Boy or Girl

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*A few days later* (20 weeks + some days pregnant)

Today was the day of your gender reveal and you were currently moving around the house trying to get everything together.

"Okay the balloons are up, food is being cooked, snacks are where we need them, but we're missing something"You mumbled to yourself giving the house a once over. There was definitely something missing but you couldn't pinpoint it.

"Mitsuki, is the food almost done?"You asked popping your head into the kitchen seeing Bakugo and Mitsuki cooking.

"Yea it'll be done by the time the party starts"

"Calm your damn nerves. Go watch a show or some shit. It'll get done when it gets done"Bakugo said

"I know but something just doesn't feel right and I'm trying to find out what it is"

You walked out before Bakugo could say something again. Maybe he was right, you should just sit down and let time pass. You sat on the couch to give yourself a break but you still looked around trying to figure out what's wrong.

"Are your parents coming or could they not make it?"Masaru asked sitting next to you

"I told my mom but she can't make it. She's a very busy person and this was planned last minute so I can't be mad. I know if I want her to show up I have to at least tell her a month prior"

"Is anyone from your family coming?"

"No, just friends"

"Well it appears some of them are here"He looked behind you at Kirishima, Mina, and Sero "It's been a while since I last seen you three"

"Yea with Bakugo moving out and all we had no reason to crash at your house"Sero said starting a conversation between him, Masaru, and Kirishima

"Y/n it's been so long since I've seen you. Why don't we hang out as much as we used to? I've missed you"Mina said clinging on to you

"It hasn't been that long. And our schedules haven't been wanting to agree with each other so we can't hang out"

"Lies, it's been like a month since we last did something together. In my mind that's long and your belly seems to agree. Look at how much you've grown in one month. Is that normal?"

"Yes it's normal, I'm reaching the months where anyone could look at me and tell its pregnancy"You laughed

You talked for a while and more people started to show up. All the girls eventually made it, joining in on the conversation and the hours quickly went by from there. After a few hours of joking and playing you noticed it was getting late so you had to get on to the gender reveal part of the party.

You planned to show it by cutting a cake but as you looked around you couldn't find it. That's when you processed that the cake was what was missing. You somehow forgot about the most important thing of the gender reveal. You then turned to Bakugo hoping that you were overlooking it and he actually had it.

"Bakugo"You called and he looked at you showing you had his attention. "Where's the cake?"

"The cake?"

"Yea you know the cake that was supposed to reveal the gender"

"Oh the cake.....I forgot to get it"He said looking everywhere besides you "but I was busy cooking th-"

"Katsuki"You called causing him to shut up due to the use of his first name "you had one job. All you had to do was get the cake. You didn't have to cook you chose to cook"

You slowly inhaled and exhaled trying to calm yourself. You looked around and saw the eyes of everyone else on you and Bakugo.

"We're going to have to delay the reveal. Please eat whatever you want and have fun. Excuse us for a moment"You said before dragging Bakugo to your room "How the hell did you forget to get the fucking cake? The cake was the most important thing"

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