She's Fake

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*3 months later* (5 months old twins)

"Get your daughter"You told Katsuki handing him her as soon as he came home from work

"What fuck did she do"He asked confused as he grabbed her from you and closed the door

"Okay let me see where should I start. For one she's been hitting me and Katsuya. Two, she won't let me eat in peace because she wants my food but she can't have it. So I try to feed her something else and she spits that out. Three, She puked on my face today almost in my mouth. Then she had the nerve to smile and laugh at me"

"You're talking about a 5 month old"

"Yes, yes I am"

"You let a 5 month old beat your ass"He laughed

"I didn't say she beat my ass I said she hits me. She's keeps yanking at my ears and lips, she's been close to poking my eyes multiple times, and she slaps me in the nose really hard"

"A 5 month old"

"Yes a 5 month old. Look all I'm saying is today was a very long and stressful day. Usually I could put up with her but my nerves have been on edge for hours. I would like it if you took her off my hands for now. It doesn't even have to be for long I just need a little break. I'm with them for entirely too long"

"And Katsuya"

"He was fine aside from when Katsumi so rudely put her hands in his face or something. He's bouncing in the bouncer right now"You said looking at him as he happily jumped and played with the toys. You turned to look back at Katsuki and rolled your eyes. "Look at how fake she is, She's acting like a completely different person with you. I know she's going to be a daddy's girl"

"I have to take a shower then I'll get them"

"Okay"You sighed

You took Katsumi back from him and placed her on a mat to play with some toys. He left to take his shower as you occupied yourself with something else. After about 20 minutes he was out and watching them.

You walked to the kitchen trying to find ingredients to attempt to cook something you learned from Katsuki.

"What the hell are you doing"He yelled hearing the clanking of pots from the kitchen

"I'm trying to cook but we'll see how it turns out"

You turned on some music to get in your own world and not hear anything coming from the other room.

"Okay Y/n you got this...hopefully"You said looking at the ingredients "How bad can you mess it up"You nervously asked yourself


You started plating the food and made something for the kids. After that you went to the living room to let Katsuki know the food was ready but you stopped at the sight of him and the kids.

He was laying on the ground playing with them. You watched as he picked up toys and did something with it making them laugh. You wished you could let it happen longer but the food was waiting.

"The food is done. Bring her with you so you can see how she acts while other people are eating"You said walking into the room picking up Katsuya

You sat at the table placing Katsuya on your lap. You watched as Katsuki sat down and stared at the food.

"Taste it, I doubt I messed it up too bad"

He ate some, chewed for a while then began eating the rest.

"So how is it"

"I'm eating it"

"I'll take that as it's good enough. That small bowl is for her. Feed her in between your scoops"

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