The Doctors Appointment

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*A few days later*

Over the pass few days you did some research and called around trying to find the best doctor to go to. It took a while but you eventually found one and called to get yourself set up for an appointment. You were lucky enough to be able to get an appointment by the end of the week.

"So is it scheduled?"Ochaco asked

"Yea, I go in two days"

"When will you tell Bakugo? He did say he wanted to know about appointments right?"Mina asked

"Yea he did and I'll tell him whenever I find the time"You replied

"Y/n it's not that long until the appointment"Kyoka warned

"And he is a hero. He needs to know so he can make sure his schedule is free"Momo stated

"That's if he cares about a schedule. You should tell him soon though"Toru added

You stared at your phone wanting to hang up but you knew the girls will kill you if you did. Everyone continued to speak trying to persuade you to tell him. Why did you answer this group call and why did you tell them about the appointment? You couldn't help but question yourself.

"Fine I'll tell him. Should I call or text?"You groaned

That question only started a debate between the girls. Some saying you should call while others said a text would suffice. All of the talking annoyed you to the point of deciding for yourself.

"I'll call him, that way I'll know he doesn't ignore it or somehow miss the text"

"Okay bye Y/n"Tsu spoke followed by the rest of the girls wishing you luck and such. The phone went silent leaving you staring at a black screen while trying to think of a way to start the conversation.

"Uggghhh why do I have to do this? What will I tell him? It's not like we're close or anything. I can't just call and talk as if we're cool"You complained as you kicked around in bed "Come on Y/n you can do this"You tried to encourage yourself but that didn't work in the slightest "...No you can't"

You looked at the wall in silence allowing yourself to be dragged into your thoughts but a growl from your stomach interrupted that. You wasted no time going to the kitchen to make something to eat. While you searched the kitchen for ingredients your phone constantly vibrated from messages. You figured it was the girls so you ignored it. They knew you well enough so they probably were asking if you spoke to him yet and you didn't want to be bothered by that. Food was the only thing you cared about at the moment.

You made a quick meal and moved to the living room to watch something while you ate. The show managed to do a good job at distracting you. It wasn't until the episode ended that you remembered you needed to have a conversation with Bakugo.

You went to the kitchen to wash your dish and grab your phone off the counter. There were multiple messages from the girls as expected but you didn't acknowledge those. You opened your contacts and stared at his before clicking it. As the phone rang you inhaled and exhaled trying to calm your nerves before he answered. The ringing stopped and an operated voice spoke making you hang up and let out a sigh of relief.

"Never thought I'll be so grateful that someone I called didn't ans-"You cut yourself off feeling the familiar vibration of your phone "Of course that didn't last for long"You groaned answering it and putting it on speaker. "Hello"


"I was calling to tell you that I have a doctors appointment on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. If you want to come I can send you the address. If you don't, I'll tell you if anything concerning happens"You told him and waited for his response but didn't get one. It honestly sounded as if he put you on mute. "Bakugo, you still there?"

"I'll go to the damn thing"

"Okay I'm sending the information now. Bye"

You received a hum in return and he hung up. With that you sent him the information then texted the group chat after reading everything you ignored.


You sat in the waiting room with your nerves on edge. All you could focus on were the sounds of cameras clicking and whispers being heard.

"Does Ground Zero have a baby on the way?"

"Who is she?"

"Did he have a secret relationship?"

Bakugo obviously had some insults to tell them but he didn't answer any of the questions. You sighed looking at the time on your phone. Could this appointment process take any longer?

"Ms.L/n"A nurse called catching your attention "You can come to the back"

You quickly grabbed your things and headed towards the nurse. Bakugo didn't follow you though so you paused and looked back to see he was still focus on arguing.

"Bakugo we have to go to the back they called my name"You spoke earning a glare from him as he got up

"Well how the fuck would I know they called you? I never got your damn name"He stated when he joined you and the nurse.

That's when it dawned on you that you had never told him your name. Or at least if you did tell him you were drunk and neither of you remembered.

"Y/n L/n, Call me Y/n"

You were then led to the room and the nurse began the appointment. She pointed to where you should sit and asked you questions while Bakugo awkwardly sat in a chair to the side. After a while she did the ultrasound and a few more things then left the room.

"So what did you save my contact as if you didn't know my name?"You asked breaking the silence

You watched him take his phone out his pocket and unlock it. He clicked on something then handed it to you so you could see the name.

The Woman Carrying My Brat

"Wow so dignified"You sarcastically spoke giving his phone back to him

"Should've given me your dumbass name"He shrugged before sighing "How in the hell did I mess with an idiot like you?"He asked getting annoyed at himself

"Likewise it's not like I wanted to mess with you. I doubt I enjoyed it anyway"You responded earning a snicker and a smirk from him

"That's not what you said as you left the hotel room. You wished you could remember that night because of your aching body. And you had to enjoy it long enough to allow me to get you pregnant"He said cockily leaning back in the chair knowing he had the upper hand and all you could do was stare at him shocked that he knew you said that.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU WERE UP?"You yelled causing him to laugh even more

"Woke up when you started speaking to yourself"

"You bitch you listened to my inner thoughts?"

"You said the damn things aloud"

You were going to respond but heard the door opening.

"Well you two are quite rowdy. Good afternoon and sorry for the wait. I'm Dr.Violet it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too. I apologize for the disturbance. I'm Y/n and grumpy over there is Bakugo"

She chuckled at your remark and proceeded on with the appointment. Basically telling you what you should and shouldn't do. By the end she only had one thing left to say.

"Remember you're almost 6 weeks so you should be careful. Don't pick up on heavy things and don't stand up too long. If you have any spotting call us"

With that you and Bakugo left and were immediately bombarded with cameras the moment you walked out the building. Of course the paparazzi wanted to know about Ground Zero's "scandal". Those people just didn't know the definition of privacy.

"Don't answer any of those fucking idiots. And follow me"Bakugo spoke making his way through them "If any of you lay a goddamn hand on her be ready to die"

Instantly they created a path for you to walk and you silently followed him.

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