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Chapter 18

I can't believe it's already Thursday, I feel like this week just went by so quickly. Solly and I were seating in our office, when my phone interrupted our gossip session.
Me" Hello"
"It's me, I can't find my phone"
Me" Whose phone you using now?"
Thabang" Some guy aphe car wash"
Me" Hang up and I'll call back"
I don't know if we were back to normal, but him calling me is a sign right?
Me"Hey, delete my number when you are done"
He laughed
Thabang" You sound like Nathan, he almost didn't even give me your number"
Me" Kudala wana drama keyena"
Thabang" Love does that"
"Kuthwa you're going to a wedding this weekend"
Me" Yea, it's actually tomorrow night"
Thabang" So can you come through this weekend?, it's a public holiday Monday"
Me"What's happening?"
Thabang" My sister and her husband are taking Kganya away from us. For the whole weekend,apparently Bahle and I need a break"
"So Viwe suggested we all have a braai and just go crazy"
I didn't say anything, honestly because I wasn't even sure I could afford the back and forth.
"I'd like to have you here"
Me" Can I invite Solly?, since I am dropping her last minute"
Thabang" Send me her details, I'll book everything"
"I am not insulting you by paying, this is good gesture. I invited you and I'm paying"
Thabang" Uyeza?"
Me" Yes, I'll send you her details"
Thabang" I'll fetch y'all at the airport, just come already dressed because kuzo nyeka all weekend"
I laughed at how silly he sounded, he promised to delete my number then he hung up.
Me" soooo"
Solly" Why are you planning on sending my details?"
I laughed
Me" That was Thabang, apparently it's Freedom day on Monday and he is asking if we would like to spend the long weekend in Cape Town"
Solly" Karla's wedding ngomso mfazi"
Me" So no?"
Solly" I bought a dress for the wedding, we RSVP'd"
"Wedding starts at 5, we can ditch at 8pm. If he can fight something for then I'm game"
Me"Search available flights and let's see"
"We could always fly out on Saturday"
Solly" I need to go shopping"
Me" No, you really don't"
Solly" Andina ndoda mna, I need to look good!"
Me" Viwe?"
Solly" Nope, he didn't even take my number. That was just sex"
" At least he didn't pretend, I respect that"
Me" True"

As God would have it, we landed in Cape Town at 22:40. Viwe was waiting for us.
Solly" I hate this Thabang guy"
Viwe was wearing a tight fitted navy shirt, blue ripped jeans and chelsea boots.
"Umhle lo mfana"
I laughed because she was whispering this, when we got closer to him, she suddenly kept quiet.
Me" I hate how cold Cape Town is"
He gave me a hug
Viwe" Want my coat?"
Me" I'll be fine, we need to change these dresses"
Viwe" Awuse thule wena"
I get why Solly fell for him, Viwe is that guy. Imagine Jay Ellis (Lawrence from Insecure) but lighter.
Solly" It's been a long day"
Viwe" Should we ditch and go to bed?"
She laughed
Me" Sanudika, where are you parked?"
We walked to his Range Rover sport, I opened the back seat.
Solly" You are boring"
In the car Frank Ocean's Godspeed was playing, they were speaking about work and I was busy texting Yanga. I hardly saw him this week and I needed him to take my car to the car wash.
Viwe" Lonz, do you guys want anything?"
Me" I'll have whatever everyone is having"
Viwe" Food?"
Solly" We ate at the wedding"
Viwe"Alright then"
We arrived at Thabang's place and hay sana, Viwe got off first and Solly turned around to look at me.
I roared with laughter
Me" Nah, they have actual jobs but they all come from money"
"They are cool wethu, trust me"
Solly" Okay"
We bought got out of the car, Viwe had taken our bags inside. Bahle came out looking so beautiful, she looked so relaxed.
Bahle" Hey, I'm Bahle"
She hugged Solly
Solly" I'm Solule, but please call me Solly"
Bahle laughed
Bahle" Hahaha I understand, sana! Anibahle otherwise, I'm glad y'all came"
Me" Me too, I just need to have fun"
"Can we go inside? Ndiya godola"

