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Chapter 22


When I moved to Cape Town, Solly hooked me up with a job at her work. We were working in different departments though but I was still grateful to her because not a lot of people would do that. I found out I was pregnant and that killed me, I was new and I would soon as to go on maternity leave. I didn't want them to regret hiring me, so I worked my black ass off. I went beyond my scope and they noticed, by the time I was 8 months pregnant I had done so much in a short time. When I gave birth to my daughter it was easier than when it was Xavier. Nathan and I were more chilled but just as excited, he fell in love with his little girl immediately. The nurses had to beg him to give her up every time they had to check in on us. I was discharged after 3 days, Xavier wasn't happy with the new guest.
Xavier" Mommy take her back"
Nathan and I would laugh at him, on his second birthday he said Claire isn't allowed to come with us. I assured him he will always be my baby, that's when he finally embraced Claire.
Nathan" Babe, are you ready?"
Me"No, do we have to go?"
He laughed
Nathan"Yes, we said everyone will see her when she is 3 months old and the time has come"
Me" You should stop me when I say these things"
Nathan" Get dressed and stop being weird"
Me" Is it could outside?"
Nathan" Very hot, Xavier and I are going to the ATM. Do you need anything?"
Me" Rice cakes please"
Nathan" Okay, give me 15 minutes"
I went to take a shower, then got dressed. I wore a brown chiffon high waist skirt and a white knitted crop top, with strap heels. I looked for my straw hat and took shades too, I always struggle with finding the right bag. I just took my brown sling bag, threw everything in it.
"Sisi ugqibile uOkuhle"
I laughed when Zama said that, because in front of Nate she calls her Claire but kum ngu Okuhle.
Me" Zama, asoze ndibe ngu Sisi kuwe kodwa you are a year older than me"
She laughed
Zama" Khawuyeke uchuku"
Nathan and Xavier finally returned, I think I caught him off guard because I haven't cleaned up since giving birth to Claire. Today I even had make up on, edges were layed.
Me" Can we go?"
Nathan" Yea"
Thabang's house was only 10 minutes away from our place.
Me" Who else is joining?"
Nathan" The usual suspects and whoever Andrew is dating"
We both laughed
Me" We should actually stop letting him bring women, he ruins our pictures"
Nathan" Thabang has been saying this"
"You look beautiful today"
I smiled
Me" Thank you"
We pulled up and it seemed like everyone was already there.
Solly" Akase mhle!"
" I have to wake her up"
She is Bahle were taking turns playing with Claire.
Thabang" Khazapha"
Me" Nope, ndiyeke"
We both laughed
"Uyadika Thabang"
Xavier and Kganya went to the plauyroom, Nathan took Claire from us and I went to join the ladies in the kitchen.

Bahle" Let's go outside"
We all took our drinks and went straight to the pool area.
Solly" You look amazing by the way"
Me" Sana! You all look amazing!"
"I know I didn't want to come here today because it's back to work on Monday but Nathan was so eager to get out. Ndabona apho that noba he is bored with us"
Solly" I think it happens though, you two have kids now and you never get to go out as much as you used to"
"Viwe and I don't even have children but some days I want to strangle him and some I just want him next to me"
Bahle" I relate but ke thina, we just started dating. We are finding our feet, the sex is amazing and Thabang is constantly evolving and we continue teaching each other. We talk, we have both decided that we would get married eHome Affairs. He doesn't care for weddings and I've done th..."
Me" Wait what?"
Bahle" Thabang and I getting married"
Me" Niyadyalo?"
She laughed
Bahle" I finally caved in"
"We kept it a secret because we were not sure we would even work"
Solly" You said Thabang was fuckering around"
Bahle" I was wrong"
Me" Nathan is yena"
"Yinto yakhe and ndimcamile ngoku"
Solly" How do you know?"
Me" I just do, it's not Kamva though because I always stalk her instagram and she moved to Jo'burg"
Solly" You stalk his ex?"
Me" I go through his phone too"
"Sometimes I smell his clothes"
I laughed
Bahle" I doubt he is cheating on you, Thabang would never allow that"
Me" Do you honestly think Thabang would tell me, if he were to ever cheat on you?"
Solly" I think he would"
Bahle" He would, you moved because he told you about Kamva"
"I don't know Nathan as much as you do, but I know he loves you"
Me" Every time Nathan and I fought, he went to her. He rented her an apartment in Parklands, ndithi trips to Bali, shopping sprees. She is an influencer nge mali ka Nathan, they travelled everywhere together. Her instagram is Nathan's business trip timeline"
"They may have broken up or whatever but I know this, I am sure of this one. Andiphambani. He may not be with her but he is with someone"
Solly" I don't get it Lonz, you are the Queen of walking away and starting over. You don't need him, you could always just go"
Me" Again? There is some sort of limit to the amount of times to on and off relationships. We have two children, I have an entry level job, my salary apha would pay for an RDP house. I have worked my ass off, I have sacrificed so much for him. Plus, ndithi I am breaking up with him based on something I am not even sure of"
Bahle" Why ungathethi naye?"
"What you are doing isn't healthy"
Me" And what if I am wrong?, then I start another war. Children are involved now, it's not just us"
"Now the only thing I can do is; doll myself up, shave my vagina and have sex with my fiancè"

