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Chapter 7

If you dance the hardest, you are bound to also laugh the loudest. This is applies to us, those who can't dance, mid dance fall we always stop and laugh at how silly we are. I however have never heard the story about the jilted brired, maybe because Bahle is the first one of my friends to get married.
Bahle"Take me home"
She was wearing this beautiful dress, she looked so amazing.
Me" Whats happening?"
Bahle" He isn't who I thought he was"
"He...take me home"
She was panicking, yes the way you are imagining it.
Me"Calm down"
Bahle"I can't! I can't"
"My parents!! They not even here..... O.. I agreed to this.... I said yes... I said yes....God!"
She ran to lock the door of the room we were in.
Me" What happened?"
Bahle" I don't know..... Lona... I don't want this... I don't... I don't...."
I called Thabang and he picked up after one ring.
Thabang" What's wrong?"
Me" Bahle, please come fetch us"
"I'll send you the address"
Thabang"What's wrong? She is running away?"
Me" Something like that, she needs you"
Thabang" Will be there an hour from now, that's the best I can do"
Me" that's fine"
"Thabang is coming, should I call your parents?"
She nodded
Bahle" Everyone warned me..... he hit me... he hit me"
"There is..."
Someone banged the door, she was so frightened and honestly so was I.
Me" I have to call the police"
Bahle" No!.... don't please..."
The banging stopped after a while, we both sat there in silence. Sobbing uncontrollably.
"I wanted happiness...I planned... I graduated...marry...buy a house... have children... those were mine... I did everything right.... I did...I did...."
"Bahle look at me"
My phone rang and it was Thabang
Thabang" I am by the garage, how do I get to you"
Bahle"They'll only let him through.... if he seen with a guest"
Me"I can't leave you alone"
Bahle" I'll lock"
Things happen, you watch them happen and you blame yourself, you wonder if God actually has a plan or he just wings it like the rest of us. Thabang and I were not allowed in, it literally took 5 minutes to flip the script on us. Bahle was getting married and there was nothing we could do.

2 YEARS LATER (6 years ago)

Lwazi" Congratulations on bagging your second one"
I gave him a hug
Me" Congratulations to you too"
His parents asked me to take pictures with them.
Lwazi" What now?"
"Moving back?"
Me" I have no reason to ever go back, my life is here now"
Lwazi" I am genuinely happy for you"
I gave him a hug
Me" Thank you, I'm glad we both made it"
Lwazi" Bahle should have been here"
Me" Do you still speak to her?"
We all went to high school together, Lwazi and I went to CPUT and she was at UCT. That never changed anything, she was always around and we all remained friends. Even when Lwazi and I broke up, she stayed neutral.
Lwazi" Nope, she blocked me everyone like she did everyone else"
"Last I saw her was at her wedding"
Me"She blocked me too, I call her parents every day to check but she calls them once every month"
"And her church friends ignore my inboxes"
Lwazi" I won't stop trying to get hold of her, if you get through, not sure how but just tell me and I will do the same"
We hugged and I went back to Thabang, he was chatting to some girls.
Me" We can go"
Thabang" Alright ladies. I'll call you and we will organize something"
We walked to the car in silence, I decided to play Florence and the machine_ Shake it Out.

The next few weeks went by so quickly, I moved in with Thabang. Andrew helped with the moving while I sat on there giving instructions.
Thabang" When do you start at work?"
Me" Next Monday, I am not ready"
Andrew" No one is ever ready for their first day. I threw up and everyone laughed at me, until they realized I was their boss"
Me" I have so many questions but will call it White privilege and move on"
Andrew" Or job creation but okay"
Thabang"I love you both but can we finish up, I have a date"
Me" With who?"
Andrew" He has a new girlfriend"
Me" You told Andrew before me?"
Musa forced Thabang to choose, she was "tired of sharing him". I am here and she isn't. He was however heartbroken for quite sometime, it felt like the glimpse of our future. I too got dumped because he was so sure that I was with Thabang. So it was rough for a while, we both thought made our friendship will always send potential partners away. Until Nate told us "if someone loves you, he would see your friendship for exactly what it is"
Thabang" I wanted to be sure about her"
Me" You are lying but okay"
We finished everything, Thabang eventually left and Andrew stayed for a while until he had to go because he had to meet up with his brother.

