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Chapter 16

Monday morning I woke up with a heavy heart. I wanted to call Solly but I also realized I don't know her well enough to vent but I needed the distraction.
Solly" Uyinja"
Me" I guess y'all had fun"
Solly" Fun is an understatement, ndithi hay Cape Town boys are exactly who they think they are"
Me" And Viwe?"
Solly" Ndithetha nawe, ndi within cuddles"
Me" Danielle will die if we both not at work"
Solly" I have to be on site today, andina xesha lakhe tuuu"
"How are things there?"
Me" Not good but I can handle it"
Solly" We expected it mos"
Me" Not oluhlobo but it's fine, I can do this"
"Don't forget to water my plants"
Solly" I won't forget!"
Me" I'll call you later for proper details"
She giggled
"Good Morning Lona"
Viwe said
Me" Gosh! Y'all are gross. Have fun kids"
Solly" Byeeeeeee"
Thank God for this room having an ensuite, I had to come up with a plan. So I took a bath and played Florence and the machine, closed my eyes and let myself enjoy this moment. I grabbed my phone and researched things, and I finally had a mini solution.
Thabang" Why are you still here?"
That's the first thing he said when he saw me.
Me"You don't scare me Thabang"
Thabang" Wasn't scaring you, I want you out of my house"
Me" Well, andifuni uhamba"
Thabang" Whatever bra"
"Unazo ne tattoo, inene ibhayi liya mgqiba umntu"
Me" Voestek ke"
I've always wanted to get a tattoo of the seven chakras. The only reason he can even see it, is because I'm wearing an open back top and my hair is tied up in a bun.
Thabang"I'm not doing this shit with you"
Me" Yho! Okay Thabang!"

He finally left for work, Bahle woke up around noon. I took care of the baby, the sitter was still not here which also made me question a lot of things.
Me"Take a bath! You are going out"
Bahle"  With him?"
She said pointing at the baby
Me" Well, I have him today"
She had a huge smile on her face
Bahle" Ndiyaphi?"
Me" That's up to you and your date"
Bahle" Thabang?"
Me" Someone better"
We both laughed because she knew I was just angry. She eventually went to take a bath, Lwazi arrived 20 mins after she finished. She jumped at the sight of him, they hugged for the longest time.
Me" So you kids have fun"
Bahle" Thank you for this"
She gave me a hug
Me"Have fun"
The minute they left, Kganya just started crying and I tried to call him down. That wasn't even working, I tried to feed him but nope, he was definitely taking his father's side in this fight. And two hours later the sitter still hasn't arrived but he had finally calmed down and was sleeping. So when Thabang got home, he was confused to see me with the baby.
Thabang" Where is she?"
Me" Who?"
Thabang" Bahle"
Me" She left with Lwazi"
"He will bring her back later"
Thabang" Your ex?"
I nodded
Thabang" What the fuck did you do?"
Me" I researched postnatal and it says she needs to talk to friends and surround herself with normal life outside the baby. And that's Lwazi, they've known each other since forever and he is the only person she trusts like it or not. If anyone can convince her to speak to someone, it's Lwazi"
Thabang" I didn't ask for your help"
Me" That's fine but she was my friend way before I met you. I don't need permission from you to do something for her"
"Use this time to sleep, he will be up soon"
Thabang" We are not okay Lona"
Me" Okay"
"Your babysitter didn't pitch"
Thabang" She got fired, Bahle thought she would kidnap Kganya. Forgot to get a replacement"
Thabang" Nathan is coming over, he usually looks after him while Bahle naps"
Me"I'll be heading back to PE tomorrow, just put up with me for one day"
"I'll go get some work done"
I walked away from him because I wasn't ready for whatever he would throw my way. Lwazi's text came in as I was walking to my room.
"We saw a GP, he gave her antidepressants. We also went on a walk in session and she has to come back next week again. Now we are off to lunch"

I made some work calls, sent a few emails and then I was done. I thought of getting out of this room and seeing that fucker, I know he will gloat and I didn't need that. I went to pee and brush my teeth then finally decided I was brave enough to see them plus I was hungry, so hiding out wasn't an option. He was standing outside the nursery door, which wants far from the room I was in. The way he was holding Kganya, I think I knew at that moment again that Nathan is the guy I want to spend my forever with.
Me" I can hold him"
Nathan" No, he is fine"
Nathan" Okay"
I went to the kitchen to make supper for everyone, they may hate me but they need to eat. I made a cream spinach stuffed butternut, and chicken schnitzel with cheese sauce. My phone rang and it was Yanga.
Me" Neighbor"
Yanga" Uphi?"
Me" Cape Town"
Yanga" Ndithenqa, I am at your door ngoku"
Me" Is everything fine?"
Yanga" I wanted to check up, Sivu was rude towards you on Sunday and I wanted to check if you're okay"
Me" I needed that from him, I am done with that guy"
"Hope it won't make things weird between us"
Bahle walked in while I was on the phone, she took out two bottles of water.  I signalled that I'm on the phone and she smiled.
Me" Will you be able to fetch me from the airport?"
Yanga" If I can't, I'll let you know but I am sure I can but feels like I'm forgetting something"
Me"  Just let me know"
"Goodnight babe"
After the call I went to set the table, I didn't know where their wine was and they had more water than juice in their fridge so I just made myself coffee to have with my meal.

