Extra:A House Full of Katsu-s (part 2)

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I half assed edited this so if there's still mistakes oh well


After you fed Katsuna you put her to sleep which didn't take too long. You let her sleep on you for awhile before laying her in her crib. Then you heard Katsuki and the twins outside training so you went out there.

"She's sleep?"Katsuki asked while blocking a punch from Katsuya

"Yea been down for about 15 minutes"

"So no exploding"Katsuya stated already knowing the rules for when Katsuna is sleep

"I'm glad you know"You spoke back to him

You sat on the steps and watch them continue fighting. Katsuya was occasionally teleporting behind Katsuki to hit him and Katsumi kept him busy from the front. Even though they did all this he still managed to evade both of them making them hit each other at times.

"If you brats keep going like this you'll never beat me"Katsuki spoke to them

"Ugh can we take a break?"Katsumi groaned getting annoyed

"Why?"Katsuki asked

"So me and Katsuya can come up with a plan"

He stared at her for a bit before agreeing to it.

"You better come back with a good plan after this damn break"

"We will old man"She responded

You all laughed at the face Katsuki gave her before walking to you mumbling something.

"She gets it from you"You told him

"I know"

You both sat for a minute watching the kids talk but something dawned on you.

"Wait a damn minute if you're an old man what am I?"You asked making Katsuki let out a small chuckle

"Ask her"

"Katsumi if your dad is an old man what do you see me as? Am I an old woman?"

"No you're young he's not"

"That damn brat"Katsuki mumbled with a small smile growing on his face "She's older than me"He informed her

"I know but you're still the old man"she replied before going back to her conversation with Katsuya

"What are you going to do after their training?"You asked Katsuki

"Work out"

"So you're not going anywhere today?"

"No, why?"

"I wanted to do a family night but if you were doing something important I was going to push it to another date"

"I told you last night I'm a father and husband first. Meaning everything else can wait because my family is more important than everything else"He said watching the kids

"Soft Katsuki really is an adorable sight"You smiled looking at him

"What type of family night?"He asked deciding to change the conversation back to the original topic

"Maybe a movie or baking some cookies. I don't know just something that can be done as a family and be fun. Any suggestions?"

"Ask the brats. The fun is more for them than me"

"Katsumi and Katsuya come here"You called

They ran to you and waited for you to speak.

"We're doing family night. Do you have any suggestions on what we should do?"

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