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Chapter 12

Yanga and I were best friends, he was kind towards. He flirted, a lot too but I liked the attention not enough to take him seriously. Dating wasn't part of my plan.
Yanga" I need coffee"
Thabang and I both stared at him, he too looked shocked to see him. He arrived this morning at 05:40 if I'm not wrong, we have been catching up ever since. Yanga always comes to my place to ask for things, like I go to his but the difference between him and I is he got too comfortable and stopped knocking just waltz in. I don't mind that, he always says something when he walks in that way I know nguye.
Thabang" Good Morning"
Me"Yanga, I told you about him"
Yanga didn't acknowledge Thabang tuu, and my bestie didn't mind. Yanga and I made small talk, while Thabang sat there texting on his phone.
Yanga" Did you see the article I sent you?"
Me" Yea, quite an interesting read, the inequality in mining and construction is so huge"
Yanga" I trust you to break those walls"
He said with a smile, I giggled. Thabang rolled his eyes.
Me" I'll be out tonight, host your parties, I won't text you with my complaints"
Yanga" You should join us, I promise you will have fun"
Me" Maybe one day"
He took his coffee then walked pass Thabang.
Yanga" Sho"
Thabang" Right"
After Yanga left he just stared at me.
"I don't like him"
Me" You don't even know him"
Thabang" I know you"
"Should have told him I'm not your boyfriend, now he is acting like a four year for absolutely no reason"
Me" You are annoying"
Thabang" True but yona indoda yakho, has a bruised ego for absolutely no reason. You have a type Lona"
Me" Why are you here"?
He roared with laughter
Thabang" Since when do you read political journals"
Me" Since I met Yanga"
Thabang" Thixo!"
Thabang" PE men are known for being assholes, I just hope you know what you are doing"
Me" I haven't slept with him"
Thabang" I know"
"Can we go out for breakfast, a beautiful view"
Me" Let me take a bath"
Thabang" Lelona! Can we quickly discuss how I am such a great friend?"
" I drove from Cape Town to PE, for self care Sunday!. If that's not love, andiyazi what's love"
Me" You keep setting the bar too high"
I gave him a hug
Thabang" Ndiyi nja but asoze utsho"
Me" Asoze"

Me" You just had to take this car?"
Thabang" It's a BMW i8, don't be rude or else I won't let you get in"
Me" That's not a punishment"
Thabang" Masambe lona, women love butterfly doors, amdikwazi wena."
Me"Yet here you are"
Thabang" Hahaha awumbi"
Breakfast at The Company because he wanted a view, I relaxed after we finished our food. We ordered more coffee and then let the sun bake us.
Me" I don't know why I never came here"
Thabang" Bahle told me about it"
Me" Are you two a thing?"
Thabang" No but yes"
"We are a both happy because we are having our first child. It wasn't said but I know she needs to heal, so I moved to your old room and she took mine. I respect her enough to bring anyone in the house anymore, but I still get laid and when I asked her about us, she just said "I'll take whatever is on the table". That's not what I want, the pregnancy shouldn't be the reason for us to suddenly be crazy about one another. I know Bahle as your annoying friend, she knows me as the guy who always annoys her. We fucked, I got her pregnant, we went through getting her out of a toxic marriage. Now she is my housemate, I don't know what is happening between us probably because there is nothing. I like her as the girl who is having my baby but she is not my girlfriend"
I didn't say anything, I knew he wasn't done.
"Yesterday she complained about calling me and how I didn't pick up, she was angry and she called my parents to take her to the hospital because she had these really bad cramps. Dad lectured the fuck out of me, you know I hate involving my parents in my life. Dude! The old man was life "sort your shit out boy!". Yamazi unjani mos, I wanted to smack him. I was wrong for not answering my phone but hell, she could have called Nate, Andrew or Viwe. She had options, I don't get why we involve our parents in shit. She made me feel like a useless man to my parents, maybe it wasn't her intention but that's how it went. I took care of the damages, bought her a car, yeah it's not an Aston Martin but I made sure she has a car, I bought a fucken house and the necessary is decorated the way she has been saying she wants it. She is always dropping hints, I listen, every appointment I am there Lonz and I miss one call, she runs to my parents to make me seem like some useless fucker. I didn't deserve that, I really didn't deserve that sort of betrayal from her"
I knew he was crying, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. So he covered his eyes with his sunglasses, we both sat there in silence.
I gave him a bottle of water
Thabang" I'll go handle the bill"
Me" I paid already"
"We need a McFlurry"
We walked to McDonald's, I bought us some food and McFlurry's. We finally went back to my place.
Thabang" Can I ask you something?"
Me" Yea"
Thabang" How come you are not bothered by not knowing your Dad?"
Me" Where did that come from?"
Thabang" You've been here baby, you haven't said anything about him"
Me" I respect his decision, my mother told me about him and why he was never around. I made a decision"
"He asked her to abort me, she didn't and he exited the group chat. Simple, he never came knocking on our door, never not once and I respected that he didn't want me and he stayed true to his word. She has never asked him for a cent and he has never asked about me. I used to hate him but the older I became the more I respected him for never coming back and acting like he wants to know me or shit like that. I respect him but from afar "
Thabang" And if he would change his mind?"
Me" That has nothing to do with me, I don't have a father, I don't need one. It would really be weird of him to claim I am his daughter, this is no Khumbule Khaya, we make real life decisions and we live with them"
Thabang" I respect that"
Me" I know you are worried, but you'll make an amazing Dad. You are one of the good ones Thabang, you also need to know, Bahle is new to your inner circle. She doesn't know your boundaries, my love, you need to tell her. You can't keep driving to me every little time you experience a minor inconvenience, she is your partner. Team work requires communication"
Thabang" I said that to you"
Me" Now I am saying that to you"
"She is also in new territory, it comes easy to you because you were born with money, whereas she had to work for it. So she will worry, you ignore her and she will worry because she lost everything and maybe she is just scared of losing you too. Just talk to her, you'd be surprised to find out that maybe you both share the same fears"
Thabang" Thank you"
Me" Check for flights, go home babe. She is probably stressing even now. The baby is almost here"
"From now on, Self care Sunday will be a virtual thing. Me being here doesn't mean our friendship will not survive"
Thabang" A lot is changing"
Me" I know and it's scary but I am always here for you Thabang. We just need to learn to handle certain things alone"
This felt like goodbye, I don't know why but I had the same fears as him.
Thabang" Lelona"
Me" Don't do that, I am one phone call away"
Thabang" Okay"
Me"I love you"
Thabang" I love you too Lonz"
Chapter 12

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