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Chapter 13

I missed a few calls and so did he, that's life, it happens. Work happens and a few things suddenly don't matter. That's all I do, work and sleep. At least that's how it was for the four weeks after Thabang visited, I would wake up with missed calls and when I call him back, it would go to straight to voicemail. So he stopped calling and so did I, the emails from Bahle also stopped because I wasn't responding and I honestly had intentions of responding but then something else would come up. When a routine is broken you know, I realized a while after Thabang left that I forgot his birthday this year, then he didn't say anything on mine. Our friendship suddenly died, and I didn't mind for a good minute because I was finally putting myself first, I was doing everything alone and I will admit it felt lonely but I was okay with it.
Yanga" Awunqabe"
Me" I did say I'll come over tonight"
I finally went to his gatherings and that's where I met Sivu. My now boyfriend.
Yanga" I don't believe you"
Me" What should I bring?"
Yanga" Nothing"
Me"Okay, I will see you later"
I had to go buy some groceries, and obviously take myself out on a date. I returned home around 16:30, I watched some tv then did some work. At 19:00 I went to take a shower, I did my face, yeah I put on make up now, I decided on an oversized T-shirt and a black belt, knee high boots and a biker jacket. My phone rang while I was looking for a purse.
Me" Hey"
I looked at the caller id, it was Solly, this girl from work. I promised I would join them tonight. In my defense I thought it was a pitty invitation.
Solly" Where are you?"
Me" Still at my place"
Solly" Should I fetch you?"
Me" I promised my neighbor I would pop by his place, so if you don't mind hanging out with them for a while then yes"
Solly" That's cool, send me your address"
Me" Okay, but I'm literally across the caltex garage in Forest Hill. Before you get to the old age home"
Solly"Send me the location, I might get lost"
Me"Okay, see you when you get here"
Solly" Sho ke girl"
Hung up then texted her my address, I went back to what I was doing. I took the Kate Spade sling bag, Thabang bought this for me. He laughed because I thought she was an actress, I stopped myself from entering the memory train, putting everything in my bag. Took a bottle of three bottles of Dom, Thabang sent me 3 boxes of champagne and I hardly drink it. Let's be honest, brut isn't nice people just that because of peer pressure. Locked my place, then made sure the alarm is on, I went over to Yanga's place.
Me"Hey, is Yanga around?"
His girlfriend pointed to the kitchen and carried on chatting to her friends, my phone rang and it was Solly.
Me"Hey, uphi?"
Solly"Open for me"
I went back to Yanga's girlfriend, she laughed then opened the gate.
Her"Will you ever learn the code?"
Me"One day"
Solly" What now?"
Me"Drive straight, don't turn"
"My place is the last house on the right, there are cars outside"
I went outside to get her, she parked her car next to mine.
Solly"Awuse mhle!"
"What? Who are you?"
I laughed then gave her a hug.
Me" Awusadiki, you look beautiful too"
We went inside, I introduced her to those I knew. We went to the back to join the guys.
Me" Can I have two champagne glasses"
Yanga" You know where the kitchen is"
Me"You are such a shitty host"
Yanga" Awugezi xa umhle"
Me" I always look pretty"
Sivu" No, you always look like those hippies and it's weird on a black girl"
Yanga" It suits her, I love that whole shit yakho mna but I love you like this too"
Sivu" Hay imdaka lawey, takkie azinga vaswanga, I just don't get it"
I didn't say anything.
Solly" He means your bohomian style?"
I nodded
Sivu" Nto zabelungu"
You ever listen to your boyfriend and wonder why you opened your legs for him? Or what you even see in him?. That was me at this moment.
Yanga" You are ignorant"
Solly" We have to go, Cubana is probably already packed"
I gave Yanga a hug.
Me" I'll see you tomorrow, enjoy the champagne, we will take the bottle that we already opened"
Yanga" Sho mtshana"
"Nihamba ngantoni?"
Solly" My car"
Yanga" Have fun ke girls, just call if y'all are too drunk to drive and I'll come through"

