Extra:A House Full of Katsu-s (part 1)

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*10 months after the epilogue? Or somewhere around that timeframe* (6 year old twins and 6 month old baby)

"Your kids want to know what time you're coming home"You said when Katsuki's face appeared on your phone

"I don't fucking know but it'll be late. I have a lot of stupid shit I need to do before leaving"

You could see the annoyance and tiredness on his face. You knew he was pissed because work was cutting into his sleep time.

"Well I'm pretty sure when you come home everyone will be asleep so you won't have any extra annoyance. When you make it here I can try to wake up so you can vent to me before you go to sleep. It sounds like your day hasn't been the best"

"I'll wait until the morning. I don't want to keep you up just to hear about a horrible ass day"

Before you could respond the kids came out the bathroom done with brushing their teeth.

"Is that dad?"Katsumi asked walking towards you

"Yea. You want to talk to him"


"Yes what?"You asked trying your hardest to get your kids to have manners unlike Katsuki

"Yes ma'am"

You gave her the phone and watched as they tried to fit both their heads in the screen. Why do kids hold the phone so close to their face?

"When will you be back?"Katsuya asked

"When you're both asleep. I'm busy at work right now"

"Da you were supposed to read us a bedtime story"Katsumi pouted

"I'll do it tomorrow"He paused looking to the side "it's the brats bedtime"

"Okay tomorrow it is. Goodnight"Katsumi smiled at the phone

"Goodnight da"Katsuya said


She gave you your phone and they told you goodnight before going to their rooms.

"I need to get back to doing this fucking work"He groaned looking down at the papers

"Wait, before you leave you still have one more person who wants to speak to you. Or at least will try to"You said getting up going to the other side of the room

"Why the hell is she still up?"

"We kind of fell off our schedule today"You answered picking the baby up from her bouncer and placing her on your hip "look at who it is Katsuna"You cooed showing her the phone

She smiled and started babbling at him while trying to take the phone. You laughed to yourself watching as Katsuki held a conversation with a 6 month old.

"Alright sorry to cut your conversation short but we have to go. I still need to bathe her, wash her hair, and get her to sleep. Goodnight love you"

"Love you too"

After the call ended you gave her a bath and put her diaper on. Then you wrapped her in a towel to keep her warm. Now you were washing her hair running through it with a comb. You watched as she slowly went to sleep with a small smile on her lips.

As you stared at her you couldn't help but think of how much all your kids looked like Katsuki. The twins were the spitting image of him, but Katsuna had some differences. Although she looked exactly like him she had your hair and skin color. The only color she got from him were those red eyes.

(Sorry sis but if you're blonde and have the same or a very similar skin tone as Katsuki she looks exactly like him)

You finished washing her hair and dried it as best as you could. Then you dressed and fed her before she can get into a deep sleep. Thankfully you already took a bath because Katsuna was clutching onto your shirt. You knew there was no way she'll let go.

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