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*Same day* (16 weeks pregnant)

"Does she have any allergies, is she pregnant, and can you tell us anything that happened leading up to her passing out?"A nurse asked Bakugo as they rushed you to a room

"She hasn't told me of any allergies, she is pregnant, she's been throwing up all day and running a fever. She believes she has a stomach virus"

"How far along is she?"

"16 weeks"

Once they made it to the room one nurse caught Bakugo before he could enter.

"Sir may I ask your relationship to the patient?"

"The father of the child she's carrying"

"Okay they're going to be running some test and I need you to answer some questions"

She then proceeded to ask the questions. He didn't know the answer to most but he answered to the best of his capabilities.

"Okay you can wait right in that chair and we'll keep you updated"She said before going into the room

He sat down and starting drifting inti his thoughts letting them get the best of him. After about 15 minutes he heard his name constantly being repeated.

"Katsuki"Mitsuki called finally bringing him back to reality

He looked up at her to show she had his attending and he watch as she sat down  next to him.

"So how is she doing?"

"They haven't told me. I just know they're running test"

Mitsuki couldn't help but stare at her son. She could see how stressed he was getting from the situation. It was rare for him to show his emotions so clearly.

"They'll be okay just be patient"

They went into a silence with the ruckus of the hospital in the background. Some more minutes went by then Bakugo started feeling the building shake. He looked outside to see explosions and fires starting. Bakugo's phone started buzzing and without looking at it he knew what it was.

"Ground Zero is being called"Mitsuki said looking at his phone

"I know"He groaned

"You go do your job and let the doctors do theirs. You better beat their ass and make sure they don't come close to this building. I'll be here to get all the updates on Y/n and the baby"


"Are you here with Ms.L/n?"A nurse asked Mitsuki

"Yes I am"

"You can come in"

Mitsuki walked in and saw that you were awake. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding after seeing you weren't crying. As she walked to you the nurses and doctor left.

"So what happened?"She asked you

"I have a stomach virus and it made me get dehydrated since I wasn't keeping any fluid in my body. The only reason it got this bad is because I'm drinking for two so the little water that stayed in was getting used rather quickly. The dehydration caused me to pass out and here we are"

"And the baby?"

"Is fine. They'll be prescribing me some medicine to help keep me hydrated and I'll slowly work my way back to eating"

"Okay I'll tell Katsuki. He had to leave because of some hero work"She said grabbing her phone out her pocket. As she typed something someone barged into the room. "Well looks like I won't have to text him"

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now