The end

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When my mother passed away, Anelisa was there for me. This was before Nathan, before I knew Thabang and I would be the best friends we are today. Anelisa was my roommate and family at that time. So when she called me, I picked up and availed myself for the lunch date. She looked beautiful as always.
Me" Hey"
I stood up and gave her a hug
Anelisa" Hey babe, you good?"
Me" Good and how are you?"
My phone rang and it was Nathan, I knew the kids were using his phone because he knew where I was.
Me" Cela uphendula"
She nodded
"Hey guys"
Xavier" Uphi? Claire is eating my chips"
Claire" He said I look like Boots"
Boots is the monkey from Dora the explorer.
Me" Why would you say that?"
Xavier" She was eating my chips"
Me" I'll buy you more chips, but Ndoda, you can't call your sister a monkey. It's rude"
Claire" Mommy will you also buy me chips?"
Me" Yes, send me a list of what you guys want and I'll come home with it"
They didn't even say goodbye, they just hung up.
Anelisa" How many children do you have?"
Me" Two, soon will be three"
Anelisa" With Nathan?"
I nodded
"I didn't know"
Me" About?"
Anelisa" You and him, I honestly didn't know"
"I found out when I saw photos of your wedding on Andrew's instagram. You and Nathan were never lovely dovey on anything, I just assumed you were always with them because of Thabang."
Me" Okay"
Anelisa" Okay?"
Me" Ufuna ndithini?"
Anelisa" I don't know but I was expecting something else"
Me" Not from mna, you ran around with Kamva and my husband for years. You knew him and I were together, you knew because when I moved to PE you called me and asked me about it. Or did you suddenly have amnesia?"
Anelisa" You were broken up"
Me" You brought Kamva to a braai that Nathan and I went to as a couple. You and I were friends, and you didn't even give me a heads up"
Anelisa" I told you about them"
Me" Really? Or was that you just telling me that she can have him any time?"
"Why am I here?"
Anelisa" I wanted to apologize"
Me" After all these years?"
"We are not friends thina, not because of Nathan but because you chose champagne over friendship. I was your friend and you betrayed me. Organized women for my husband, hell, you had tne audacity to ask Thabang to fetch you at the airport on my wedding day when we were in PE. You thought I didn't know? You made me feel like shit for years, making it seem like Thabang and Musa didn't work out because I was around but she found out that you two were fucking"
She just stared at me.
Anelisa" Thabang choose Bahle"
I laughed
Me" You thought he was going to marry you?"
Anelisa" It doesn't matter anymore"
Me" Just like you don't matter to us anymore. Don't you ever call me again, I am not your friend and you were clearly never mine. So stay the fuck away from my family and I"

The next day!!!!!!!

