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Chapter 20

Against my better judgement, I was dragged to finally meet my in laws, they werr visiting and here to oversee some business. His father suggested we all go to Mpumalanga for the weekend, just us the family.
Nathan" Why are you pulling your dress"
Me" It keeps on going up"
Nathan" You are scaring Xavier"
Me" He doesn't even know us like that"
"Your parents will hate me"
Nathan" Okay but that's their business, we have nothing to do with that"
I stared at him
Me" You also think they will hate me?"
Nathan" They don't like me and I'm their son"
Me"Why are we here then?"
Nathan" Because they want to meet their grandson"
Me" As if he will remember this moment, your son always looks annoyed"
We both laughed
Nathan" I think he hates it here and wants to go back to your womb"
Last month we took him to the doctor just to check if he is okay because all he did wa eat and sleep. When he was awake, he would stay in his fetal position and make weird sounds. He is 8 months old now but he still doesn't giggle, he doesn't roll around or try to seat up on his own. Nothing like that, he just minds his business and listens to music. He has one tooth that he always hids from us.
Nathan" He is fine"
Me"Yes, he just hates the world"
We both laughed.
Nathan" We are here"
He got out of the car to open the door for us, he took Xavier from me.
Nathan" Tonight I just want to take off that dress and let you sit on my face"
Me" No, we not having sex this weekend. We are bonding with your son, remember that was the plan?"
Nathan" We can do both Lele, I will be in Tanzania for three weeks after this and you'll be starting your new job soon. We won't have time for each other"
Me" I know our schedules but I am saying, we need to bond with our son, what if he becomes a psychopath?"
Nathan" Why would you say that?"
Me" I'm just saying, he always looks like he is plotting a murder"
We both laughed
Nathan" We are bad parents"
Me" Or fun, we don't know yet"
He tickled Xavier and my son started crying.
Nathan" Hahaha he doesn't respond well to happiness"
Me" You are such an idiot"
Someone from the lodge finally came to help us out with our bags. Xavier was still crying and Nathan kept on laughing at him.
"Don't be shocked if he hates you"
Nathan" He won't, I am an awesome Dad"
"Let me quickly call Drew"
He spoke on the phone with Andrew while I played with my son, the doctor suggested we actually speak to him and sound words to him. There was nothing wrong with him, some babies are often disinterested but when you play with them they start feeling safe. Nathan and I were also instructed to Kangaroo him, that way he can be familiar with our scent.

