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Chapter 8

I was 16 when my grandfather passed and my mother was just an emotional wreck. I remember I asked her how Pappa was during his last minutes on earth and she replied "he was in pain". I didn't get what she meant, usually in movies people who are dying have this strength and they give all this sage advice to their families before they pass on. My mother on the other hand said "when he was dying he was focused on that, his death not what everyone will feel after he is gone. Final words are a myth, we hear what we want to hear at that very moment. Most people hallucinate, they are scared and honestly all they want from you is comfort. When my father died there were no finally words, he just held my hand tight and he cried while he gasped for air". We all experience death differently, we can agree it leaves you hallow in so many ways. At this moment, I wondered if I would be able to survive this one because if I am being honest I have reached my quota.

"Just shut up!"
I thought I was being crazy, I mean that is a possibility, I've always thought I would end in one of those psychiatric hospitals.
"Can you please speak to this idiot"
Bahle"Why are you crying?"
"Are you okay?"
I looked at the blood on the floor then back at her.
Bahle"That belongs to your flatmate"
Me" So you are okay?"
Bahle" Nope"
I think she could tell I was still confused
"I didn't jump, you went to look for the mop, Thabang and Andrew came in. Thabang is bleeding, someone beat him up and Andrew drove him here, they went straight to the balcony because he, Thabang wanted to smoke and I went to join because I needed some air"
She came close to me
Bahle" I'd never do that to you, I came here to breathe. I would never commit suicide ndikushiye wedwa. I didn't mean to scare you"
Me"You promise"
Bahle" I promise you Lona, asoze ndikwenze lonto"
"But that idiot out there is most likely to go before I do"
We both laughed then she helped me up. We both walked to the balcony.
Thabang"Amagintsa are very insecure"
Me" What did you do?"
Thabang"It doesn't matter, can you play some music while Andrew cleans me up"
Andrew"Nope, you and Nathan need to stop dragging me into your nonsense"
Me" Where is Nathan?"
Andrew"Sleeping upstairs, I have to go. Don't call me, I am tired of getting involved in your shit",
He looked at Bahle
"You are the only adult here, lock them all here and I'll see you tomorrow morning"
Me" I'm insulted"
Andrew" Don't make me drag you"
I laughed, I was calm again. Bahle cleaned Thabang up and I dished up for us, went to Nathan up then we all ate.
Me"I'm off to bed"
Bahle"Goodnight babe"
Thabang" Are the blankets in that room?"

The next day I woke up and made everyone breakfast. Andrew arrived with his girlfriend, we all sat and watched tv.
Me" Can we go to the beach?"
Thabang" Fuck no, it will be too packed. My parents won't mind us invading their privacy"
Andrew" Your parents don't want alcohol in their house"
Thabang"You have a better idea?"
Andrew" Yes, my place genius!"
"It will only be the six of us! Don't you dare invite people"
We all laughed because we knew that was aimed at Thabang.
Thabang" Voestek"
"Bahle can I drive your car, I need to drive that beast"
This meant I would go with Nathan, Bahle and I went to change, I gave her a one piece swimsuit and a kimono.
Bahle" I have a denim skirt, I'll wear that"
Me" Sounds cool, let me change"
I wore a yellow two piece swimsuit and flip flops.
Bahle" This is a thong"
"Who are you?!!!! I love this side of you"
I wore short and grabbed my shades, I packed clothes for later just in case these idiots decide to go out. We all finally left, Nathan and I were filling our silence with Elaine's Risky.

The day was so amazing, exactly what we all needed to unwind. As I predicted we went out, everyone was having the time of their lives.
Nathan" Are you good?"
I nodded
"I think I'll ditch, I am exhausted"
Me"Can I tag along?"
"I'm hungry"
Nathan" Okay"
"I'll text Andrew"
Again in the car we didn't say much to each other, we stopped for McDonald's. It wasn't said but we both knew what was about to happen, I was tipsy and so was he. He kept on stealing glances then looking at the road, he wasn't touching me and I didn't mind. He didn't ask if I wanted to go to my place, it was clear we were heading to his place. We arrived and we both got out of the car, we opened for me then he got in and closed the door.

Nathan" You sure?"
I nodded
"I need to hear you say it"
Me" Yes I am sure"
He kissed me, it felt right, like our lips belonged together. He paused for a minute then smiled.
Me" What?"
We both giggled
Nathan"I've imagined doing this for years and my imagination failed me"
He kissed me
"You taste like vanilla"
He sucked my bottom lip
Nathan"I don't have protection, we can hangout or go to the garage"
Me"Let's hangout"
I won't lie, I was chickening out. I have never went White before, what if I don't like White? What if White people like weird shit?, I mean I have watched Fifty shades of grey!!! There is absolutely no way I am getting cuffed.
Me" I would cry if you hand cuff me and then spank me"
He roared with laughter
Me" I just don't want you to tie me up"
"I am not the type"
He laughed
Nathan" I am not even sure what you are talking about but okay, I won't do any of those things"
Me" I've never had sex with a White guy"
"I don't know what you expect"
He pulled me closer to him
Nathan" I have no expectations, I just want you"
"You can dangle a carrot in front of me and I will chase, I am interested in you. You can snatch the carrot and I would still wait until you dangle it again. I like you Lele, our relationship won't be easy but I promise you this much; your race has absolutely nothing to do with the way I feel about you, their opinions will only matter if we let it. I like you, I don't know much about the future but right now, I just want to hold you and get to know you. We will deal with the outside world when we both ready, right now I just want you to talk to me until we both fall asleep"
I am sucker for men who know what they want and make their intentions clear.
Nathan" Let's go to bed then"

The beginning

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