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Chapter 29

Sunday morning we went back to our hotel to go change, we were going to New Brighton. Yanga and his friends thought a braai was appropriate after what we all did last night.
Solly" Rha! I can't remember the last time I had that much fun"
Bahle" What sucks is; if we tell what happened they will always hate Yanga"
Solly" Viwe would be upset but I know he would want to relive it and asoze ifane"
The Cigar and whiskey party was so fun, we were smoking, mingling with different people and we made some new contacts. To be young and black surrounded by good whiskey and seeing your peers flex is a different kind of feeling. I knew we were all ready to celebrate our success when Yanga toasted to "Fucking shit up".
Bahle" How will you explain the money?"
Me" We don't have a joint account"
We went to Candy's, a strip club in Walmer and God! It was so fun. Bahle suggested we tip the girls, so we all went to find the nearest atm. Solly and Yanga's friend decided to race, we ended up at Zazu in Newtown Park. Then when they closed, we back to the strip club. Bahle and I ran in to give them a tip then we went to Cubana. It was closed but there were still people inside, Yanga got the bouncer to open for us. We managed to buy 7 bottles of champagne and again he negotiated, they allowed us to take them out. We drank then went to Black Impala, got there and people were already leaving. Solly suggested we go Emagintseni, we went to the tarven. It was just as fun but scary, which brings us to now. 7:30 a.m. and we are still a bit drunk.
Solly" I don't think I'll take a shower"
Me" Same here, I need slides, my feet hurt"
"I'm quickly going to my room to change, then we can go"
Bahle was already dressed she wore denim shorts and a white t-shirt and gladiator sandals.
Bahle" You are driving"
Me" That's fine, ndiyeza"
I got to my room and packed, then got dressed also wore shorts and a printed t-shirt with flip flops. I took a straw hand and shades. I double checked if everything was packed, because after this we were going straight to the airport.
Solly" Masambe"
Me" I love your dress"
Solly" Thank you baby"
We went to check out then I drove to New Brighton.
Bahle" Play music"
I searched through my playlist and I decided on Beyonce's Party. They sang along, side note; I can always be trusted with the aux. Yanga and his friends were already there, amapiono were playing, it was packed.
Me" I'll take this to the car wash quickly"
"Just for them to clean the outside"
They went to Yanga, I dropped the car off then walked to them.
Me" Haaaaaappy Birthday!"
I gave him a hug
Yanga" You guys being here made my weekend man"
Bahle" We have a gift for you"
Bahle gave him the box
Me" A Rolex to welcome you to the dirty thirties"
I love how chilled he was about it, he hugged us. We spoke about everything under the sun, it was such a chilled vibe.
Bahle" We need to do this again"
Me" Thabang would die, he has been camping on my instagram stories"
" Next time, we make it a couples thing"
Yanga" So the pressure is on for me"
Solly" Rha! Wena? You have women in every street corner"
Yanga" Yes, but they belong to those street corners"
We all laughed, it was hard not to like him. He was a charmer, he oozed confidence, the way he spoke and how he dressed. Not to mention his cologne. He was that guy.
Me" We have to go, it's back to reality for us"
Solly" I don't want to leave!!!!"
We all laughed at her
Bahle" Yaxoka"
"Also I'm ashamed of us, literally none of us went to visit our families"
Solly" Yhuu hay wethu"
I laughed
Me" Masambeni mani"
I gave Yanga another hug
" Nathan and I would love to host you"
Bahle" Our house is bigger, iza kuthi"
Solly cleared her throat and he all laughed, she and Viwe had the bigger house. And only 3 people lived there.
Me" Voestek, he is my friend"
Bahle" And we stole him from you"
Yanga" Rha! Nibhanxekile. I'll come through soon. I promise"
Me" It's been good. Bye guys"