Everyone else arrived hours after us, but we didn't mind because we got to have sex while Xavier was sleeping. My phone rang and it was Solly, Nathan was outside anyway so I can speak with Solly in peace.
Me" Hey babe"
Solly" How are you?"
Me" Not sure, meeting the parents for the first time today"
"Ndidikwe because ndine nerves and how are you?"
Solly" You'll be fine, everyone loves you"
Me"You always say the sweetest things"
Solly" How's the new job?"
Me"It's fine wethu but I miss the old office, I'm the only girl kule office and only Black"
Solly" Always filling the quota"
We both laughed, because at our old job we were the only Blacks and then there was one Indian.
"Yi English at home and at work, awuphumli kanjani"
Me" Nathan will be in Tanzania for three weeks, ndizo thetha isiXhosa until siphume nge mpulo"
Solly" Being an adult is weird, how are you planning that?"
"Babes listen, will you be able to join us kengoku since Nathan will be in Tanzania?"
Me" I told Bahle, I can't, with Nathan gone and I don't have a sitter for Xavier. You guys can come to the house and I'll braai, but I can't go out clubbing"
Solly" Is your place far from Sandton?"
Me"If you love me then you won't care about the distance"
"I'll chat to you on WhatsApp, it's time to meet the in-laws"
Solly"Okay, good luck"
Me" I'll need it"
I hung up and looked at Nathan
Me" Why do you look nervous"
Nathan" I don't"
He took Xavier from me
Me"We will be fine"
I gave him a kiss then changed what I was wearing, I wore jeans, a plain t-shirts and  sandals. We went to the dinning area, everyone was there. Andrew with his girlfriend Sasha, Nathan's sister Ashley and then his parents.
He got up and gave me a hug
Me"Why haven't you visited us?"
Andrew" Hahaha I don't have an excuse but a mining town cannot be the healthiest place to visit"
Me" And I thought you loved me"
Nathan cleared his throat and we both looked at him, that's when we noticed everyone starting at us.
Andrew" I haven't seen her in three months, we just got excited"
Nathan" Everyone this is Lelona and our son Xavier, you've all seen photos of him"
Xavier started crying as soon as Nathan's father took him.
Me" Nate"
I hate it when Xavier cries, the Mama bear in me comes out.
Nathan" He is fine, it's just my father"
He then instructed his father on what to do to get Xavier comfortable with him. His mother, who forced me to call her Gail started to grill me.
Gail" Nathan says you two are not ready for marriage yet you have a baby"
Me" We are not a traditional couple"
Gail" Interracial doesn't mea..."
Me" I wasn't speaking about our races, Nathan and I had a baby because we both wanted one. We not traditional because we follow our own rules, we do what is right for us. Marriage will come at a later stage"
They all looked at me like I said something crazy. His father was more shocked than anything else.
Chris (his father)" Nathaniel"
Nathan" Can we speak about something else"
Me" Am I missing something?"
My question was directed at Nathan
Nathan" No"
We all ate in silence, then Andrew asked me about work.
Me" I am enjoying it, I am glad I took the job. Nathan and I hated the town at first but, I think we've both adjusted and work for me has been amazing"
Gail" Where is this now?"
"I thought you boys were still in Cape Town"
Nathan" Lele and I are in Westoneria"
Chris" Why? You love Cape Town"
Nathan" I love my family more"
"She needed this move"
His parents looked so confused and honestly so was I at this point. I was reading the room but nothing.
Me" Nathan?"
He just held my hand
Chris" Why not work for us?"
Me" I like knowing that I earned something on merit, my career is my dream and I want to know that I would have worked for everything that I achieve"
Chris" Aren't you worried about how that will derail your family life?"
Me" No, Nathan knows I love my job and he knows what this all means to me"
Gail" But what about what he wants?"
Me" I always support what he wants"
Gail" I don't think so my girl"
"He isn't taking over reigns from his father because you are still finding yourself. He has had my ring for months now, and I know Nathaniel, he doesn't do anything halfway. I'm sure you are an amazing girl, but what are you sacrificing for him?"
Me" He hasn't asked me to sacrifice anything"
Gail" Are you sure or you just simply not listening to him?"
Andrew" Mother, their relationship has nothing to do with us"
"Nate hasn't asked her"
I was disgusted by Nathan, so I got up and took my son.
Me" It was lovely meeting you all, I'll see you tomorrow"

Nathan obviously followed me to the room and I was ready for the argument.
Me" What are you suppose to ask me"
Nathan" My father is stepping down, he wants me to take over and that means me being in Cape Town full time because the head office is there"
Me" What about my job?"
Nathan" You will work at the company"
Me" No, thats not what I want"
Nathan" What about what I want Lelona?"
Me" When I moved to PE, I dated someone and he took something from me. He took little pieces of me, little pieces over time, so small I didn't even notice, you know. He wanted me to be something I wasn't. I suddenly changed my wardrobe, I stopped doing things that I loved, I lost Thabang and I made myself into what he wanted. One day I was me, then I just wasn't. Then one night I bumped into Viwe and Andrew then they told me Thabang needs me. That weekend you called me evil. Maybe I didn't know because, I lost myself for a long time, and now that I'm finally me again, I can't. I love you. I love you more than I loved Siya. I love you. And that scares the crap out of me, and now you want me to move back to Cape Town but I want to be there (Westoneria). Doing what I love, having my own career and my family. Now you will ask me to move for you and I will because I love you but then you are no different from him, I finally got to be myself again and you want me to put that all in a box and just do what is right for you and your family"
"I can't Nathan, you constantly make me choose. I want both, I want our family but I also want my career. The two don't have to cancel each other!"
Nathan" I want Cape Town, I want to be CEO, I worked my ass off to take over from my father! I love you Lele, but I can't continue to give because all you do is take"
"You'll find a job in Cape Town, but I won't find another you and I want you!. When is it your turn to sacrifice for me?"
Me" I want that job Nathaniel! I earned it, I worked hard for this and you just want me to give it all up"
Nathan" I also worked hard"
Me" I..can..t"
"I choose me"
I wiped my tears
Nathan" What does that mean?"
Me" I..am sor..ry"
"I just...can't.."


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