"I have to meet his mom"

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"I didn't tell them not to touch you for you it was for the brat"Bakugo stated as you followed him

"I never said you did nor did I ask. We barely know each other I figured you wouldn't do anything for me. Anyways where are we going?"

"Just shut up and follow"

You rolled your eyes and sighed not even wanting to start with him. You just needed to get away from the paparazzi and he had the same goal so you followed. After a few minutes of walking behind him you made it to a car that you hoped was his since he got in it.

"Get in"He spoke pressing the button to unlock the rest of the doors

You grabbed the handle but didn't open the door. First you closed your eyes to attempt to mentally prepare yourself for the ride you knew would be awkward. After a few seconds you opened the door to get in. It wasn't shocking that the ride was silent but it didn't make it anymore comfortable. He drove for a while before parking in front of his agency.

"Come on"Bakugo said getting out and walking towards the building. Once you made it into the building a red head approached you two. Well he mainly went to Bakugo.

"Bakubro"He spoke loudly as he made his way over

"Oi Shitty Hair what the fuck are you doing?"

You tilted your head in confusion at the name. His hair wasn't shitty. It was bold but not shitty.

"I stopped to check up on you and the agency"He replied not bothered by the nickname in the slightest

"And who the hell told you to do that?"

"Myself, Anyways come hang with me, Sero, and Kami"

"No, I Don't feel like dealing with Tape arms, Dunce Face, and Shitty Hair all at once"

"Come on Bakubro it's been a while since we all went out"

"It's been a little more than one damn month and that turned out fucking horrible. The answer is still no I have to work"

You wanted to feel offended but he had a point. Getting drunk and impregnating someone isn't the ideal outing when you originally just planned to go out with your friends.

"But it's your time off. It's not very manly to lie"He spoke making Bakugo shoot him a glare before replying.

"It's not a lie and I don't give a damn about what's manly. I didn't work this morning so I'm working during my fucking time off"

"Why didn't you work this morning?"

"I had to go with her to check on the brat"He said pointing and the man seemed to finally notice your presence

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima it's nice to meet you. That wasn't very manly of me to not acknowledge you"He said scolding himself towards the end

"It's fine, I'm Y/n L/n"

"Mina's friend Y/n?"He questioned tilting his head

"Yes that's me, I'm guessing she talks about me"

"More like ditches us for you a lot but no hard feelings"He laughed

As you guys were talking Bakugo started to walk off towards the elevator but before he could get on you called out to him.

"Hey, how am I supposed to get home?"You questioned

"You'll find a way"

"Wait a damn minute. How the hell do you drag me here and not bring me home?"You asked or more like demanded as you walked closer to him

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