4 Weeks Later

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It's been four weeks since your mess around with Bakugo, and you were starting to grow concerned. After a strong mental debate with yourself you called for an all girls meeting at your house. They were the only people you felt you could talk to about this.

"So Y/n what's all this about?"Ochaco asked plopping onto the sofa

"Most of you don't know but about a month ago I got drunk and woke up naked in bed with a man and recently I have been feeling a bit off and I didn't want to worry myself too much so I thought it was best to talk to you guys"You rambled waiting for someone to speak but there was only a silence.

"....So by off you mean pregnancy symptoms?"Momo asked for everyone


"And do you know the man?"Toru asked

"Bakugo"Kyoka answered for you

"What?"Tsu asked clearly shocked

"The man is Bakugo"Mina said loudly

"As in class 1A Bakugo?"Ochaco asked hesitantly

"If you're talking about the number 2 hero then yes that Bakugo"You sighed looking at their confused faces "Don't ask any questions because I'm not sure how I ended up with him either"

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"Asked Tsu

"No, I really don't want to. I don't want to face the reality if it comes back positive"

"You'll have to take one eventually"Toru replied

"I know, I'm just scared"

"What are the symptoms?"Momo questioned

"Drowsiness, nausea, my late period, sensitive breast, and a lot more that I probably haven't realized"You groaned feeling the tears build up "I'm pregnant aren't I?"

"Don't cry we don't know that for sure"Mina said reassuring you

"It does sound like you're pregnant but we won't know until you take some tests. All of those are period symptoms too. It's possible you're just starting late"Ochaco stated trying to reassure you

"True but this feels different. I highly doubt I'm just starting late"

"Well we won't know until you take tests. I'm going to the store to get them. Whoever needs something can tag along"Momo said getting up

"Can't you just make one?"You asked confused

"That's not good for the economy. I also haven't made one before and I don't want to mess it up making it give you false results. So to avoid that I'll just go to the store"

"Mina and I will stay with Y/n. Get enough for her to take multiple test"Kyoka replied

Momo, Ochaco, Toru, and Tsu left leaving you three in an awkward silence with the occasional sniff from you.

"Have you spoke to Bakugo since then?"Mina asked

"No what am I supposed to say? Hey you may not remember me but we had sex and I think I'm pregnant with your child?"

"Not exactly. It could be worded better"Kyoka joined the conversation

"Also I don't have his number. I can't just hit him up and talk to him"

"True"Mina replied

"Guys I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant but how the hell am I going to tell him?"

"Truthfully speaking I don't know. Denki and I are together so I wouldn't struggle to tell him"

"And I mainly lean toward women but when I do mess with men I always use protection so hopefully I'll never be in your situation. No offense"Mina said

"None taken I guess"

The room was filled with silence allowing you to start overthinking. After about 20 more minutes you were pulled from your thoughts when the door opened. Momo handed you a bag and you walked to your bathroom.

"Wish me luck. Hopefully I don't walk out of here with a ruined life"You halfheartedly joked

You took all the tests then waited the recommended time. When the timer went off you looked at every test and all displayed two lines. You were pregnant. You couldn't help but let the tears fall as you stared at them. What were you going to do? How would you tell Bakugo?

"You okay in there?"Tsu asked lightly knocking on the door

"No I'm not"You opened the door crying even more due to the gazes from your friends "I'm pregnant"

Your friends immediately comforted you and did everything in their power to calm you down. Once you finally calmed they began asking a few questions.

"So what are you going to do?"Toru asked

"I'm keeping it I don't have it in me to abort it"

"Are you going to tell Bakugo?"Kyoka asked

"I kind of don't want to but that's really an asshole thing to do. He deserves to know about his child and get a chance to be a father if he wants that. It's pretty messed up to not let someone be aware of a person they helped create. It's also messed up to rob a child of a parent when that parent has done nothing wrong. I have to tell him. It's the right thing to do"You answered and some of them hummed in agreement

"So when will you tell Bakugo or should I ask how?"Ochaco questioned

"Yea Bakugo isn't the easiest person to deal with"Tsu added

"I don't know. I'll figure that out a different time"

"Whenever you're ready I can go with you if you like"Mina proposed



You let a week pass before deciding to tell Bakugo. You now stood outside his hero agency with Mina by your side. You hadn't moved for a few minutes and instead just continued staring trying to think of what you'll say during the conversation.

"The girls wished you luck"Mina said exiting out of the girls groupchat

"Tell them thanks but I don't think luck will help if Bakugo is how you described him"You responded as you walked into the building to speak to the secretary "Is Ground Zero here?"

"Yes, May I asked what you need with him?"

"I need to speak with him for personal reasons"

"I can call and see if he'll let you up but he likes scheduled appointments so there's no promising"

You anxiously watched as she pressed a button and held the phone to her ear. A decent amount of seconds went by before she put the phone down.

"I'm sorry he didn't answer the phone. You can leave your number or something if you'll like"

Before you could reply you heard a voice aimed towards you and Mina.

"What the fuck are you doing here Raccoon eyes?"

"Ugh I've told him several times to stop calling me that"Mina complained

You turned and saw the very man you were looking for. You felt your heartbeat quicken when his focus moved from Mina to you. Well this was going to be hard.

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