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Chapter 19


A lot can happen in a year, look I really mean a lot. Freedom day weekend was when everything happened for us, I also think a lot of us realized that we mean a lot to each other.
Thabang" Kganya really gets the shock of his life every time Xavier cries"
Didn't I say a lot happened, Nathan and I welcomed Xavier earlier this year. Turns out he planted a seed during his visit, it was a hard decision for me to make but it's one that made sense. I argued that we were both not ready for marriage, so I stayed in PE and he remained in Cape Town, trust me it didn't go down well at first but I stood up for myself and he finally gave up.
Me" Why can't you call him Seko"
Thabang" I hated some oke with that name, I just can't bring myself to saying it"
I wanted to laugh at how stupid that lie was, but I was too sleepy plus my breast were getting invaded by a small spidermonkey.
Me" Can we sleep when he sleeps?"
Thabang" I miss this, Kg is old now, all he does is bully us"
Me" We can always swap, akeva lo"
"Nathan returns today, uzodikwa esafika"
Thabang"He hates PE"
Me" I don't get that, I honestly don't understand how someone can hate a city"
Viwe" I hate Jo'burg"
"The air is polluted, the people are rude as hell and the women are beautiful but I still hate it"
Me" Is Bahle arriving today too?"
Thabang" Not sure, honestly dikwe finish nocenga ngoku"
Me" Are you two together?"
Thabang" I don't know Lonz, remember the long weekend thing last year?. We all went to Cubana mos, prior to that I asked her what's the deal with us. We don't have sex, we live together, we go on dates, she doesn't want to be touched but she wants the benefits of being my girlfriend. So I asked; she said nope and it was okay. So while there, I met this girl, Andrew promised to take Bahle home and I left with the girl. Did she not start crying on Monday after we returned from Nathan's place, no, we went to fetch Kganya from my sister then went home. Wakhala umntu while cooking, when I asked what was wrong yhooo!"
"Akadifuni, but she doesn't want me to fuck anyone. It's been two fucken years, we have been doing this dance. I was honestly happy for her, when she found a job because I know she hated being home oko but she uses that job to somehow punish me. Like now, Kg and I flew out together, akaphangelanga she had absolutely no reason to stay behind but she did. Yeses! Your friend annoys me sometimes!"
Me" Wena, you bring women to your family home?"
Thabang" Phi? Lona are you listening to me, I slept with that girl once and never again. I want Bahle, she wants me too but she continues to think I am with other girls. I go out but I always invite her to come along, initiate sex then angafuni but I never push. I love her and I know it's strange since she used to annoy me but I want us to get married one day. I want us to have another child but that can only happen when she is ready. Not sure when that will be"
Both Kganya and Xavier were sleeping, and we were both still sharing our problems.
Me" You realise we should be sleeping?"
Thabang" You are right but I need to work, my Dad sent over a few documents for me to look at"
He finally went to join the family business, he says he realized when he had Kganya why his parents always interfered with everything in his life. That when you love someone, you want everything for them and you want to always protect them from the world.
Me" My maternity leave is almost over"
"I'm so used to being with him all day"
Thabang" What's the plan?"
Me" He has to go to crechè "
Thabang laughed
Thabang" You really want Nathan to do wena"
Me"Haha Nathan and I are not married"
Thabang" When you see Viwe, please ask him to imitate  Nate when he told us that Xavier took your surname"
Me" He always brings it up, hahaha he will be fine"