"Okay, everyone get into position"
Solly" This looks uncomfortable so I won't do it"
Bahle" Yea, me too"
The instructor looked at us and they smiled at her.
"Breathe, let yourself feel. Then we'll go back to the downward dog"
Bahle" I can do this one"
Solly" Me too"
Bahle" What if you fart?"
They both giggled
Me" Guys, you said you wanted to do this"
Solly" No, we said we wanted to hang out with you. Yoga was your idea"
"Khona, sex with you must be amazing if you can do all these yoga positions"
I laughed
Me" Shut up please hahaha"
Bahle" Isn't this suppose to relax you?"
Me" We not allowed to talk"
Solly" I paid to be here, I will talk and you will answer me"
I love this class, so I knew the best thing to do is just pack my things and take these idiots somewhere else. We left the class and walked to the parking lot.
Bahle" I'm hungry, Yoga is a lot of work"
They both laughed
Me" You didn't even workout"
Solly" Bitch, we said Namaste and called it a day"
Me" I really need new friends"
" I need to change, where are we going?"
Solly" Your house, we need a view"
Me" Your house has a view of Table mountain and hers has a view of the beach"
Bahle" Are you sure Yoga works on you?"
"You are tense"
I laughed
Me" It works, but I had you two with me, I didn't get to work out"
Solly" Masambe Lona, today the men are looking after those kids and you got us doing yoga. Asoze ndiphinde ndikulibale"
The way she said that with a straight face, I couldn't help but laugh at her.
Me" Did you uber here?"
Solly laughed so hard
Solly" Why would we uber kodwa Thabang bought Bahle a Maserati?"
I was in tears with laughter
Me" Khathule"
Bahle" Hahaha rha, uyadika"
Solly" I know Viwe will be inspired"
Bahle had a tummy tuck after they had their second baby boy Thapelo. I don't know why Thabang bought her a VW combi but when he explained it, he said a combi makes sense since they are a big family now. Then he went and bought himself a Maserati. It has been interesting these past two years. As a group we have grown, we went through a lot but we always found a way to keep this friendship intact.
Solly" I have been fighting the edge to get on that combi and take in passengers"
"It's extra cash for us"
She was in tears with laughter
Me" You will walk"
Solly" You wish, Viwe would kill y'all"
They have been the same, their love has been my favorite story. They had a one night stand, they never spoke again, until he saw her when we went to Cape Town for the long weekend. That weekend he asked her to marry him, everyone thought he was joking. Turns out he wasn't, they are proof that not every love story is conventional. They have one handsome baby boy Nathi.
Me" Let's just join them, I miss my children anyway"
I was at Palm tree clinic for four months, when I got discharged, I took my children on a road trip. We went to PE, we went to visit my mother's grave then went to visit my cousins. I wanted them to know this side of the family too, I wanted my children to be family oriented. I realized that I was lonely, I didn't know how to let myself be surrounded by people because I only knew life with my mother. Thabang broke those walls but he was my friend, Nathan made me put my guard down for him to only to hurt me in ways unimaginable. I loved him though, I loved him more than he deserved to be loved by me. I watched him for a year as he tried to make me fall in love with him again, I caved in and we fixed us. During our separation I tried to date but I failed at first attempt because he was all I want. I never told him that though, the idea of me dating while we were separated made him so angry. I ignored his anger, I continued doing what was best for me. It just turns out in the end, him and my children were what's best for me.

The kids were swimming and the men were chilling watching them.
Me" Hey Drew"
I never understood him, I always thought he was a playboy. I learned over the years that not everyone is on this earth to get married and have children. Andrew married Sasha, they got divorced after 3 months. Their stint in marriage came with Layla, she looked so much like Nathan that I thought she was actually his. Until I saw their biological mother's photos of when she was a teenager then I calmed myself down.
Andrew" He went to take a call inside"
I nodded, I needed to change out of these clothes anyway. So I went inside, he looked at me and smiled.
I stood there, watching him. He was in his element, this was his thing. When his father officially stepped down, he became the CEO of Rhodes industries. I watched them all make strides in their respective fields and I didn't even feel a bit of jealousy. I chose my children, when they both started in primary school that's when I went back to work. I had both a career and a family.
Nathan" How was Yoga"
Me" You don't wanna know"
We kissed
"I have to take these off and wear normal clothes"
Nathan" I'll come with you"
We went to the bedroom, he sat on the bed.
Nathan" You've always wanted three children"
He was referring to my baby bump, yep, four months pregnant.
Me" I hope it's a girl"
Nathan" It's a boy, I can tell"
I took off my clothes
Me" Take off your clothes"
I went to lock the door
Nathan" People will stop inviting us to their homes"
Me" Solly and Viwe did the same at our place"
Nathan" True, okay now we will be even"
I got on top of him, I was already hungry for him. I wanted him to fill me up, when his cold hands cupped my butt, I felt chills down my spine.
Nathan"Don't move"
My nipple was in his mouth, his finger was caressing my clit.
Me" Please"
I started moving in circles before he even answered, my head on his shoulder. I was filled with pleasure. Nathan and I connected, he knew what I needed from him and without fail he provided it, we were bought breathing heavily.
Nathan" I love you Lele"
We kissed, it was so sloppy, but it was him and I so I didn't care.
Me" I love you too babe"
Nathan"Don't move, I'll look for a towel"
Me" My tog bag has one"
He took it then came to clean me up
"Nate, don't even think about it"
But he did, his tongue had a way of making me want to go clean Nelson Mandela's grave and thank him for making this possible for us. When he finished we kissed, I used to hate kissing him after he ate me up but now it was one of my favorite things to do.
Me" I should go check on the kids"
Nathan" Relax,  they are safe"
"Our friends are out there, they are safe"
We cuddled, he held me tight and this honestly was all I wanted in this world at this moment.
Nathan" So what happens now?"
Me" We live our lives and just pray we remain happy"


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