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Chapter 23

I hate this house, it has a lot of bad memories for me and Nathaniel. Yet here we are, about to get married here with our friends and family. Friday afternoon Nathan and I invited our friends for a braai just to thank them for coming out here and supporting us. It was mostly his people, besides our usual group of friends I had Zoe, Karla and Yanga. Same with the guest, the only family members of mine here were Siya and his sister Hlalumi that was my decision. My mother's family would see us at the Xhosa traditional wedding.
Nathan" Good Afternoon everyone"
"This is the wedding itinerary, this braai obviously. The wedding starts tomorrow at 9 a.m. and the reception will be held at 13:30 p.m. until late"
Me" But be careful, don't have too much fun. We all have to be in PE on Sunday for the second wedding. Those who we booked flights for, your flight to PE lives exactly at 20:00. We hired a car that will take everyone to the airport, so please don't arrive at the airport drunk"
They all laughed
Nathan" Men follow me, I have a cigar lounge for us and let the ladies enjoy their high tea"
He kissed my forehead
Me" See you tomorrow"
Nathan" Yes! Lelona Montgomery-Rhodes"
Me" Nope, just Mde for now"
We kissed again
Nathan" Enjoy your party babe"


Solly"It's 5 a.m. why are we up?"
Me" Just get up"
I was breast feeding Claire and waking up my bridesmaids, there was no way they would ruin my wedding by being late.
Me" Thabang vula!"
They locked the room unlike Viwe and Solly, it was easy to get her.
Thabang" Go away Lonz"
Me" Don't make me break this door, wake your wife up!"
She eventually opened the door looking annoyed.
Me"Take a shower, breakfast is ready and the make up people are here"
Bahle" Who starts a wedding at 9?"
Me" Nathan and I"
"Khawuleza and stop complaining"
I went to wake Karla up then my cousin Hlalumi. After that Claire and I went to check on the wedding planner, the main wedding will be one side of the house and the reception on the other side. Our wedding being perfect depended on the weather, I spoke to her and she was sure they would be done by 8 and then start setting up the other side.
Me" So what will the guest be doing?, I mean you said to Nathan and I the main wedding will probably finish at 11:30"
WP" We set up a wine and cheese table for the guests, there is a photo booth and  a wall where everyone has to write their well wishes for you two. You will be done with your photoshoot at half past 12 the lastest then change to your second dress, while you change, the guests will be ushered in to the reception area. After your arrival we will serve starters, the main meal will be served during the speeches and the gifts will be handed out when people leave"
"Nothing will go wrong Mrs Montgomery, I promise"

08:50 we were all dolled up and I was ready to get married.
Solly"Are you ready for this?"
I knew what she meant, and honestly I was. I wanted this.
WP" Xavier and Kganya remember what I taught you"
They nodded
"Lucy you'll walk behind them, don't forget"
Xavier" Mommy look at me"
I kissed him
Me" My handsome boy"
They all left to go walk down the aisle. I was left with the Thabang and Siya, I wanted Siya to walk me down the aisle because he is my family and my mother loved him. Thabang was however my day one, so I recruited them both
Thabang" Are you ready?"
Siya" Your mother would have been  cheering you up until someone tells her to stop. I know she is proud of you Lona, you have done well for yourself. We are all proud of you"
When I heard Natalie Taylor's Surrender playing, I knew was nervous and this song spoke about us. We both needed to be ready for each other and then we surrendered to what was best for us. Yet when I walked down that aisle, seeing Nathan standing there looking nervous, all my worries went away. I knew that he was he love of my life, I couldn't imagine myself doing this with someone else. When he removed the veil, we both laughed because everyone said I shouldn't have a veil on but I wanted it and he said I should get what I want.
Nathan"I love you"
Me" I love you too"
The priest laughed when Nathan kissed me.
Priest" I have witnessed this so much, these two are always kissing. Hearing their story when they asked me to wed them, I knew this was the perfect bible verse for their love"
"But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the LORD do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you. Ruth 1:16-17
Nathan and I exchanged our vows, we were binded by a ribbon. Throughout the ceremony he was in tears, so was I but mine were from happiness yena bekhaliswa bubumenemene bakhe, ingafika becinga la mahule akhe. I'm joking.

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