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The next day *21 weeks pregnant*

"Good Morning"You said as you got into the car turning to Katsuki. He didn't say anything back and instead was staring at you. "What?"You laughed

"What's in your hand?"


"Don't bullshit me there's clearly something there"

You opened your hand showing him the package to your favorite snack.

"I just wanted something unhealthy. I've been eating healthy for too long"

"Is that the first thing you ate today"

"...Yes"You replied hesitantly knowing he'll get mad

"What the fuck you know-"

"I know I know. I should be eating healthy sense that's best for the babies but come on you expect me to not eat anything a little unhealthy until I give birth?"

"At least eat something healthy first"He said before pulling out of the driveway and heading to the first destination

"I have some fruit to eat I wouldn't just eat this"You said pulling out the fruit after finishing the snack

As you occupied yourself with eating you glanced around to see if you could guess where you were headed. Of course you couldn't it looked like a normal ride to you.

"So where are we going?"


"Really?"You deadpanned "Fine I'll just guess"

You looked around watching as you passed some things so they obviously weren't the place.

"We're definitely going to get some food. When?...I don't know but I know you won't go too many hours without me eating. We won't spend the whole day eating so what else would we do? Maybe a movie or an amusement park. But I probably won't be able to get on most rides. Hmmm what do you know I'll like to do?"You snapped out of your mumble rant when you felt Katsuki grip your thigh. You felt heat creep up on your face looking at him.

"Fucking finally I've been saying your name for awhile...You'll like it so shut up and relax"

"Okay"You pouted and leaned back into the seat

After a while of driving he finally came to a stop. You looked up seeing you were outside of a clothing store.

"What are we doing here?"

"Getting clothes"


"I realized you stopped wearing a lot of your clothes because you can't fit them"He said getting out the car with you following

You looked at the dress you were wearing knowing he was right. Dresses were never really your go to but they're the only thing that fits you now. You walked into the store immediately gravitating towards the maternity section. It was wonderful finding pants that actually fit you and didn't make your belly uncomfortable.

"Do you think I'll look good in this?"You asked holding up a piece of clothing and facing him

"Just get it if you want it"

"Come on help me pick out some things. You're the one paying for it"

"You're the one wearing it"

"And you know what I like to wear so help me find some clothes"

You dragged him to a certain section and he began looking knowing you wouldn't stop annoying him until he did it. About 30 minutes passed before Katsuki came to you with his arms full of clothes. You looked over them and then at him.

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now