A Long Night

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Same day (20 weeks + some days pregnant)

After the initial shock of twins everyone congratulated you and the party continued. Eventually people started leaving once it became to late. Now it was just you and Bakugo in the house.

"So...you gonna help me clean?"You asked turning to him

"This is your house not mine"

"As much as you come here I thought it was your house too. Go get some cleaning supplies and let's get moving. It's only getting later in the night and you and I both know you're ready to go to sleep"

He reluctantly grabbed the stuff and began helping you clean. After that you took your respective bath/shower in the separate bathrooms. You cleaned yourself and did your night routine then went to your room to finally get some sleep.

"Bakugo, why are you in my bed?"You asked stopping by the doorframe

"You're back to using my last name"He sarcastically said

"I only called you Katsuki because I was mad. Does it really matter though? I feel like we're close enough for me to call you Katsuki. I just don't want to cause I'm used to using Bakugo. But back to the question. Why are you in my bed?"

"To sleep"

"There's a couch for a reason. That's where you always sleep"

"I don't wanna sleep on the damn couch. Your bed is more comfortable"He said as he got comfortable under your comforter

"I know, that's why I sleep in it. That doesn't give you an excuse to sleep here. There's an air mattress in the other room go blow it up and sleep there"

"I'm not sleeping on a damn air mattress. Just get in the fucking bed and go to sleep. We're both tired"

"Ugh this is so weird"You mumbled as you got in bed and placed a body pillow between you two

"How the hell is it weird. It's like two friends sleeping together"

"Aww you think of me as your friend. And it's not like that at all unless you go around impregnating all of your friends before you actually know each other. Plus it's weird because what if I like to sleep naked. I do live alone afterall "

"Do it, It won't be the first time you were naked in a bed with me"He said moving the body pillow

"True but it'll be the first time I recall getting in bed with you naked. Remember we were both drunk. Neither of us know what went down that night. We may have had sex before but for me it's awkward right now because we have done nothing together since that night. Not even a simple kiss. We're never too close to one another besides the few times we fell asleep on the couch"

"True"He said moving closer "We can do something now to make it less awkward"He joked making you push him away

"I don't have the energy to entertain your jokes. Just go to sleep"

You turned to have your back facing him and you also placed the body pillow in front of you. You were hugging the top half while the lower half was resting between your thighs. You were about to fall asleep when you felt something on your back.

"Leave me alone and stay on your side"You said but he still didn't move.

You looked behind you and saw him asleep in the middle of the bed. You shook him to wake him up then told him to go back to his side. He listened and you laid back down almost getting to sleep again but that stopped when you felt him in the middle of the bed again.

He was beginning to piss you off. This was the second time you almost got to sleep but didn't because of him. So you sat up and started shaking him until he woke up.

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