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Chapter 17

I am way too impulsive lately and it annoys me. Thank God for Yanga though because he fetched me from the airport then we went to fetch my keys from Solly. She didn't ask why I was back so soon, did I mention how I love her? She never asks too many questions. I got home and went straight to my shower, I needed to clean myself. I sent Bahle a text
"Hey babe, this is my new number. I just got home, I don't expect you to start confiding in me any time soon but just know; I am here you for you"
I wore my pyjamas, went through some work crap. Then there was a knock on my door, I started at the kitchen to take a knife. Then went to the door.
Me" Who is it?"
"It's Nathaniel"
I put the knife down then opened the door.
Me" What are you doing here?"
Nathan" Why is it so easy for you to run away from me?"
"You couldn't say goodbye?"
Me" You are here"
"In PE, how?"
Nathan" I have a private jet"
He said it like he was confused that I didn't know he would have one.
"May I come in?"
Me" I'm not sure"
"I don't have the strength to fight you"
Nathan" Just let me in"
I moved away from the door and he got inside.
Nathan" Please move back to Cape Town, I hate this place"
"It's not even safe"
Me" And Cape Town is?"
Nathan" I gave your security guard 200rand to let me in, I didn't even sign the visitors book"
Me" You committed a crime"
Nathan" True, but the security guard is at fault here"
I was so confused, like he wasn't getting straight to the point.
Me"Why are you here?"
Nathan" I don't know, I just wanted to see you"
Me" Are you sleeping over?"
"I have work in the morning"
He took off his clothes and I tossed him my work t-shit, only thing that would actually fit him in my closet. I knew he would cuddle me, and when he did, I felt safe and right at home in his arms.
Nathan" Are you seeing someone?"
His hand moved down my thighs
Nathan" I missed you"
He kissed my back
"Why don't you want me?"
He moved my undies to the side, his finger caressing my vagina.
Me" You hate me"
Nathan"Do you actually believe that?"
Me"I can't concentrate while you doing that"
He stopped, I turned around to look at him.
Nathan" I don't hate you"
Me" Are you sure?"
Nathan" Am here aren't I?"
Me" To fuck me"
Nathan" Don't be insane"
"You believe we can't be together because the sex sucks"
Me" I never said that"
Nathan" You had an abortion, you didn't say anything to me and I am here still trying to get you to fall in love with me"
"I am trying"
Me" Why"
Nathan" Because I love you!"

We were hungry for each other, it was obviously in how he touched me. The hunger in every kiss, the touch, the way he sucked my nipples or how his fingers played with my clit like it was a guitar or plectrum. I was consumed by pleasure, he slammed himself inside of me and I knew I never wanted to ever let anyone to ever see me this vulnerable again. Nathan was it for me, each stroke I knew I wanted to to have his babies, I wanted to feel his warmth even when we old and gray. When he turned me around for a flat doggy I knew it was over me.
Nathan" I love you"
He whispered in my ear
Me" I love you too"
Nathan" Marry me"
Before I could even answer he moved in slowly circles, pulling my braids.
When we finished I closed my eyes, we didn't even say anything. He didn't get up and I didn't want him to get up, I wanted him to hold me.
Nathan" Shower with me"
Me" Not sure my legs work"
Nathan" Fine"
He returned with a warm towel and wiped me, then gave me fresh undies to wear.
Me" Come back to bed"
Nathan" We need water"
Me" I need you to cuddle me"
He giggled
Nathan" Okay, you win"

My alarm went off and I was so glad to see him next to me, a part of me really thought I was dreaming the whole time. I didn't wake him up, I went to take a shower then looked for something to wear. I decided in jeans and a blue blouse, packed my things then wore my work shoes because I had to go see the new site. I quickly called Solly while I was waiting for the coffee machine.
Me" Uzophangela?"
Solly" Yea, I have a meeting at 10 then I'll be out for the rest of the day"
Me" Can we meet for lunch?"
Solly" Yea. I can pull that off, usual place?"
Me" Yes, I'll just call in and order for us to avoid the wait"
Solly" Sounds like a plan, see you later"
Me" Later"
I poured Nathan and I coffee, then went to wake him up.
Me" Nate"
He rolled over then pulled the blankets, I get why he was tired, he woke me up twice yesterday.
Me" I'll be back late, will you still be here?"
He started moaning and laughed.
Nathan" Nope, I have some business in Tanzania. So I need to prep for that, this was a necessary detour but my father needs me this week"
I wondered will he be taking Kamva with him.
"We have a gold mine there, I will be swamped with work but I promise to call"
He leaned in for a kiss
Me" When are you coming back?"
Nathan" To PE?"
I nodded
Nathan" Not any time soon. Come to Cape Town on Friday, we can go to this gala dinner together then do whatever you want afterwards"
Me" I can't, I am going to a wedding this weekend"
"I really have to go, I'll call you later"
Nathan" Will you really call?"
"I meant everything I said yesterday, I won't force you to do things that make you uncomfortable but I need you to communicate with me"
I kissed him this time.
Me" I'm ovulating and I won't take a morning after pill"
He stared at me.
Nathan" Okay"
Me" Okay"
"Babe I have to go"
Nathan" What should I do with your key?"
Me"Keep it, I have a spare"


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