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Chapter 5

Traditions are made, they are also meant to be changed. Time changes, so traditions are no exception. I have always loved the idea of Christmas with a big family, a Christmas tree with gifts and children running around. Mine was always simples, just my mother and I we went out for lunch because she was never big on cooking then we would go home and watch whatever was playing. I loved it, but I always wanted more but after she died I understood why it was always just the two of us. Even so, those were her traditions, I want my own and my family will be big, I will have a husband that will want to decorate the tree with me, children who will run with excitement to open their presents. Christmas will have meaning but now, I will have to settle for celebrating it alone.

My phone rang just as I was about to go take a shower.
Thabang" Don't be stupid"
I don't get why he hates being called that, I find it really cute.
Me"Hahhaha, don't be rude"
Thabang"Mamela, are you okay apho?"
Me"Yes, just like I was okay izolo when you called"
Thabang"Now who is being rude?"
Me"You need to stop worrying"
Thabang"Asoze. Will come out there on the 31st then we all have a braai and start the new year together"
Me" Babe, listen to me and listen carefully, you are not starting the year with me. You will stay in Cape Town, you will have fun with Musa and I'll see you on the second of January"
Thabang" 31st is on a Sunday, great speech by the way but we will have self care Sunday then drink all that wine and you'll probably pass out before the countdown but I'll wake you up because I am an amazing person"
I laughed
"Khona andithethi ntwenye, I bumped into Anelisa and did she not try to kiss me?"
I was shocked
Thabang"Lonz! Listen! Sis came at me for a lamza, I was shocked. She acted drunk when I refused to kiss her. Haybo!... yhuuu I miss you... ngaske.. yhuu"
I laughed at him, Thabang is pure. Everything about him, he is your typical good guy but with a balance of arrogance.
Me"Wathini wena haaha?"
Thabang" I ran, wena ubuzothini?"
"I knew she wanted me but hay not lanto, yhuu I need you in my life, xa ungekho these girls try to take advantage of me"
Me" I think you're lying hahaaba"
Thabang" Jonga! Ask Nate, he was there. The whole thing was awkward"
Me"Where will I see Nate"
Thabang" ulapho mfondini lamntu"
I was confused
Thabang"Uphi dan wena?"
"Aren't you in Stellies? Ekse! Lonz, kuqhubeka ntoni ngawe"
I laughed at him because he was already imagining the worst as always.
Me"Why would Nate be here"
Thabang" Because it's his house"
He said that like I was suppose to know
Me"Kulo Andrew?"
Thabang"I have been saying awundi mameli xa ndithetha wena"
It's true, he says a lot at once and sometimes I zone out.
Me"Khayeke idrama"
Thabang" Andrew ngu Brother ka Nate, the house you are in right now belongs to Nate it was a gift for 21st birthday yakhe"
Me"All you bought me for my 21st birthday was an Era by DJ Zinhle watch"
He roared with laughter
Thabang"Those things are expensive, and you love Zinhle it made sense"
"Plus you don't want me to spend money on you, so and how in the world would I found a Vineyard in Stellies?"
Me"I don't know but I feel like I am friends with the wrong rich guy"
We both laughed
Thabang"Yhuu! Hay nosuka undithuke ngo Mama at this point"
"Hay I miss you mtshanam"
Me" I miss you too, I needed this call, I needed to laugh"
Thabang"Baby girl, I have to run, Mama uphekile and Musa is in there kissing ass. I need to get back before she strips for my parents"
I laughed
Me"Usis'bhanxa kanjani. Merry Christmas Thaps"
Thabang"Hahaha Merry Christmas to you"
"Until next time"
Me"You are worth the wait"
That's our way of saying I love you without actually saying it.

