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Chapter 24


I think as a couple you have to find that one thing that keeps you going. Nathan and I were happy, our children were probably the reason. Don't get me wrong, we fought just like any couple but we found common ground, we don't fight in front of the kids. So we had our screaming contests in his office or outside, but in front of the kids we were always a united front. These moments however never came often, most of the time we were really happy with each other. The sex was amazing. No actually it was life changing, every time we fucked it made me question what happened that day because our first time was sloppy and weird.
Me" Are you still returning tomorrow?"
He was in Limpopo for an illegal mining indaba. Five of his workers died, they were killed by some miners who were digging illegally.
Nathan" Yea, I hate this side of my job"
"I was telling Dad that we needed to increase their pay and he agreed, now I'm dealing with unions and I refuse to announce a pay increase when people have just died"
Me" I agree with you, just wait it and speak to your men"
Nathan" How's everything there?"
Me" Xavier has a stomachache, Claire misses you, she has been moody the whole weekend"
Nathan" I spoke to her this morning and she was shouting at me"
I laughed at him
Me" We miss you"
Nathan" You mostly right?"
I nodded
" You'll wake up with me right next to you"
Me" Really?"
Nathan" I promise you, I'm in Pretoria now, I miss you too babe"
"I love you Lele"
Me" I know, I love you too just hate that you have to travel most of the time"
Nathan" Yea, I do too but I will make it up to you"
My door opened and Xavier was standing there in tears.
Me" Babe, I'll see you when you get here, Xavier is crying"
Nathan" keep me posted"
Me" Okay"
I hung up and went to Xavier, he threw up on me. Lona before having kids, would have also threw up but being a mother made me immune to disgusting things.
Me" Iza, ndizoku vasa"
I took off my top, he threw up again. I went to wake Claire up, I wanted her to sleep in my room because Nathan was coming home and she would love the surprise. I went to bathe Xavier, he was really heating up. I gave him the medication he received from the pharmacy but that didn't help because he threw up again, he was in pain because his stomach was empty. I made noodles for him, I sat and fed him.
Me" Mommy will call uncle Viwe quickly"
I carried him to bed, I couldn't even hide my tears. I sent Nathan a text
"Xavier is getting worse"
I then called Viwe because he is pediatrician.
Me" Please come to my place"
"Xavier uyagula, oko egabha, the medication is making him worse"
Viwe" What colour is his vomit"
Me" I don'...t kn...ow"
Xavier and I sat together, he was crying and I cuddled him. I felt so useless, the thing is I have never experienced this side of motherhood before. When Viwe arrived, I started crying, I couldn't contain myself because Xavier was so pale.
Viwe" Lona"
"Solly take her to the kitchen and make her drink some water"
The ambulance arrived and they took my son away, Claire and I followed with Solly. She called Nathan.
Solly" Nathan says he will meet us there, they will take off soon"
I just nodded, the waiting room felt like prison. Nathan arrived and there was still no word from Viwe, he came back three hours later to address.
Viwe" I want to keep him here for observation but I am certain he will be fine"
He gave me a hug
"You called me at the right time Lona. You saved your son's life"
Me" Can I see him?"
He nodded
Viwe" Yea, the nurse will take you"
Nathan" I owe you one"
They hugged
Viwe" Just glad I could help"