My ringtone filled the silence and I picked my phone up to see who was calling. The caller id almost made me fall off my chair.
Me" Bahle"
Bahle"Hey you"
"Are you available for an early supper?"
I didn't even hesitate
Me"Yea, where?"
Bahle" The bungalow at half 6?"
Me" That's cool"
Bahle" Cool"
I ran to take a bath, then quickly looked for something to wear. I just wore high waist denim shorts, a white vest and a lace kimono. I grabbed brown my ankle boots and a pendant, putting on a doek took so long, I spent another 10 minutes looking for a bag. I think I was nervous because turns out I had it in my hand the whole time. I hate it when that happens, I requested my uber then message Thabang about my plans.

I arrived before her, I ordered water and I sat there trying to imagine the worst.
"You look so nervous"
Hearing her voice, I couldn't help but smile and jump up to hug her.
Me" Bahle!"
She looked so different, grown up even the way she was dressed. I felt like I was actually embarrassing her by looking so plain.
Me" You look so beautiful"
She smiled then we both finally sat down
"How are you?"
Bahle" Good, and how are you?"
Me" I am okay"
"I can't believe nguwe lo"
We both laughed
Bahle" You look so happy"
Me" So do you"
The waitress came and we ordered cocktails and some food.
Me" Lwazi misses you"
Bahle" I saw him this morning, I didn't know how things were with y'all so I decided to separate the meet up"
Me" Makes sense"
I looked at her ring finger and it had a huge rock, I had so many questions but I didn't know what was appropriate at this moment.
Bahle" Can we go back to your place?"
Me" Now?"
She nodded, before I could answer she signaled the waitress.
"Please make our food for take away and just bring the bill"
Again I didn't say anything just texted Thabang to update him about my whereabouts. Since I said he should fetch me, instead of me taking an uber. We eventually received our food then we walked out.
Bahle" I packed over there"
She said pointing at an Aston Martin like I was suppose to know yeyakhe. Again I had a million questions but they didn't matter because either way I would come across as the jealous friend. We went to my place, in the car nothing was said just silence. Not even music, she parked then we went inside.
Bahle" This place is beautiful!"
Me" I know, Thabang found it for us, he redecorated and I moved in"
Bahle" And Musa"
Me" Dumped him but before I moved in"
"Bahle? Where have you been?"
She opened the fridge then took out a bottle of wine and gulped it down.
Bahle" Do you have more?"
Me" Yea, there is a box kwi pantry"
She took two bottles of white wine, she drank the first one until half way then looked at me.
Bahle" Why didn't you come back for me?"
Me" They never allowed us in"
"Your husband called the police on Thabang and I for trespassing, so we had to go. I called you multiple times, you can even ask your parents. I never stopped trying to get hold of you"
She nodded
Bahle" And what did they say?"
Me" You call once a month"
She laughed, like Kevin Hart just told a joke.
Bahle" They love his money"
"I told them to help me.... My own parents... hahaha they sold me"
Me"Sold you?"
Bahle" It was all lies.... the church... everything!!!!"
She drank the whole bottle then wiped her mouth.
"I can't even divorce him.... my parents owe him"
"A lot of money Lona"
Me" I don't understand"
She started crying
Bahle" I don't know what to do"
"I am stuck"
Me" Go to the police"
Bahle" I have, but he has connections, he has ways that work faster"
"I can't....I can't..."
Me" Maybe Thabang can help"
"What can I do?"
She walked towards me, stumbling and sobbing. She opened her bag then took out baby wipes, she started wiping her face then that's when I actually noticed. What was under all the make up, she then took off her clothes. She had so many bruises, her chest had marks like she was whipped.
Me"..Who...no...A.a Bahle"
We both stood there crying.
"I am sorry"
I have known her half of my life, she has never not been there for me. She has always been there and the one time she needed me, I failed her.
Bahle" I can't... I don't... I can't... Lona...I am...t...ired"
Me" Let me fix it"
"I will...just...let..me do this"
She gave me a hug.
Bahle" It's okay"
"I love you and it's okay"
I knew what she meant, she didn't have to say it for me to know. She had reached her breaking point and this was her saying "goodbye".
Bahle" I looked for God in all the wrong places, that's why it was easy to manipulate me. I prayed to the man not God, I deserve this. I turned a blind eye to so much all in the name of Christianity. So maybe I deserve this"
I begged her.
Me" Let me help"
She dropped the bottle of wine.
"Bahle...I can help...let me do it"
She smiled
Bahle" Let me fetch a broom to clean this mess"
She sounded so calm.
Me" I'll do it"
I ran to the kitchen, it wasn't even two minutes. I wasn't gone for too long. I promise I wasn't gone for that long. Yet when I returned, our floors were filled with blood and the door leading to the balcony was opened.

To be continued...

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