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*4 weeks later* (20 weeks pregnant)

You walked into Bakugo's agency and greeted the workers before making your way to the training area. You figured he would be in there before being in the office. That's usually how it was.

As you walked down the hall towards the room you could tell he was there before seeing him.

"The aroma of caramel becomes overwhelming when you're working out. I could smell you from the end of the hall"You said as you walked in the room closing the door behind you

He looked at you to acknowledge your presence but continued to exercise without speaking. You found a chair to sit in and watched as he finished his set.

"Have you ever realized your smell throws your entire look off? You come off as mean and angered but smell extremely sweet. As if you wake up every morning and put a shit ton of perfume on"You joked once he finished

"It can't be fucking it up too bad. Everyone still sees me as mean and angered"He said lying back down to bench press

"Not everyone, I don't see you as that especially after what you did while I was sick. You're just a sweet baby who wants to put on a hard facade but I know the real you"

He glared at you while giving you a mug causing you to burst into laughter.

"Okay I'll stop teasing"You said wiping a tear that managed to slip out

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Don't act like you forgot. I know you were looking forward to this appointment. Today is when you find out if you're getting a son or not"

"Your appointment isn't until 2:00"

"I was bored at my place so I decided to come here"

"Who the hell told you that you can come?"

"Oh come on you enjoy my company. If you didn't you wouldn't have been showing up at my place every other day since I was sick. Nor would you have been cooking for me. You don't have to admit it but we're both aware of it"

"I didn't go to your damn house every other day"He said not denying the enjoyment of your company

"You at least came 3 days every week. For the past 4 weeks. Not only that but you spent the night several times. You've been spending a good bit of time at my house. Anyways let's go somewhere"

"You do realize I'm at work right?"

"As you once told me before this is your agency and you have sidekicks. You can manage to go eat with me"

He stared at you for a while trying to think of a comeback but didn't. Instead he just got up and started walking away.

"I'm going take a shower"

"Okay I'll see you downstairs"

You went back to the first floor and got comfortable while occupying yourself with your phone. After 20 minutes of waiting Bakugo finally came down.

"I see you took my advice about wearing red more"

"It was my choice to wear red it's wasn't because of some fucking advice"

"If you say so"


The waiter had just taken your orders and a silence had settled over you and Bakugo. You leaned back on the booth rubbing your belly that you couldn't hide even if you tried.

"I know you want a boy but what do you feel like we're having?"

"A brat"

You laughed at his quick response before speaking again.

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now