Solly and I changed then went to join the others, it was the usual suspects.
Thabang" Hey, I'm Thabang"
"I feel like I already know you, Viwe and Andrew couldn't shut up about how fun PE was with you"
She laughed
Solly" They kept me up all night"
Thabang" Both of them?, I thought ngu Viwe qha. Umsebenzi wakho uyancomeka"
We all roared with laughter
Viwe" Ithini le kaka?"
Thabang" Hay tsek, you are not part of this conversation"
Solly" Please take him away"
Thabang" Oh wow, I thought we were getting to know each other"
"Where is Nate?"
Bahle" Uyothenga ukutya"
"Drew and I are pouring shots for everyone"
We all started drinking and playing drinking games. I looked at the time, it was a little after 2 a.m.
Me" I'm just going to call Nathan, kudala ngoko"
His voice went straight to voicemail
Me" I am worried"
Bahle" I'm sure he is fine, he is probably sleeping because he just got back naye"
Something didn't feel right, I went to check Anelisa's instagram's stories. They were also out, but there was nothing that would make me suspect he was with her. Yet I still went through her WhatsApp status, like I suspected she had one video of Kamva on his lap, they were all making weird faces. I replied to the video.
Me" Niphi"
Then after a few minutes she opened it, then it said "typing" for a good 5 minutes then her last seen changed to 02:14. I went to join the others, I didn't show my disappointment.
Viwe" We have to call it a night"
Thabang" We?"
We all laughed
Me" Stop hahaha"
Viwe" What's the plan for tomorrow?"
Thabang" Weather doesn't permit Shimmy, we could always drive to Kysna and just go crazy that side"
Me" We always do that"
Andrew" Weather will be better tomorrow, let's all meet at my place round noon then Cubana"
Bahle" Sounds like a plan"
Solly left with Viwe, Andrew with his new flavor of the week.
Me" I'll clean up. Y'all can go to bed"
Thabang" Nope, the last time you cleaned up, everything went wrong. So I'll help up"
He kissed Bahle's forehead.
"Go to bed, ndiyeza"
Bahle"I won't even argue, too tired"
She left us, we cleaned up in silence. I swept and he mopped. We did the dishes .
Thabang" What's wrong?"
Me" He seeing Kamva"
"Him and I didn't use a condom, he will say umyekele but I saw Anelisa's WhatsApp."
Thabang" I don't wanna lie, I don't know what's the deal with them. He knows how I feel about that group, so he hardly says anything about them to us"
"I do know this much, Nathan loves you but Kamva has been a constant in his life and that won't just go away. I won't say hlala because he loves you, but I won't say hamba because you think he is cheating. We both don't have the facts. Thetha ne ndoda yakho"
Me" He asked me to marry him"
Thabang" Wathini?"
Me" It during sex, I said yes"
We both laughed, we heard footsteps and we both turned around.
Nathan" I guess I miss the party"
Thabang" We got tired of waiting for the food you went to buy"
"Again, thanks for coming through Lonz, I'll see you in the morning"
I packed the last glasses, then went straight to my room. He was following after me, he got in and closed the door.

Nathan" What happened to the wedding?"
Me" What do you mean?"
Nathan" When I asked you to attend a gala with me, you said you'll be at a wedding all weekend"
"Imagine when I find out that you will be here for the long weekend"
Me" I went to the wedding, I have the pictures to prove it"
Nathan" You are missing the point"
Me" What is your point then?"
Nathan" Don't act dumb"
Me" Solly didn't mind ditching the other two days if we attended at least one ceremony"
Nathan" You couldn't call me?"
Me" This was meant to be a surprise Nathan!"
"Imagine my disappointment when I saw Kamva on your lap, after you confessed your love to me"
Nathan" That was innocent fun"
Me" Okay"
Nathan" You need to trust me"
Me" It's earned"
Nathan" I didn't fuck her"
Me" And you won't be fucking me"
Nathan" Okay"
Me" I can't do this, if I will constantly have to worry about her"
"I don't believe you right now, and I don't want that, I don't want you if it means sharing you"
Nathan" Let's go"
Me" Where to"
Nathan" Our place"
He took my things.
Me" We will have to wake them up"
Nathan" I have my own keys"
We got in his car
Me" Can I play music?"
Nathan" Yea"
I played Alicia Keys Try sleeping with a broken.

Yhuu amadoda!!

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