Have you ever felt like you were in a maze and each time you run, you feel as if you have found a way out but then it turns out you were going the wrong way. That's how I felt, I felt like each time Nathan and I survived something, we were thrown another wrecking ball. Xavier was discharged after two days, we went back home but he was still scared which was understandable.
I bumped into Lucinda our domestic, we fired Zama. Nathan said she was stealing from us, blamed me for not noticing because I made her think she is my friend.
Me" Where is Claire?"
Lucinda" She was playing outside"
I went to the drive way and she wasn't there, I looked for her in her room then the mini cinema because she likes watching Sofia there. I literally checked the house twice and I couldn't find her.
Lucinda"Sisi, ebedlala aphandle, I was mopping and she ran outside. I looked and when I saw she was driving that car of hers, I came back inside to finish up"
Me" Nathan uphi?"
Lucinda" Left after oMama ka Kganya fetched Xavier"
I called Nathan but his phone went straight to voicemail. I called Bahle.
Me" Is Claire there?"
Bahle" No, she said akafuni uhamba because she is going out with you"
Me" Please give Xavier the phone"
Bahle" Okay"
After a couple of minutes
Xavier" Ma?"
Me" Ndoda xa uClaire edlala ngala moto yakhe, where does she usually drive it?"
Xavier" Garage"
Me" And if akekho apho?"
Xavier" Tree house or her doll house"
"She said you are taking her to a party"
Me" Okay, please give Kganya's mother the phone"
Bahle" Is everything fine?"
Me" Please keep Xavier there"
I believe that you don't know when something bad happens but you feel it. Our gated community is a nightmare sometimes, Lucinda and I literally asked everyone who we could see about Claire and nothing. Hell no one even knew me, yet I've lived her for six years. I tried Nathan but his phone was still off.
Lucinda" Sisi, phonela amapolisa"
She suggested this because we have been looking for five hours and there was no sign. The police took their sweet time arriving, I called Andrew because I thought Nathan was with them.
Me" Claire is missing"
"And I can't get hold of him"
Andrew" I'm on my way"
The police asked Lucinda and I questions. The White detective seemed so disinterested.
Him" Where are the child's parents?"
Me" She is my daughter! This is my fucken house! My daughter is missing!"
Him" Where were you?"
Me" I had a zoom meeting with my team, then I took a shower because Claire and I were going to a mommy and daughter lunch"
"She rides that car all the time"
Him" We will need a photo"
I gave him a few photos, that's when Andrew and Thabang arrived.
Andrew" How's the search? Are your men out there?"
"You are in charge of this case right?"
Me" He says we need to wait 24 hours before she is reported missing. They think she is with Nathan and he isn't picking up"
My phone rang and I jumped, it was a private number.
Me" Nathan!"
Caller" Mommy"
"I want to come home"
Andrew took the phone from me and put it on speaker. I couldn't stop crying because I have heard the stories, shared posts and written think pieces on the issue but never have I ever thought it would happen to me. Nathan and I lived in Bishopscourt, we even made jokes about how expensive the neighborhood is by calling it by it's area code 7708.
Andrew" There is no way we can organize 5 million in three hours!"
" We can give you half of that, just bring her back"
I think as a mother you die a little bit inside every time your children get harmed. It doesn't matter how small the wound may be but pain is there because yu feel like you should have protected your children. That's your duty as a parent, to protect your children from the evils of the world. And I failed.

Andrew" They are giving us seven hours now"
Detective" Let us handle this"
"Do not meet up with them"
Nathan walked in and he was confused, our house was filled with the police and our friends. I just looked at him, for once I didn't even care about his whereabouts.
Thabang" I just got off the phone with my accountant and all I can access in cash now, is just 1.5 million"
Viwe" Solly and I just got only a million amount because of the short notice"
Andre and Nathan were both still on the phone, I was going out of my mind because everyone said "it was short notice" as if there was supposed to be an announcement on the kidnapping a few days prior.
Me" Where is my son?"
"I want... h..im here"
I got up went straight to Claire's room, her stuffed animals were neatly packed. Mr Elephant was on top of the bed, I remember when Nathan's father gifted her with Mr Elephant. We hated that thing but she loved it, she took it everywhere.
Nathan" They just arrested Lucinda"
I didn't answer him, I didn't know what to say. I knew he was blaming me for this, he didn't have to say so I just knew.
"We have the money and we are meeting up with them"
I still didn't say anything, I just held on to Mr Elephant. When Nathan left, I got up and took out her favorite pyjamas and made spaghetti Bolognese because she loves it. I cooked for her so she would have her favorite meal waiting for her.
"We didn't get her"
I don't think I will ever forget those words, I don't think I would ever forget throwing a plate at Nathan.
Me" Why...you..you sai..d You!'..no...wh.ere is my ba..by.."
He came closer to me and I moved back.
Nathan" There was a shootout"
"We didn't get her"
Me" Get out!"
I threw everyone out.
Me" Get out of my house! Get out! Ge...."
I couldn't breathe, I just died and couldn't stop imagining the worst. I couldn't stop, my daughter might be dead because of me.
Thabang" Lona"
I looked at him
Me" I had a meeting... I went to check on her... then went to take a shower... "
"I checked. I checked. I checked"
"She...ebedlala...I checked...I promise I checked"
"She...I..I checked on her"
Me" I am sorry"

We made posters, we hired anyone that could possibly help us. We did everything that money could buy but it seemed like most people were just using us for our money. We got calls people claiming to have seen her, Lucinda was innocent, she came straight to help us. Each day we were just surviving on hope, but when days turned into months with no leads, we drifted and found comfort in different ways. He dived back to work and I found love in alcohol, his parents took Xavier from us and  that killed me even more because he didn't even consult me. They just took my son away.  Claire was officially missing for 10 months now. Nathan and I were sitting together for the first time since Claire went missing. His parents were bringing Xavier, we knew it was because today is her birthday.
Nathan" Solly is here"
Me" Okay"
Solly walked in with her son, she sat opposite us.
Me" Hey"
She looked at Nathan and then back at me.
Solly" How's everything?"
We both shrugged
Nathan" Can I get you something to drink?"
Solly" No thanks, I wanted to ask Lona something"
I looked at her
"Have you asked Yanga for help?"
Nathan" Who?"
Me" My old neighbor"
"How would Yanga help us?"
She stood up and looked at me
Solly" Yanga ligintsa, and the police are clearly failing. Just call him, maybe he can help"
"Sometimes it takes a criminal to find another criminal"

To be continued

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