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Chapter 15

I thank God for Viwe, I forgot Thabang bought a new house. Maybe I am a shitty friend, I went straight to our old place and someone else was there. I called Andrew but it went straight to voicemail, then Viwe and he picked up.
Viwe" Yima"
It was loud as hell where he was.
Me" Hey, Thabang moved"
Viwe" Is that a question?"
"I mean because I know he moved"
Me" Can you send me his address?"
Viwe" Okay"
Viwe" I'm sorry about earlier"
Me" Idlulile"
Viwe" Okay will text you his address"
"Wanna join us? We are at Roof garden, Deep brew Sunday and the vibe is crazy"
Me" Hahaha I'll pass, maybe next time"
"I know Solly wouldn't mind though"
Viwe" Whose that?"
Me" My friend, you met her"
Viwe" You never introduced her to us, wena ne ndoda yakho started fighting"
We both laughed
Me" Send me the address and I'll give her your number"
Viwe" awe"
Thabang's house is exactly what I thought it would be. My psalms were sweating, I really didn't think this through but I couldn't afford a hotel. And it's too late to look for a B&B.
Me"Hello, I'm here to see Thabang"
I said on the intercom and the small gate opened, walking to the main house felt like I was on some reality show and I was about to get eliminated. The door was opened.
Bahle" Lelona!"
She gave a hug
Me" Hey stranger"
Bahle" Me? You are full of jokes"
I gave her another hug.
"Why are you traveling so late?"
Me" Only flight that was available"
Bahle" I'm being rude, come in"
She helped me with my bag, she looked different. Like she was almost tired, her eyes were empty, she was filled with pain.
"Who was that?"
He had their baby in their hands, he looked up and saw me. The shock in his eyes made me feel weird.
Me" Hey"
Thabang" Hey"
Bahle" So... Lona is here"
Thabang" I can see"
Me" I bumped into Nathan, Andrew and Viwe. They told me about your mother"
Thabang" Oh"
Me" Can we talk?"
Thabang" Not now"
"Trying to get him to sleep"
I nodded
Bahle" Iza, I'll show you, your room"
"Yea, you have your own room"
I didn't comment, she left me alone and I wanted to die. At this moment, I felt like this was a bad idea.

"I don't know what to say to you Lona"
That's what he said to me.
Me" You don't have to say anything"
"I know you want me to be sorry and I am not, these last few months have been the best for me. I know that makes me a shitty person but I can't apologize for doing what was best for me"
"I had an abortion and I didn't know how to tell you, I feared that you would tell him. I just needed to go through shit alone, I didn't want to dr.."
Thabang" You thought I would tell Nathan about your abortion?. Really?"
"Who are you bra?! Like what happened to you?"
Me" Don't do that, don't make me feel like shit for doubting you"
Thabang" I have never given you a reason to doubt me Lelona!"
Me" I just wanted to be me without you! I was just tired of being your charity case!"
Thabang" When!? You wer.."
Me" You paid more than a 100k on my hospital bills"
He laughed
Thabang" I never paid a single cent! Nathan did that!"
" I know how much you hate it when I spend a lot of money on you!. You never asked! You assumed!"
Me" You never told me!"
Thabang" How was it relevant Lona?! You were hardly talking to anyone, you almost died! So excuse me for not discussing hospital bills with you"
"I paid for you therapy because you needed it! And I will not apologize for that, I will not apologize for my privilege. I didn't know it bothered you so much"
Me" I just needed a break from us"
Thabang" I respect that"
"I don't know what you me to say then"
Me" I also don't"
Thabang" If you are here to make yourself feel better or whatever, I am not in the mood. Do what works for you"
Me" Why can't what works for me, work for our friendship?"
Thabang" Andiyazi Lelona! You ghosted when I needed you and I don't know why!. You have been happy and I am at my worst, how is it so easy for you to turn your back on me?. I don't get it"
"I can't do this with you"
Me" I didn't know about your mother!"
Thabang"I  called, I emailed, I even sent you a message on instagram! Meaning you ignored notifications that had my name"
"You did that"
Me" I would ne..."
Thabang" But you did. I can't stand here and pretend to be fine"
"I lost so much so soon but I didn't think I would lose you too"
Me" I am sorry about your mother"
"I hate that I wasn't there for you"
Thabang" It's fine"
"I am glad you found your happiness"
Me" I don't get how we got here"
Thabang"You know exactly how we got here!"
The door opened and it was Bahle, she had the baby and she was crying.
Bahle" I don't know... how to make...him stop crying"
Thabang" Look at me"
"Give him to me"
She handed him the baby, he started cradling him. She just stood there crying.
She was hysterical.
Thabang" It's okay baby"
He looked at me
"Please get Bahle some water"
I walked her to their room after she drank her water, I cuddled her until she fell asleep. Then I looked for the nursery, when I found it Thabang was fast asleep on the chair and the baby was also sleeping, I gently took the baby from him but he woke up. He didn't say a word, I put him in his cot, we both walked out and left the door open.

Thabang" Postnatal depression"
"I didn't notice at first because she gave birth after my mother's funeral. She cried a lot, then she would wake me up instead of going to him. She would call while I'm at work crying because the baby wouldn't shut up. Then she tried to give him away to our housekeeper"
He poured himself a full glass of whiskey, and gulped the whole thing then poured another one.
Thabang" She doesn't want to see anyone, she is scared they will send her to a mental institution. She forces herself to try, then she loses it. I can't fight you, and still look after my family"
" So... yea"
Me" I didn't know"
Thabang" That line is starting to get old"
"I need you to fuck off tomorrow morning"


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