Bonus chapter

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Bonus Chapter: Lelona

"Okay guys, I need you to be on your best behavior"
They were staring at me, I didn't even want them here but they didn't want to stay behind. I didn't want to burden anyone with my children.
Xavier" I'm hungry Mommy"
Connor" Me too"
We were parked outside of his house, I couldn't chicken out like I did last time. I needed to get this over and done with, I wanted to finally move on from this part of my life. And I paid a lot of money to get this address, so I need to do this.
Me" Just eat whatever you see and after this, we will go get some real food"
Xavier" Why are we seating in the car"
I have been parked here for almost an hour, I did this last time too and I ended up being angry at everyone because my father didn't love me. I know, it's silly but I can't seem to get over that one thing. I have achieved everything I have ever wanted in this life, yet I still couldn't fill that void. That void that he left.
Me" Just eat, so we can finally get out of the car"
Connor" Does your friend have cats? I am scared of cats Mommy"
I rolled my eyes then turned around to look at them.
Me" I don't know boy, finish up so we can go inside and find out"
Xavier" Mom, there is no food here"
Me" Let's just go inside, I'll order Pizza and have them deliver it here"
Xavier" No thanks, I'll wait for you to take us out"
His bother was nodding
" Can we go inside now?"
I said a little prayer then opened my door, they both got out and walked in front of me.
Me" Take your iPad and just keep yourselves busy until I'm done"
Xavier" Why aren't you knocking?"
Me" Why aren't you shutting up?"
Connor laughed and Xavier just stared at me, guess he was still waiting for me to knock.

The door opened and in front of me stood a man I have imagined a thousand times. A man I have grown to resent, and honestly hate for so many years. A man who disappointed me countless times, I honestly wondered if he also parked his car outside my house while I was growing up just to see me. I wondered if he didn't regret his decision, I mean he missed so many birthdays, then it would hit me that he doesn't even know when my birthday is. He knew about me, Mama said he knew. He just didn't want to be part of my life.
Connor tugged my jacket and I looked at him.
"This is getting weird"
Xavier said and I hit his head, the man was amused. He actually chuckled.
Me" Hello, may we come in?"
He stared at me for a while then he moved, my son's walked right in and made themselves comfortable. Like being here was their birth right. Well technically but screw it.
"That's Xavier and Connor, they are my son's"
I said pointing at my two idiots.
Connor" We have a sister too, Claire, she is in the U.K."
I smiled
Me" I'm Lelona Montgomery Rhodes, Mde is my maiden name"
He gave me a big hug and stared at me for the longest time, then hugged me again. We both cried and he pulled away, admiring me.
"You look so beautiful"
He said, he kept on looking at me then let out a smile like he couldn't believe this was actually happening.
"I have been looking for you! I have searched heaven and earth trying to find you with no luck"
He gave me another hug
Me" Really?"
"I moved to Cape Town for Varsity and never returned after Mama passed away"
He was shocked
"Chulu died?"
He was actually crying and I pulled him in for a hug, we stayed in our embrace for a while.
Me" I can't believe you were looking for me"
Phiko" You are my daughter, I was bound to look for you"
"Your mother sold her old house and probably moved somewhere else"
I nodded
Me" We moved to another neighborhood"
" She never really spoke about you with me, she told me your name and surname. That was it, she was always afraid that you'd reject me" 
Phiko" She was right, I wasn't ready but when I was I looked everywhere for you"
"Oh! Lele! You are so beautiful, I am so happy to see you"
Me" I am happy to see you too"
Phiko" Tell me about you, tell me about your life in Cape Town. I want to hear everything"
We were chatting, laughing, there was a lot of banter between us. He was an architect and I told him he inspired my love for construction because I wanted us to have something in common.
Phiko" Your smile reminds me of my mother"
I belonged, I had features that actually resembled someone. I had a whole other family.
Me" I'd love to see pictures"
We through his album, he made us lunch and we sat outside while the children played inside.
Phiko" I am so proud of you Lele"
"I am so glad you found your way back to me"
I was in tears and he wiped them away.
Phiko" No, don't you dare cry"
"I know it's late for us, but I want to be the best grandfather your children have"
I hugged him
"I hope they love me even though I don't have the Billions their other grandfather has"
We both laughed, I put my head on his shoulder.
Me" I love you Dad"
He kissed my forehead
Phiko" I have waited for so long to hear you call me that. And it was worth the wait"
"Your mother would have been proud of you, I am proud just to be able to call you my daughter"
Me" I hope this moment never ends"
Phiko" It won't. I promise"

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