The Interview

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*7 weeks later* (2 months old twin)

"Katsuki this isn't what I meant when I said we should get out the house"You said looking around the studio you entered

"We can do whatever you want later. I'm being forced to do this so I thought I'll force you to do it with me"

You glared at him wanting to slap the smirk off his face.

"I hate you"

"No you don't"

"Ground Zero you'll be on in two minutes. Are the babies going with you?"

"Yes they are"You answered and watched as the worker left to do something else "Why did you tell them I'll go on tv with you?"

"The dumbasses are going to ask questions about you. You can answer them yourself"

"And what if I didn't want me or the kids on tv"

"Too fucking late for that. You've been on tv multiple times and they got pictures of the brats immediately after leaving the damn hospital"

You stared at him before sighing and looked down to the kids in their carseat.

"Can I make threats on live tv? Well not a threat but more of a warning"You asked

"Test it and see"

"You can both follow me"A worker said before walking away

"And now for the person you've all been waiting on let's welcome Ground Zero to the stage"You heard the host announced

Katsuki grabbed both carseats and walked on the set with you following. You made your way to a couch sitting down besides Katsuki and taking the kids out of their carseats.

"As you can see we have three extra guest. They are Ground Zero's family. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Hi I'm Y/n L/n his girlfriend, this is Katsumi his daughter, and Katsuya his son"

"How old are they?"

"2 months"

"Okay so I know this show was supposed to be about Ground Zeros return to work tomorrow. But I think we can all say we'll like to here more about his family. Do you agree?"He asked the audience and received cheers and yeses

"So Ground Zero how did you meet her?"

"I don't fucking know"

"We were drunk when we first met. But our first time remembering meeting each other was when I told him I was pregnant. Almost a year ago"

You told the truth seeing no point in lying. There was nothing they could do with the truth. The truth wouldn't change anything in your life.

"Oh so you weren't together?"

"No not at all we didn't officially start dating until months into my pregnancy"

"Who asked the question to make it official?"

"He did"

"Ground Zero when did you realize you liked Ms.L/n?"

"Please call me Y/n but go ahead Katsuki answer the question"You said with a smile creeping on your face

"Shut the hell up"He growled looking at you before answering the question "I don't remember"

"No need to lie of course you remember so spill it. I would like to know the answer too"You said looking at him

"After the stomach virus situation. We started spending more time together"He answered looking away from everyone in the room not wanting them to see his face

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