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Chapter 14

Close your eyes, pray and tell God your worst fears. Walk around naked and sing  along to Jhene Aiko or  H.E.R whatever your spirit wants. Burn some white sage and ask for spiritual guidance, while you at it, light up your candles and water your plants. Clear the negative air, do some yoga and clear some more negative air then forgive yourself for your mistakes. Forgiving yourself is important, before asking the world's forgiveness you need to forgive yourself.
Solly"I love your place!"
She slept over here, she didn't want me to be alone.
Me" I hope I didn't wake you up"
Solly"The smell, I love the smell of impempho"
"I am stealing this praying space thing for my place"
Me"Hahaha you should, I have a lot of stones and white sage if you want"
Solly"I'll take everything, including the candles"
Me"Hahaha not the candles"
"Get your own"
She poured herself coffee then came to seat next to me.
Solly" So Nathan"
Me"Akandi gcwalisela"
Solly" I saw you crying and I knew shit was real, the girls he was with were so angry when y'all disappeared"
Me"One of them was my roommate in first year, and he sleeps with her friend now"
Solly" Are we jealous?"
Me" Kancinci"
Wanna help me pack?"
"When are you coming back?"
Me" Think on Tuesday then go back to the office on Wednesday. I don't have any projects, so don't think anyone will notice me not being there"
Solly" I will notice"
Me"Hahaha because you won't have anyway to make you coffee"
Solly" True but also because I like having you around"
"I'm glad you are going though, I was worried you wouldn't"
My phone rang and it was Andrew.
Me" Hey"
Andrew" Turns out we don't know PE"
"How do we get to your place?"
Me" I'll Whatsapp you the location"
He hung up, Solly and I made breakfast because Andrew and Viwe were coming through. She went to take shower, I gave her shorts and t-shirt.
Solly" I won't return these"
Me" I'm not sure how I feel about that"
My phone rang again and I buzzed them in before answering.
Me"drive straight, you'll see a silver TSI or a blue bmw"
Andrew"Alright, and please don't get angry"
Me" At what?"
Andrew" Just wait"
He hung up.
Me" Brace yourself"
Solly" Let me open the door"
She was laughing at how annoyed I was.

Andrew"I missed you"
That's the first thing he said before giving me a hug. Viwe gave me a hug too.
Viwe" Are the chakra's are about to b..."
Before he finished the sentence, Kamva walked in with Nathan and Anelisa, enyotshozela emvakwabo.
Anelisa"Tshomi usayenza ezanto zika Erykah Badu nangoku?"
I didn't even answer her, she didn't even deserve me.
Solly" We made breakfast, but didn't expect all of you"
Viwe" We can share"
Solly" Okay, I'll dish up"
They all got comfortable, I could tell they were still tipsy.
Solly"Where are my keys?, we don't have enough OJ, I'll go to the garage"
Me" Babe, no, you don't have to do that for them"
Nathan looked at me and rolled his eyes, I didn't even pay attention to him because uyandiqhela. Solly finally sat down, we all made small talk.
Me" I thought you would be going back today"
I was looking at Viwe
Nathan" Why would you think that?"
I ignored him
Viwe"You guys are just making this so awkward, Drew and I wanted to hang out with Lona. All this tension is making things worse"
Nathan" You never mentioned you were visiting her, we wouldn't have tagged along"
"You making sound like we were lining up to see Lona. I didn't even want to be h..."
Me"Then go!"
"You are in my house and you are being rude towards me for absolutely no reason"
Nathan" No reason?"
"We got here and you burned incense sticks. Imagine thinking you are getting rid of the negative energy, when that's all you. You are the negative energy"
Me"Fuck you Nathan!"
Nathan" Once was enough, but thanks for the offer"
I couldn't help it, I didn't want to cry but I would never be that mean towards him or anyone else.
Solly" Maybe you guys should leave"
Nathan" Be careful of her, she uses people"
Me"Get out!!!! GET OUT!!! NONKE!!!!"
"And Fuck you! YOU DON'T KNOW ME!"

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa, I woke up covered in a blanket and Solly was watching The Bold Type.
Solly" Finally"
She paused the show
Me" What's the time?"
She checked her phone
Solly" 17:32, ulele and I'm glad you did"
"Feeling better?"
I nodded
Me" I am sorry for earlier"
Solly" He was wrong wethu, Viwe said I should tell you him and Drew are sorry"
I just nodded
Me" You still taking me to the airport?"
Solly" Yea"
I got up and went to pee, then came back she was making coffee for us.
Me" I am not perfect, just like anyone else. Friends fall off, I just missed a few calls and just decided it was a sign that I should just do everything alone. Before I met Thabang, it was just my mother and I, then she died, I was alone, he reminded me that he is here for me, then I wasn't again. I.. I just wanted to be me, without depending on him. He paid my hospital bills, help me with an internship, he attended every graduation, he just became my family. I just wanted to do something without his help"
"I didn't know about his mother, I would never not be there for him. And Nathan makes...makes it sound.. like I... asoze Solly.. I didn't know, and now that I do, I'm going to him"
"You need to stop apologizing for things you had no control over, you did what was best for you maybe it wasn't right but at that moment it was. If he is your friend, he will understand that. You didn't do anything wrong Lona and you need to stop thinking putting yourself before everyone else is some crime"
Me" His mother died and I wasn't there for him"
"I don't think he will ever forgive me"
She gave me a hug
Solly" He will, because he loves you, you are an amazing person and I just met you. Imagine how someone who has known you for years feel"
"Nathan is projecting, he hates that you didn't need him. That finding yourself meant life without him"
She gave me another hug.
Solly" Now take a shower and wear warm clothes, apparently it's cold in Cape Town"
Me" Good looking out"
Solly" I am that amazing"
We both laughed, I finally finished with everything.
Me"Ndiku phathele ntoni?"
Solly" Your smile"
"And maybe Viwe's number, whichever one you can organize"
Me" Hahaha I didn't expect that"
Solly"Hahaha don't bring it up again"

To be continued...

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