Being home was so exciting, I loved every second of my weekend but being with my children was so much more better. I didn't even unpack my bags, I went straight to the kitchen and cooked supper for my family. They sat with me, telling me what they did all weekend. I dished up, we all ate, Nathan fed Connor. We changed into our pyjamas and went to watch The Greatest Showman in the movie room. Connor was the first one to fall asleep, Claire followed, Nathan went to tuck them in. Then Xavier slept too, after reminding me to say a prayer.
Me" That was fun"
Nathan" Yea, they missed you"
Me" I missed them too"
We kissed, our sex life didn't take a knock. We still had the most amazing sex, he made sure of it.
Nathan" How was PE?"
Me" Fun, what did you guys get up to?"
Nathan" Viwe hosted a braai, the kids were swimming and we slept over there"
Me" Okay"
Nathan" Wanna go again?"
Me" Sex?"
Nathan" Yea"
Me" Really Nate?"
"I'm okay"
Nathan" Okay"
"Remember I told you about the England trip?"
Me" Yea"
Nathan" It's for a month"
Me" I know"
Nathan" We need to hire someone to help you, you can't take Connor to work with you anymore"
"Au pair for Xavier and a nanny for Claire and Connor"
Me" I don't need help"
Nathan" You do, we need a housekeeper"
Me" So 3 stranges in our house?"
"I don't want that"
Nathan" You need it, you are starting a new job. I'm moving to Free State and you'll be here. You need help"
Me" You are moving?"
Nathan" Yes, you start a new job and I'm going to England then straight to Free State"
Me" Are we still married?"
Nathan" Do you want to move?"
Me" No"
Nathan" See where I'm going with this?"
Me" I don't trust you"
Nathan" I know but I can't do anything about that. I need to be in Free State and you want to be here. I made decisions that were hard but necessary"
"We need to separate Lona, you are not happy and that's okay. You can take this time to figure things out"
Me" While you sleep with other women?"
Nathan" No, I told you, I have no reason to cheat on you because I want us to work"
Me" What were your reasons then?"
"You've done it multiple times"
Nathan" You were an alcoholic, you and I hated each other. You blamed me for Claire going missing"
"And I blamed you! You treated Zama like your friend. No boundaries, I blamed you"
Me" Are you crazy?"
"How in the world was I supposed to know she would take Claire!"
Nathan" It doesn't matter now, you made sure she was killed"
Me" is that what you think?"
Nathan" Yes"
Me" I never said anything about them killing her"
"I was with you the whole time, when was I going to make those plans? Zama had children, I would never let anyone take a parent away from their children"
Nathan" She died and I don't get why it had to end that way"
Me" You blamed me for her death?"
Nathan" Just like you blamed me for it"
Me" Yanga didn't know they would kill her"
Nathan" I don't know anymore"
"I don't want to discuss this because it's a blame game"
Me" So you don't plan on visiting your children?"
Nathan" I will, I just don't want to be in the same house as you because we always end up having sex and not communicating our problems"
"You should sleep"
Me" No, I'm fine, I think I should go for a run"
Nathan" It's 20:46"
Me" It's okay"
I got out of bed and wore my leggings, training shoes and a hoodie. I left my phone behind.
Nathan" This is madness"
Me" I know you well enough to know that you are planning on asking me for a divorce. I can't be here right now. I need to clear my mind"

I have done a lot of stupid shit but running from my house to Solly's place was a different achievement. She lived an hour away from us. I cried, ran then cried some more and ran then I walked and cried then ran again until I got there.
"Hey, please open, it's me"
The gate opened and I went in, they opened the door.
Me" Can I get some water"
Viwe looked at me then gave me a hug
Solly" You walked?"
Me" Ran"
They both laughed, Solly gave me two bottles of water and I drank them.
Viwe" Your vitality points will be sky high"
Solly" I wanted to say that first"
I laughed, this is why I came here instead of Thabang's place. These two would never impose or take sides. They are always neutral and I love that about them.
Me" Can I take a shower? Don't I have clothes here?"
Solly" You probably do, but if you don't just take whatever you can find"
Viwe" I have to go back to the hospital, I have an six hour surgery"
"Andrew really thinks we became doctors just to operate together all the time"
Solly" If you were not smiling, I'd believe you were pissed off"
Viwe" I smile because I am happy"
"Bye ladies, I love you wena tshongo tshata nam"
Solly laughed at him
Solly" I love you too babe"
Viwe" Call Nathan"
Me" I don't have my phone with me"
Viwe" Okay, I'll call him"
"You look weird, take a shower"
Me" Voestek, worse you are wearing a spongebob scrub cap"
Solly" He still looks handsome"
Viwe" Mxm! Ungu mfazi wam wena, I knew from the moment you sat on my face"
We all laughed, he always says that.
Me" You two are weird"
The house phone rang, Solly went to pick it up.
Solly" I'll open"
"Your husband is here"
Viwe" Stop calling Andrew that"
She laughed
Solly" I am speaking about Nathan you idiot!"
Viwe" Hahahaa I know you"
Me" I thought you had surgery"
Solly" Awumazi, he does this all the time"
The door opened and Andrew walked in.
Viwe" I hate you!"
Solly" I just couldn't resist"
Andrew" She called me your husband again?"
Viwe nodded
Andrew" Why do you look so weird?"
He said looking at me
Me" I was jogging"
Solly" From her place to here"
He looked at me
Andrew" He gave you the divorce papers already? I thought he would wait until your birthday passes"


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