"Let's go on an adventure"
Viwe interrupted us, Thank God I was done venting by that time.
Solly" Where to?"
Viwe" Drew and I are want to show everyone our practice"
She got up, we followed after them.
Me" I'll take your i8"
Thabang" My car?"
I nodded
Bahle" Shot gun"
Thabang" What the hell? What about us?"
Me" You can drop off Claire and Xavier at our place, Kganya's nanny can also go with. Then y'all take a smaller car too but I want to drive your car today"
Nathan was starting at me, I just smiled at him.
Nathan" Why can't you drop off the kids?"
Me" Because the car that I want to drive is here, I can't transport children with a sports car"
Bahle came holding the keys, she tossed them at me. Thabang came to give me a hug.
Thabang" Rha! Mabaku ncame wena"
I just shrugged laughing at him. In the car Bahle couldn't stop laughing, Solly came to tell us the address and we were ready to go.
Bahle"Haha we need music"
I scanned looking for the appropriate song, then I found it. Post Malone's congratulations.
Bahle" Nyusa"
Me"Say no more"
I decided to take the longer route, I suddenly realized why Thabang loves this car. Bahle and I were just listening to music and singing along, AKA's Caiphus' song.
Bahle" I need you to drive around a little because this is my song"
We both laughed, we took another spin. Then finally got off the car, everyone else was already there.
Thabang" Who are you?"
I laughed
Me" Lona Mde, who is asking?"
We both laughed, I took off my shades and we both went inside.
Bahle" This looks so beautiful"
It really was beautiful, Andrew and Viwe have been telling us about their dream of starting a practice. Seeing them achieving their goals, made me really happy for them.
Me" So, do we pay? Or are we getting free medical care?"
Solly" You pay but I don't"
Me" I introduced y'all to each other"
Andrew" She will pay, this is a business. We need all the money we can get, Viwe and I used every cent we have for this place"
Me" Well congratulations to you guys"
Solly poured champagne for everyone.
Thabang" To DR Mzimba and DR Montgomery-Rhodes"
Us" Cheers"
Nathan" And now that we have you all here, don't forget; Andrew is not allowed to bring a date to our wedding"
We all laughed
Andrew" Oh shut it!"
Me" He is looking out, you might meet someone at the wedding"
Andrew" Should have led with that"
"How is that everyone here is married or engaged, I'm literally the only one"
Me" You not missing out on much"
Everyone stared at me
Thabang" She is right, Bahle farts in front of me now and she doesn't close the toilet door"
We all laughed
Bahle" No one needed to know that"
Thabang" I am just saying"
Solly" But nothing beats committing to someone who loves that you fart or belch in front of them. Someone who accepts you and motivates you to be yourself, who is your number hypeman"
She looked at Viwe
"Each day with you has been amazing, I love you and I am so happy for you. This, watching you and Drew work all those late nights, fighting because it seemed things were falling apart. Maybe the moments he was in our bed, I didn't enjoy so much but I know you two work hard for this. I am happy for you both, so Andrew just like this love takes time. Finding the right person or just that one idiot who sees the goodness in you and wants to grow old with you. That takes time and hard work, Viwe and I had a one night stand, then I saw him again, Lona knows I was insane about him but I waited for him to be ready. Look at us now"
She said rubbing her belly.
Viwe" I don't know if y'all noticed, but we are expecting"
Andrew" Are you kidding me? Am I the only one who is using condoms in this group?"


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