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*5 weeks later* (29 weeks pregnant)

"Any questions?"

"Will I still be able to have a vaginal birth? I know with twins it's common to get a c-section but I'll like to not do it if I can"You asked Dr.Violet as your appointment came to an end

"Of course, we always aim for vaginal with every delivery. It's rare we go in already planning a c-section. That's usually planned closer to the due date and it depends on how the babies are positioned and stuff. C-section is our last resort and we try to stay away from that if we can. Since you really don't want a c-section I recommend you take classes to try and get them in the right position for a vaginal birth"

"We're actually going to a class this afternoon. I've been waiting on these classes for months"

"Well good luck. Remember to eat healthy and watch how much you exert your body. I don't want to wish any bad luck but twins typically come earlier than one child. So although you're only 29 weeks they can come at any moment. If you have any concerns don't hesitate to call"

"Will do have a good day"

"I'll try"Dr.Violet laughed

You walked out of the building with Katsuki following behind.

"Ready for class?"You asked

"I'm always ready"

"I'll let you believe that"


"So you're not going to give me encouraging words?"You asked Katsuki as he massaged your back

You were currently sitting in the birthing class learning the positions and massages that made labor easier. Today's topic was support during labor so Katsuki was supposed to be coming up with some encouraging things. But Katsuki is Katsuki and you know how that goes

"Is everything alright?"The instructor asked as she made her way from one pair of parents to you.

"Yes"You answered

"Good, are you the dad?"

"Yea"He answered

"So give me the breakdown on how you want your birthing experience to go"

"I want to have a smooth experience. I would like to endure the pain and have a natural birth. But I'm not against medicine if I absolutely have to take it"

"And dad how do you feel about this? Are you ready to support her in the delivery room?"

"No"You laughed answering for him

"How the fuck am I not ready?"

"You can't even come up with some encouraging words"

"You don't need them right now. Are you in the damn delivery room? No"

"True but I doubt you'll come up with anything anyway"

She watched as you two bickered before interrupting.

"First child?"

"Children actually, it's twins"

"Oh congratulations"


"Any questions before I go to the next pair?"

"Yes, before I leave can we go over some stretches or something to help the babies flip?"

"Sure can, you can actually stay after class so I can give you some tips since you're dealing with more than one"She said getting up but looking at Katsuki "Good luck finding words because she'll definitely need them for twins"

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now