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*3 years later* (5 year old twins)

"DIE, DAMN GERMS"Three voices screamed

This was what you heard as you were rudely woken up by the yelling of your husband and kids.

"Katsuki shut up and stop letting them cuss"You shouted back before trying to go back to sleep but as usual that didn't work

"Good morning momma"Katsuya said as he ran into the room

"Good morning"You smiled not even wanting to be mad because of how happy he was

"Are you feeling okay?"He asked recalling the cold you recently had to fight off with no medicine

"Yea I'm fine. I'm not sick anymore"

"So can you come play with me?"

"How am I going to play with you if you should be getting ready for school?"

"Ma"He whined putting on a fake pout

"No pouting Katsuya, you know you have to go to school. We can play when you come home"

"Okay"He smiled quickly running away then Katsumi strolled in

"Hey momma"

"Hey baby"You replied getting up and out the bed

"Can I rub it?"She asked staring at your belly


You watched as she happily rubbed it. Then pulled away to stare at it.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to think if it's a boy or girl"

"Which one do you want?"

"Doesn't matter. I just want someone to fight with. Katsuya doesn't like play fighting with me. He says it takes too much energy"

"You're going to be almost six years older than them. How do you expect to play fight with them? It'll take years for you two to have a fair fight"

"Hmm I could teach them how to fight. Right?"

"Yes you can"

"What do you want?"

"It doesn't matter to me but I feel like it's a girl. I have a appointment today so we won't have to wait much longer"

"Can I go with you?"

"Why are you and your brother acting like you don't have school?"

"Because we don't want to go"

"Too bad, you're still going. Go get dressed and come here when you're done so I could do your hair"

She sighed and walked out the room. You went into the bathroom to brush your teeth and freshen yourself up. You found some clothes to switch into and got dressed.

"Katsumi come here"You shouted grabbing the hair supplies and placing a pillow on the floor as you sat in a chair. She walked in and sat on the floor. "You want a ponytail?"


She loves that hairstyle even if it made her look like a pineapple because of her spiky hair.

"Alright I'm done, go get your brother so I can comb out his hair. And go to the kitchen"

She left the room and Katsuya came in, sitting down to get his hair done.

"Done now lets go eat"You said getting up and going to the kitchen where Katsuki was.

You walked in and started fixing plates of food for the kids. You placed it in front of them and they began eating. You then went to fix yourself a plate.

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now