I actually realized I after our call that I've been with someone in this house and not once did I notice. I knew about the two workers but they had their own entrance plus I hardly saw them. So I walked around, shouting "Nate" but nothing. The rooms were all empty, I knew Thabang was pulling my leg. I went to take a shower then dressed up for my Christmas lunch, I decided to play some music. I needed to dance, I was shaking my bum and dancing around the kitchen. I honestly had a lot to celebrate, I passed my second year and I have two amazing friends, I am broke and unemployed but I am in a mansion with enough food and wine. Sometimes the negative doesn't matter.
I looked up and his blue eyes were staring at me, his had a huge grin on his face. I walked to my phone to pause the song.
Nathan" Didn't mean to scare you, I need some towels and a few bottles of whiskey"
I was trying to figure out where the fuck he came from. I searched all seven room and he wasn't there, and how long has he been here. This is weird right?"
Nathan" Enjoy the rest of your day"
Me" Wait"
He stopped then looked at me, he had a smile on his face. I was curious, I wondered if he is always smiling because no one can be that happy.
Nathan" What's up"
Me" When did you get here?"
He looked confused
"The house, I looked for you after Thabang said you were here"
He laughed
Nate" I'm in the main house"
"I didn't want to disturb you, I think Sarah forgot that I would be there instead of here"
He said main house! I thought I was in the main house and I think he could tell I was still confused.
Nathan" Whenever my grandparents visit they want this side of the farm, away from everyone and closer to the beach. The main house is further down, I thought Andrew told you about me being here"
Me" Andrew just dropped me off and told me to have fun"
He laughed
Nathan"Sounds about right"
Me"Did you know about me being here?"
He nodded
Nathan" I don't mind, this house is always empty. My house keeper is always alone, I am sure she would be shocked to find you here"
I smiled, not sure why but I did. I had a million questions, but I knew it wasn't any of my business.
Me"I cooked"
Nathan" You were bound to cook, Andrew made sure Sarah prepared the place for you"
Me"Thank you for that but I meant, would you like to hang out, I cooked and we both alone on Christmas"
Nathan" I don't do Christmas"
I think he noticed the disappointment in my face.
"I could eat though"
Me"Are you sure?"
Nathan"Yes, I'll dish up"
True to his word; he dished up for us then he gave me my plate.
Me"Thank you"
"Let's pray"
He was hesitant but he still bowed his head then I said a prayer. We ate in silence, it was comfortable like everything about this moment made me happy. This would be our tradition, maybe one day it will be louder with children running around but right now he was just the guy who let me stay in his house out of pity.
Nathan"Thank you for the meal"
"I'll see you around Lele"
Me"Sleep here tonight?"
"The silence sometimes freaks me out"
He stared at me, I wanted to be able to read his mind. I wanted to know what he was thinking.
Nathan" I can't"
"This... I..just can't"
He took his things and left, I washed the dishes and all the pots. I could call Thabang but he would want to come here, I don't want that and Bahle would stress and I didn't want that either.
"It's this house, not you"
I jumped, I didn't hear him come in, so me screaming was justified.
Nathan"Fuck, I didn't mean to scare you"
Me" It's okay"
He came closer
Nathan"I just don't want you thinking I have something against you"
I didn't say anything
"We can hangout tomorrow, I can take you on a Vineyard tour"
I nodded
Me"See you tomorrow"
Nathan"See you tomorrow"


I have heard the stories a thousand times, I have heard about how you lose a little piece of yourself at that moment. That everything you thought you knew about mankind turns out to be lie, that you wish you had just stayed in your mother's womb. That's all they are though just stories, they are a narrated by someone else. It's their own experience not yours. When it happens to you, it becomes different, all your senses work 100000x more than usual. You feel everything more than usual do, you let your imagination take over, you go to your happy place. Then something your mind takes you back to what is actually happening.

He drags me by my leg, I feel myself going in and out of my happy place. He kicks my ribs and I scream, they continue smacking me. I close my eyes just for a few seconds until I hear more shouting. Nathan, Sarah and Zuko (the ground keeper).
"Vat die Kaffir eeste"
I have never seen anyone die in front of me before. They shoot him six times, they took Nathan and left Sarah and I with the other three men.
One guy kicked me again and I heard Sarah screaming then she just gave up, they took turns raping her. I drifted off....
"We are losing her!!!"
"Do something!!!.... Wake her up!!!!"
"Tata I never ask you for anything! Allow me to access my trust fund"
"I need to move Lelona to another hospital"
"So it's self care Sunday, I have these Jo Malone candles here and white sage"
"They didn't allow me to bring in wine, they suck but Lonz these candles smell amazing. You'd love them"
"Lonz they are saying your brain is active, you are awake but all you have to do is open your eyes"

To be continued....

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