playing some card game.
Me" Are you losing?"
Thabang"Yamazi mos"
Bahle"They are cheating, I need you to watch them for me"
Me"Haha, nope, you guys always do this to me"
One of the guys looked at me then back to his cards. I only knew Andrew, Thabang's friend the others I didn't.
Me"I'll go, I don't wanna impose"
He looked at me then laughed, his sea blue eyes stared at me and I swear to God I felt chills down my spine. The butterflies in my stomach were not moving but something shifted.
Bahle"Nate, it's your turn!"
He didn't break eye contact with me, I decided I to walk away because this was weird.
Me"Ndiyo lala, ndinxilile"
Thabang"Lock your room"

So I slept through the whole night and next thing I knew, Bahle was waking me up because it was time for us to go.
Me"Can I at least shower first? Then eat"
Musa"Shower yes but we are going out for Breakfast before we go"
I took a shower, decided to wear jeans and an oversized Harry Potter shirt. I decided to tie my brands into a bun, wore flip flops then packed my things.
Musa"Sit, let me do your face"
Me" Nooo! Please nooo"
Musa"I promise it won't be a lot, just enough to hide that you've been crying"
She didn't have to ask me twice, true to her word, it wasn't a lot just a natural look and brownish nude lipstick.
Me"Thank you"
She just smiled, we took our things then went outside to join the others. We went to the coffee shop, that on it's own was fun. Andrew paid and we all got ready to leave.
Thabang" Small change of plans"
"Andrew will drive with you ladies, and we will take Lona"
Me"Why am I riding with you?"
Thabang"No, you are riding with Nathaniel and Bahle because you guys are going back to Cape Town. We are are staying longer, they don't have any classes tomorrow"
Me"You're working tomorrow"
He laughed
Thabang" I'll go in late, but I promise I'll go"
We hugged and promised to call when we all get home. We eventually left, the ride was so awkward, Bahle immediately fell asleep and I was stuck with Nate but luckily for me, he didn't try to make small talk. 6 hours later we were in Cape Town,  we dropped Bahle off first then me because my res wasn't far from eyakhe.
Me"Thanks for the lift"
Nathan"Pleasure, and please don't forget to call Thabang or else he'll kill you then me"
I nodded then closed the door, when I got to my room I sent a text to our group chat.
"Thank you for the amazing weekend, I needed it. Happy birthday Anelisa, it should be your birthday every weekend hahaabaa"


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