Extra: Round 2, FIGHT!🍋

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Ngl I didn't edit this chapter at all. I just didn't feel like it. It seemed decent enough to go without editing.


"If we're doing round 2 then it's my turn to have control"You said sitting up and he didn't disagree

You caught your breath then moved to sit on his lower abdomen. You traced your finger along his chest trying to decide on what to do first. An idea finally clicked.

'I'll do exactly what he did and start slow'You thought mischievously knowing you were beyond petty but it's what he deserves

You bent down placing an agonizingly slow kiss on his lips. He tried to speed things up by biting your lip in an attempt to get you to open your mouth but you pulled away.

"Someone's impatient"You mockingly repeated what he said earlier

He growled earning a laugh from you as you return back to the kiss. You got him to open his mouth deepening the kiss allowing your tongue to fight against his. You reached for his hands guiding them up your body.

You let go of his hands letting him move them wherever he wanted. Wincing as he squeezed your already hurt waist but you didn't mind the pain. You broke the kiss to go to his neck slowly but surely leaving passion marks on him.

His hands traveled to your breasts lightly squeezing and massaging them. You let out a small moan against his neck almost giving into his touch. But you remembered now was your time to be in control. You still needed to get payback for all the teasing from earlier.

As you moved lower your ass pressed against him feeling just how hard he was. You felt his breathing change and his grip on you tightened. You smiled to yourself knowing the affect you were having on him. You continued to rub against him teasingly going higher towards the tip but not giving him the satisfaction of getting inside. He tried to push you down to slam inside you again but you didn't allow that.

"We agreed its my turn to control this. You'll get what you want eventually so stop trying to do as you please"You spoke pulling away slightly to look down at him.

He rolled his eyes feeling as anger started to build inside from his impatience

"Doesn't feel good being teased right"You asked seeing the frustration displayed on his face

He shot you a glare before speaking.

"No it feels better doing it"

"Oh trust me I know and I haven't even gotten started"

"Shut the fuck up and continue"He grumbled annoyed that all he's gotten so far was a prolonged kiss

"I don't have to listen to you. I can talk as much as I want and stretch this out as long as possible"You whispered in his ear then got off him positioning yourself between his legs

You looked at him and saw him staring intensely waiting for you to do something. You stuck three fingers in your mouth coating them with spit before wrapping them around his base. You moved your hand up and down very slowly smiling to yourself at his groans.

"You're lucky I'm not like you so I won't drag this out for too long "You spoke bringing your hand to a halt "but I do have to get revenge for all the shit you did earlier"You spoke leaning closer

You took your time licking from his base to the tip circling your tongue around it once you made it there. You felt him buck his hips trying to push himself in your mouth but you pulled your face away. You slid your hand up him drawing circles on the tip with your thumb.

"Nice try but you're not getting in my mouth until I want you to. Don't try that again or I may just leave you like this"You warned looking him in his eyes

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