Me" I made supper for everyone, it's all on the table"
Thabang" Thanks, I'll tell Bahle and Nathan"
I didn't answer, just turned around and went to the table. I sat there until Bahle finally came, she sat next to me.
Bahle" He loves you and you hurt him, but he is happy you are here"
"Thank you for Lwazi, I needed that. I also needed you, it's strange that you shut us out but we miss you and I hope you'll welcome us back into your life"
She squeezed my hand, Nathan joined then finally Thabang. They dished up for themselves and we all ate in silence, I wonder why didn't they think I was going to poison them.
Bahle" I forgot the benefits of having you around"
Me" There is a few left over since I thought Lwazi would join us"
Bahle" If you carry on like this, I might run away with you to PE"
"Lwazi wasn't sure if you would want to hangout with him"
Kganya started crying, Thabang got up.
Bahle" I'll go, he probably needs to be fed"
She didn't wait for his response, she took the baby monitor and left. He and Nathan looked confused.
Thabang" I'll follow her, just to be sure"
He looked at me
"Thank you for cooking"
I nodded, he also left the table. I was suddenly left alone with Nathan. He sat there eating his food, not even paying attention to me, when he finished he cleared the plates. I just sat there and ate my food.

"You were rude to me and I didn't deserve that, I know you were angry and maybe you were hurt but you had to reason to treat me the way you did"
He was doing the dishes, he turned around and looked at me.
Nathan" I told you the truth, I wasn't being rude nor was that my intention"
"You and I were dating, you moved to another province without saying a word. You did that, you left everyone and you acted like we never existed"
Me" It wasn't about you! I needed to do this, it was for me! I needed to do something that benefited me"
"You guys don't seem to get that "
Nathan" Because you never made us understand!!!! Why is it so hard for you to communicate?"
Me" You want communication?"
"I called you, all I needed for you was to pick up the phone. I needed you to communicate and ask me if I wasn't pregnant since you came inside of me!. I needed you to communicate,tell me that Kamva was just a bruised ego thing and that you actually loved me then way you said you did. You hurt me! You did that! And you had the audacity to tell me in my house that I am evil!. I didn't deserve that! You brought her into my house!. You did that to me! So fuck you and your communication"
Nathan" You ran! Like I was some sort of plague. I was embarrassed about the sex and you made sure I knew how you felt, you made me feel weak"
"Kamva is just sex"
Me" I can't do this"
"I really tried but this whole time, you and Thabang made sure that I know you don't want me here. Fine, you win"
I looked for cabs on Google, then found a nearby one. I called and gave the address, I packed my things. I sat on the bed looking for flights, lucky for me there was one at 21:05 I booked it. My room door opened and it was Thabang, he stood there looking at me.

"I have been trying to figure out why you would disappear on me. You and I have fought before, multiple times but you always answered my calls. Then I remembered our chat, because let's face it when Nate didn't answer your calls you felt like history was repeating itself. You thought he would do what your father did, and you got scared because you couldn't do it like she did. You've always wanted the fairytale"
Me" You are wrong"
Thabang" Then why are you crying?"
"You looked for him and he rejected you, and you are blaming me because I brought him up"
Me" I was okay...without him.. you..did that"
"He didn't...even remember my mother!"
Me" No! You don't... you don't get to talk... not now"
Thabang" You don't need him"
"Nathan is not him, he missed a few calls but he would have taken responsibility"
Me" I never meant...I didn't want... to hurt you....I was angry"
"I just needed...Someone to blame"
Thabang" You should have told me"
I wiped my tears.
Me" I can't be here, you don't want me here and he doesn't want me here. I can't fight all of you, I don't have the energy"
Thabang" We all go through shit Lona, but we don't shut people out"
My phone rang, I knew my cab was here.
Me" I have to go"
Thabang" Okay"
I took my bag and walked out, the gate opened for me. The driver helped me put my bag in the boot, as I was about to get in. Thabang came up to me.
Thabang" Until next time"
I gave him a hug, I started crying again because I needed that from him.
Me"You're worth the wait"

We hugged.

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