"Are you Mrs.Bakugo"

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*3 months later* (8 month old twins)

"Thanks for letting us come over"You said once you settle in Kyoka's house after going back and forth to the car to get everything you needed

"I could've helped you"She stated grabbing the rest of the stuff out your hands

"Someone has to keep an eye on them"


"Anyways some months have passed since we last saw each other. How's the mom life?Yuki's 6 months now right?"

"It's tiring and she's almost there"

"I definitely understand that. Where is she?"You asked looking around searching for the baby

"She's asleep"

"I'm so sorry if they wake her up. As you can see they're all about noises and communicating with each other. And they enjoy making as much noise as they can. Which can be a lot"You laughed looking at Katsuya and Katsumi as they laid on the mat trying to work their way into crawling. They could get in the crawling position but wasn't too fond of the actual crawling yet.

"She'll be fine. I doubt that would wake her up"

"How's it been since Denki went back to work?"

"Of course it takes more work but I can't really complain. How about you?"

"You know the usual. Struggling to tolerate two 8 month olds but I'm managing"

"I couldn't imagine two. Yuki's enough by herself"

"Well I thought the same but I got two and had to live with it"

The conversation continued with you occasionally glancing at the twins. Yuki's cries were soon heard throughout the house and Kyoka got up to get her. You grabbed your phone to occupy yourself with an app but Ochaco's name appeared on the screen.


"Hey Y/n where are you?"Ochaco hurriedly asked

"Kyoka's place, why?"

"I'm coming pick you up. It'll be best to tell you in person"

"Tell me what, what's wrong"You asked slightly worried. She sounded as if she was running and in a rush to come. She didn't answer though. "Ochaco"

"I'll explain when I get you"

"I drove here so you can't pick me up. Just tell me"

"I'll just leave my car and ride in yours then. Y/n I'm serious I don't want to tell you over the phone. I don't know how you'll react"

She hung up before you could reply back. As soon as you were off the phone Kyoka walked in.

"Look who's here Yuki, it's Katsuya and Katsumi"She said in that baby voice before her eyes landed on you "You okay"

"I don't know. Ochaco just called saying she's coming pick me up and she needs to tell me something. It seems important but she refused to say it over the phone"

"Did it sound bad?"

"Yea I could tell she was in a rush"

"Don't think too much about it I'm sure it's not too bad. You'll find out in a bit"She said placing Yuki on the mat

You tried to not think too much but you knew whatever the news was it was bad. About 20 minutes passed and a knock was heard on the door. Kyoka opened it allowing Ochaco to walk in.

"What is it?"You asked trying to prepare yourself for the worst

"As you know Bakugo is a hero"She said and you hummed wanting her to continuing "and heros encounter villains some worse than others"

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