She immediately played Kabza and Maphorisa's Hello, I knew at that moment I was going to have fun.
Solly" We need to fetch my friend Zoe"
Zoe was in St George's so wasn't really far, she was just as chilled. We went to The Gallery, it was shit packed.
Me" This place looks weird"
They both laughed
Zoe" That's what makes it so fun"
We paid for entrance, we went straight to the bar and Solly bought jager bombs for us. The dj was on fire, we were dancing and laughing, Thabang would enjoy this place. I think this was Nelson Mandela's dream, all races getting drunk together and forgetting the problems of the outside world.
Zoe" Xa ulapha, ingathi unika the bouncer all of your problems and you let happiness take over"
Solly" Kumnandi etywaleni guys"
I could feel myself getting tipsy, we decided to go outside because it was way too hot inside.
Solly" Yamazi lamfana?"
I turned around and there was Andrew standing with Viwe.
Me" Yea, friends from Cape Town"
They walked towards us.
Andrew" Hey you"
He gave me a bear hug, and so did Viwe.
Me" What are you doing in PE"
Viwe" Sharks were playing Kings"
Andrew" Rugby"
I laughed, then hugged them again. I looked around, I think Andrew noticed.
Andrew"He went to Beershack"
"Thaps flew out after the game"
I nodded
Solly" Babe, let's go to Cubana"
Me" It was really nice seeing y'all"
Viwe" You should call Thabang, I'm sure he would be happy to hear from you"
Me" I'm sure he is fine"
Viwe" Don't be too sure"
Andrew"See you around Lona"

This time I drove, we club hopped then ended up at White Tiger.
Solly" Is Jane Doe and gin fine?"
Me" I'll buy"
Solly" No, you paid for my petrol and the entrance fee, ugqibile tshini Thixo"
Zoe" Yea, it's fine"
She bought then gave us our drinks, I was having so much fun. I really was up until I saw Kamva and Anelisa, I just knew they were with Nathan.
Solly" Then wena?"
Me"Cape Town life is invading my PE space"
Zoe" Relax, don't let it get to you"
I took their advice, we were really having fun. They were on a mission to make me love PE night life and it was working, Sister betina dropped and I knew my morals were out the door. It was as if someone else took over my body, it's true when they say "the most fun nights at the unplanned nights", I lost myself in the music my body was just moving and grooving.

His hands on my waist, my body pressed to his, sent chills down my spine. I don't even know how he saw me, it was super packed here. I didn't turn around, I just danced, then I slowly pulled away.
Me"Yea, Nathan, the one I told you about"
Zoe"Ukujonge ingathi uyi last supper"
Me"He is here with someone else"
Zoe"Ufuna uthini?"
Me" I don't know"
Solly" usamile ke, we will go to the bathroom, just hear him out wethu and we will find you outside"
I turned around after they left and looked at him. I took his hand and led him outside.
He grinned and that annoyed me a little bit because he looked really handsome.
"I can't do this with you, not right now"
Nathan" Do what?"
Me" Whatever it is that you want"
Nathan" Where have you been?"
Me" Why?"
Nathan" He needs you, he would probably kill me for saying this"
Me"  Who?"
Nathan" Thabang"
Me"I can't do this with you, not now"
Nathan" Who are you?"
"Because the Lele I know would drop everything for Thaps, like he would do the same for you"
Me" He ghosted!"
Nathan" We both know that's a lie"
"I don't know what happened and it's none of my business, but right now he needs you and maybe this is not the right place for this but you changed your number"
Me"He stopped calling me!"
Nathan" You cancelled that shit you guys do, you cancelled and I know it meant a lot to the both of you. You did that and he lost you, I don't know what happened during his visit, and I honestly don't care but you flipped on Thabang when he needed you"
Me" I didn't flip! I just started living for myself and I find it strange that he never said anything when we tell each other everything"
Nathan" He has been trying to call you Lona, when his motherr died, you were the first person he phone. Andrew called! Fuck we all called you and you never answered your phone. We called at work, they told us you were out or in a meeting, not once did you call back to find out why we resorted to calling you at work"
"His mother died and you were not there for him. I don't know your relationship dynamics but I know he would never do what you did to him"
I was glad we were having this argument away from everyone, I was glad that no one can see me ugly cry right now.
Nathan" I am happy for you, I am glad you found what you were looking for because you deserve all the happiness. I just find it strange that you needed to cut off him to find yourself. Isn't that strange though? That you needed to cut off the one person who has always been there for you, just for you to rediscover who you think you might be?"
"Cool outfit by the way"

He walked away

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