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Chapter 10

I love sex, I love sex just as much as the next person. Sex for me means a lot, I can like you but if we not compatible then I just exit. That's what happened with Nathan and I, the sex was just sooooooooooo weird!. Not being he is White, the size is just right, not too big but also not small. He has just enough dick, I think that makes sense but he just wasn't using it right. Gosh! It was just an awkward mess, and I didn't do any justice to the situation. He kept on going in the wrong hole and I kept on complaining, he then struggled to get hard, I had to give him a hand job and it work then we finally did it. He started moving, it just went south again, he was hitting all the wrong places and when he got it right, when I start getting in the groove he would switch up. Then he flipped me over, this is when it all got even worse. I have an ass, like an other Black girl and I blame my ass because it's the only thing that would make sense on explaining what went wrong. He just couldn't find the hole!!! AGAIN! Honestly at this point I almost offered anal because it seems like the only hole that he couldn't miss. The condom dried up, so we decided to go WWE RAW because him looking for a lube would just kill this even more. I asked if he is okay and he said "Yes". Sana! We ended up doing flat doggy, no one could get that wrong, but Nathaniel Montgomery-Rhodes did. He came 5 seconds in to flat doggy. I started crying, because when we got up, I was bleeding because of the friction, yes, I was dry as the Kalahari desert. Nothing needed to be said, we both knew it was over between us.

We were matured about it, he went to take a shower and I went to the laundry room to wash the sheets because of my blood. After that I took a black bag and put them in there because I knew he wluld throw them away, I made the bed then sent Thabang a text, I needed him to organize an impromptu party or a night out. I didn't get into details, just as Nathan came in Thabang called.
Me" Twice in one day"
Thabang" Put me on speaker"
I did
"Lover boy, bring Lonz over and let's have a braai. Andrew is game, Viwe will be joining and their girlfriends will be here."
Nathan" What time?"
Thabang" 30 minutes from now?"
Nathan" Okay"
"We on our way"
We looked at each other.
Me" I'll shower then get dressed"
I didn't wait for his answer, after finishing I wore an olive green swing dress and gladiator sandals then tied my braids up. We took two bottles of whiskey and 30 seconds.
Nathan" I have to take the Lambo"
I didn't object, I knew this was about his ego and I wasn't about to say shit. I hate this car, I hate flashy things, Nathan and Thabang love these sort of cars but I just can't stand the attention they draw. Went to Tops first, he bought champagne and ice then we went to Spar for meat. By the time we arrived at Thabang's place I was just annoyed by him.
Nathan" I need to go fetch someone"
Nathan" Lisa"
We took everything inside then he left, 15 minutes later it was crowded. When Thabang throws a party, he throws a party. It was insanely loud, I was having fun though. Nathan arrived with Anelisa and her friend, I didn't know her but I didn't care, I was just curious why they would risk their lives in a car that was meant for two people but okay.
Thabang" Want to talk about it?"
Me" No, we have tomorrow"
Thabang" Nathan likes you, what he is doing right now, that isn't him so something must have happened"
Me" Yiyeke Thabang"
Thabang" So you'll stand here and watch lamntana flirt with him?"
Me" Yes"
Thabang" Lona"
Me" Yiyeke"
Thabang" At least get drunk like the rest of us"
Me" Now that I can do"
I grabbed a bottle of Patron and poured myself a drink, I started dancing with Andrew and his girlfriend then with Viwe, he is also Thabang's friend. I was having fun, I could feel myself just letting go and letting the alcohol take over.

The food was ready and Thabang still ordered pizza, we all ate, more people started arriving.
Anelisa was my roommate during my first year, we got along but she isn't really my friend but just bonded because we lived together.
Anelisa" You've been scarce"
Me" Work, I'm still trying to adjust to that"
"How have you been?"
Anelisa" Great, busy with my articles"
Me"Look at us"
She laughed
Anelisa"We should grab lunch, I miss our friendship"
Me" You'll call me and set it up"
"Where is your friend?"
Anelisa" Kamva, she left with Nathan, they do this qho"
Me" Do what?"
Anelisa" They fuck, she travels with Nate and he takes care of financially, she wants more and him fetching her tonight is a sign that it might happen because she always ubers xa ebiziwe"
Me" I need to throw up, ndiyeza"
I went to my room and locked myself in there, Thabang was right about something. Nathan would make me go back to PE, I sat on my bed drinking water and job hunting.

The following day I woke up, I went to take a shower then got dressed. I cleaned the whole place, everything while listening to Sebastian Kole's Remember home. I don't know what triggered me but I started crying, maybe because Nathan was suppose to be the end game. Or maybe I was too hard on him, I've just never not bonded with someone during sex. It always came natural but with him, it was that horrible. Then finding out he also had a booty call on standby killed me, Thabang knowing and not telling me, that made the betrayal cut even deeper because I would expect him to tell me shit. Him and I tell each other everything, he should have warned me, I would have looked out for him. Maybe Nathan just wanted to be closer to be and see if I hate him for what happened that Christmas. Or I was just someone he wanted to try and then get me out of his system. Whatever it was, I needed to get away and find myself. I needed this break.
"Lelona Mde"
I looked up from the floor and Thabang was staring at me.
Thabang" What are you doing?"
Me" Cleaning, the party was my idea"
"It's the least that I can do"
Thabang" Lonz"
I just started crying, he gave me a hug.
Me" You didn't tell me about Kamva"
Thabang" Same way you didn't tell me about Bahle being pregnant"
"What you share with Bahle with Bahle is between the two of you, same thing with Nathan. I would never tell him the things you tell me,they are between us. I owe him the same courtesy"
Me" He cheated me!"
Thabang" I know Nathan and he would never do that"
Me"Anelisa said..."
Thabang" You can never rely on hear say when it comes to your relationship. You ask indoda yakho and he tells you, fuck third party, I told you this kusekho uLwazi"
"Anelisa is not your friend, ucinga akazi that you are with Nathan?"
Me" How would she know?"
Thabang" Again, Nate is my friend just like you're mine, andizingeni. He loves you, wena ke you'll be you and listen to everyone but the person you are dating"
Me" Well after the sex we had, I believe Anelisa, we had the worst sex ever"
Thabang" I know, he knows how you felt but it takes two to tango. Same shit I told him, you and Nathan just need to breathe and stop letting expectations ruin what we all know would be the best relationship since Kanye and Kim"
I gave him a hug, he didn't pull away, I didn't want him to pull away.
Thabang" Don't go"
"Please... I need you"
I didn't say anything, I just cried on his chest for what felt like a life time. When I finally felt ready to speak, I pulled away and wiped my tears.
Me" I need me too"
"I just...have to do this for myself"
Thabang"I respect that"
"Can I at least take you to the airport?"
I nodded.

We packed everything within 3 hours, I didn't know I had all these clothes until today. I'm quite sure Thabang bought most of these, the name brands were all his work but I didn't even comment. We drove to the airport with Jessie Ware's  Say You love me.
Thabang" I called Nathan, he will meet us there"
Me" Okay"
We checked in and killed some time, he wasn't even listening to me. He kept on looking around for Nathan.
Me"I have to go Thaps"
He gave me a big hug.
Thabang"I thought he would come"
Me" I also did, I guess we were wrong"
I gave him another hug.
Me"Until next time"
He smiled at me
Thabang" You're worth the wait"

Goodbye Cpt and Hello PE

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