Extra:The Wedding

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Keep in mind for this extra and the next two baby #3 is nonexistent. I just wanted to clear that up since some people were confused.


*2 years ago* (3 year old twins)

You stood in front of the mirror examining yourself. You couldn't get over the fact that today was your wedding day. You are really in a wedding dress about to be married.

"You okay?"Kyoka asked stepping behind you

"Yea I'm just nervous"You said looking down and nervously playing with your fingers

"Why? You both love each other and are ready to get married. He won't say I don't"

"It's not Katsuki I'm worried about. I just keep thinking of something ruining our day. I've been planning this since he proposed and I want it to be perfect. But what if it isn't perfect and something goes wrong"

"It will be perfect. Trust me if anything happens we'll fix it before you notice so stop worrying. Today is your day so be happy. You're finally getting his last name and making the Bakugo family official"

"Okay, you're right I need to stop worrying"

"I promise everything will be fine"

"5 minutes until you have to start walking out. Be ready we don't have time for delays"Mitsuki yelled walking into the room searching for you "Y/n you look beautiful"

"Thank you"

"You should see Katsumi she's so ready to see you"

"Well she won't have to wait for long"

"Speaking of we have"She looked at the time "3 more minutes"She yelled

"Only 3?"You asked feeling your heart rate pick back up

"Yea, it's about to happen"She said walking away, gathering the bridesmaids, and getting them prepared to walk through the door

"You ready?"Mina asked as she walked past you

"I'm trying to be but I'm nervous. What if I fall while walking or something"

"Stop overthinking everything and focus on your main goal. Just make sure to say I do"She said before leaving and going to the door

You watched as they walked into the area. Before you knew it you heard music playing and you were walking down the aisle. Your eyes immediately went to Katsuki and all he could do was stare with a hint of red creeping on his face. Kirishima nudged him and he growled in response making you laugh.

"Mommas a princess"Katsumi said in awe as she watched you

"Yes she is"You heard your mom respond

"So is dad a prince?"Katsuya asked

"Duh"Katsumi replied

You made your way to the altar, and smiled as you stood in front of Katsuki.

"You look good"

"You don't look too bad yourself"He spoke with a small smile knowing that was an understatement

The officiant cleared his throat before speaking.

"We are gathered here today..."

He went on with his speech and it was then time to say your vows. You and Katsuki had decided on reciting your handwritten vows. Well mainly you decided but he didn't do much to refuse it.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It's so embarrassing"You laughed as you took out your vows to read "Okay, when we first met everything was so awkward. It honestly seemed like we hated each other but we got through it. After some time I started to see the real Katsuki instead of the mean hard boy you love to show everyone else"

You paused as everyone laughed and Katsuki glared at them.

"That's when I knew that I was falling for you. It's crazy because we didn't do much.  We just went along with each other lives but that was all it took. You helped me throughout my entire pregnancy even though you had your own life to live. Then I had the twins and you showed me that you are really an amazing person. I couldn't ask for a better man to call my husband and the father to my children. I never knew I could love someone so much but you and my babies have proved me wrong. I love you Katsuki"

You wiped away the tears that were beginning to build up and forced yourself to not cry. Katsuki pulled out his vows and looked at the crowd.

"Cover your damn ears"He yelled making everyone laugh even you "So dumbass I've been stuck with you for 4 years. At first you got on my damn nerves but you were carrying the brats so I dealt with you. Most of my fucking time was being spent with you and I realized I liked you better than the other extras. I-"He cut himself off as a blush grew on his face. He looked at the crowd and rolled his eyes "I can't say this shit aloud"

He leaned in close to whisper to you. To make sure only you would know what he said.

"Don't tell anyone the shit I'm about to say. If you do....well I guess we'll see what happens"

You laughed knowing he was serious but you could hear that he was smiling.

"I know I never tell you but I'm grateful you stumbled into my life. You changed my life for the better by taking my focus from work and having the damn brats. Even though all of you are fucking annoying I'm happy you're here. Basically what I'm saying is thank you for the past 4 years"He pulled away standing back where he was "I love you Y/n"

You took notice that he wasn't reading his vows meaning he either memorized them or said it off the top of his head.

It was now time to exchange the rings. You took his ring from Kyoka and he got yours from Kirishima. You placed them on each other's fingers reciting what the officiant said.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Without hesitation Katsuki pulled you into a kiss and you heard the loud cheers of everyone. He pulled away and was genuinely smiling at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

"I introduce Mr and Mrs. Katsuki Bakugo"

With that sentence you and Katsuki walked down the aisle ready to go to the reception.

"You know I'm curious on what exactly you're going to do if I tell someone what you whispered"You said looking at him

"Do it and find out"

"I think I will"


I'm curious how old do you think I am? I asked your age but never said mine.

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