The following day I woke up before Nathan as always, he arrived after midnight. I went to take a bath then woke Xavier up to bathe him, he was so sleepy, he kept on yawning. Then would open one eye and his blue eyes would look at me then he would close them again. I fed him, we walked around the house until he belched. He is so cute, but I hate it when he messes on my clothes.
Me" Mommy can't always smell like sour milk"
I went to put him down then jumped in the shower again. I never learn my lesson, I should stop bathing before I feed him. I was looking for something to wear when I noticed Nathan was awake.
Me" Morning"
Nathan" Come back to bed"
Me" I can't, need to buy a gift for Solly and I need a dress"
Nathan" I bought them something already?"
Me" What did you get?"
Nathan"an Xbox"
I laughed, he looked so confused
Me" Are you being serious?"
Nathan" Yes, Viwe doesn't have an Xbox, he only has a PlayStation"
Me" You are not joking?"
Nathan" Why would I joke about this?"
Me" You want us to take an Xbox to their engagement party?"
"An Xbox?"
Nathan" Why are you saying it like that?"
Me" Xavier and I will buy our own gift, you don't have to include us on yours"
"We are going to Baywest, I'll see you later"
Nathan" We still have to talk"
Me" I'm not moving Nathan"
Nathan" And Xavier still keeps your surname right?"
I nodded
"We are not married because of you, and now you are punishing him by giving him your surname"
Me" Traditionally you should have paid damages, you didn't and I told you this. You said you won't buy your son, that's fine, I won't force you to do anything you not comfortable with. So I expected you to understand that he would take my surname because you never apologized to my family for getting me pregnant"
Nathan" Apologize?"
"Why am I expected to apologize with money? And what family when you always act like an orphan? Why do they get money from us, yet they have never contributed anything in your life?. I am all for tradition but your Aunt is taking advantage of you and I refuse to be part of that"
Me" I am Black! And you knew this, we did som..."
Nathan" Wow! You are Black? When did that happen?"
Me" Don't do that, don't make me a fool"
Nathan" Don't treat me like an idiot! Xavier is my son! You've been doing everything alone and suddenly the same family that was never around now wants to be part of your life because you are doing well for yourself"
"They don't want you! They want your money!"
Xavier started screaming, he is so dramatic phof ufuze uyihlo.
Me" Go get your son Bill gates"
Nathan" Fuck off Jhene Aiko"
We both laughed, he went to check on Xavier while I got dressed. I wore denim shorts and a white vest, with my Yeezy wave runners and a biker jacket.
Nathan" We are coming with you"
I laughed
Me" Okay"
Nathan" Can we sneak in some adult stuff today?, Bahle said they don't mind taking Nathan from us"
Me"Why are we scheduling sex?"
Nathan" That's what adults do"
Me" You are well informed"
Nathan" I always research these things"
"I'll take a quick shower then we can go"
The one thing I love about Xavier is he doesn't care for being held. If music is playing, he will sit in his fetal position and stay quiet.
Me" Mommy needs to do something with Daddy"
I laughed at myself, I played him Turning page the instruments. Then I went to join Nathan.
Me" We can use the kitchen counter"
Nathan" Where is he?"
Me" He is listening to music"
"Why are you wasting time?"
Nathan knows my body, he knows where to tiuch to drive me insane. When he inserted himself, I buried myself on his shoulder.
Nathan" Lele"
He released it all and I wasn't even finished.
Me" That was selfish"
He kissed me
Nathan" I'll make it up to you"
"I promise"
We kissed again
Nathan" Do you think he will know what we are doing?"
I laughed because I always wonder the same thing.
Me" Let's not scar him"
Nathan" I want more"
I missed him, and if Solly and Viwe were not having an engagement party tonight, I would keep him in bed all day.
Me" I am in love with you"
He kissed me
Nathan" I love you too baby"
"Did you see the stroller my father bought for him?"
Me"Nope, you probably left it in your car"
Nathan" I'll get dressed, we can use that stroller today"
Me" He has so many strollers, I don't know why everyone buys the same thing"
Nathan" Clean up baby, before I get other ideas"
Me" Tonight"
He nodded
Nathan" We will make a second baby"
Me" Hay hay!! Tshini! Hay asoze!"
He laughed, we both finally got dressed. I cleaned the kitchen counter, went to wipe myself and wear my shorts again. I finally did my make up and we were done, Xavier looks so much like Andrew is so crazy.
Nathan" Let's go woman"
Me" I need my purse"
Nathan" Hurry babe"
He took Xavier from me, I found my purse and we got ready to leave.
Me" You need a child friendly car"
He laughed
Nathan" There is nothing wrong with my car, we are just not taking your car"
Xavier and I sat at the back, this made me happy, my little family. We arrived within 10 minutes, Nathan got off to get the baby stroller. Then came around to help me get out of the car.
Me" Okay, this one is my favorite"
Black Stokke Xplory, whoever will get Xavier's baby things will be lucky because Nathan is constantly buying things for him and his parents are already buying him clothes and shoes.
Nathan" Babe we need to hurry"
Me" I'll be very quick"
Nathan" Hahaha that's a lie"
Me" Whatever"

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