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*5 weeks later* (11 weeks pregnant)

"Ground Zero do you have a baby on the way?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Did you have a secret wife?"

You and Bakugo were walking out of a building and trying to get to the car but the paparazzi was making that difficult. A few threats got them to get out the way but that didn't stop them from bombarding you with questions. Your focus was to make your way through the crowd but your attention went to Bakugo when he stopped in front of you. He calmly turned to the closest person to him and looked at their camera.

"MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS"He screamed in the mic and proceeded to walk

Today you had your second appointment and they were doing the same stupid stuff as the first appointments. They seemed to only do this after doctors appointments. Never did they approach you on the street or at work which you were grateful for. Some of Bakugo's fans did approach you though asking you questions about Bakugo that you didn't know the answers to. They obviously thought you and him had a close relationship and they couldn't have been farther from the truth.

By the time you made it to the car both you and Bakugo were visibly aggravated. You both just sat there in silence trying to calm your nerves down. 

"Did your dumbass eat today?"He grumbled as he started the car

"No"You replied before trying to come up with an excuse "but the morning-"

"Don't tell me that morning sickness bullshit. The fucking doctor just said that you're 11 weeks and it should stop by now"

"She said should stop meaning I shouldn't be sick anymore but it's possible"You clarified knowing you won

"I know you don't have morning sickness anymore"He challenged


"The old hag doesn't keep her damn mouth closed"

"Oh"You stated in defeat "I am going to eat when I make it home though. I usually can't eat too early in the morning"

He surprisingly didn't give you a smart response and instead started driving. You got on your phone to occupy yourself until you realized he drove past his agency and your house.

"Uh Bakugo where are we going?"

"To get some fucking food"

You directed your attention back to the phone knowing it'll be useless to say anything. After a while of driving you reached the destination. Both of you got out of the car and made your way in.

"Good Afternoon, A table for two?"The hostess greeted


The hostess walked you to the table and handed you the menu before leaving. After some silence and looking at the menu the waiter came.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Water for us both"Bakugo answered

"Any appetizers?"He asked to which you both shook your head no "Alright I'll bring the water in just a second"He smiled before leaving

"Who said I wanted water?"You asked after realizing he answered for you.

"I did"

"And who are you to think you can decide what I drink?"

"The father of the damn brat you're carrying. If you want a healthy baby drink water"

You were going to reply but was interrupted by cups being placed down.

"Thanks"You mumbled

"Are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

"We're ready"

You both told him your orders and the waiter made his retreat again.

"You're lucky I'm actually hungry. If I wasn't I would be cussing you out because I could be at home sleep. How many times do I have to tell you my days off are for sleeping?"

He chuckled before turning his gaze to you.

"Do you think I give a fuck if you cuss at me or not?"

"You know you're really annoying right? Your whole attitude is just uck. Who let you become a hero?"

He took a sip of his water and leaned back in his seat.

"You really don't keep up with heroes do you?"

"No never really had much interest in them. Why?"

"I take it you never gave a fuck about anything at hero schools either?"

"Not really"You answered and he hummed in thought before speaking again.

"I went to U.A. they allowed me to be a hero. And I fucking deserve it after all that shit"

"Your whole class deserves it after all the stuff I've heard from the girls"

You fell into a comfortable silence and waited for your food. Not too long after, the waiter placed your food down and you dug in.

"Oi"Bakugo said gaining your attention "If you care so much about your sleep how the fuck did you end up drunk in bed with me instead of sober at your house?"

"Can we go one conversation without you bringing that up?"You sighed and stared at him but he just returned with a blank stare "I hadn't been out with the girls for a while due to work so they wanted to be extra and go drink. We challenged each other to take shots and I drank a lot. I don't remember anything after that but I can assume I ventured from the group and ended with you"

You went back to eating your food and thought about a question to ask him in return. 

"Why do you always smell like caramel? Is it like a spray or something?"

"It's a side effect of my quirk"He growled

"Interesting"You spoke taking a sip of your water before asking something else. "How old are you?"

"22, what's with all the damn questions? Eat the fucking food so we can get the hell out of here"

"So I'm older than you"You said going back to eating but before you could finish the meal you had one last question. "Will you ever tell the media about the child?"

"It's none of their fucking business they'll know when you start showing"

"Wasn't asking for them. More for myself so they can stop ambushing us at the doctors office. Also so your fans will stop asking me about it"

He proceeded to eat without replying to you. Hopefully he ponders on the thought. When you both finished eating the waiter came back placing the bill down.

"Do you need a to-go box?"


He left to get the box and you watched as Bakugo took out the money for the bill and a tip. He could be nice when he wants to.

"You aren't going to even offer to pay?"

"Why the hell should I? I wanted to go home and sleep. You're the one who brought me here so you should pay"

"What's your age?"He asked changing the topic

"23 making me older"

The waiter came back to get the money and give you the to-go box. After handling everything you followed Bakugo to the car. You didn't speak to each other during the ride instead letting the radio play. Before you could make it to your house though you fell asleep.

"Oi get up"He shook you trying to wake you up "Dumbass we're at your house"

After a few tries you finally woke up. It took you a second to realize where you were but you noticed eventually.

"Thanks for the food and thanks for dropping me off"You said collecting your things and leaving the car.


I will like to give a special thanks to KeepCalmWatchAnime . Thanks for motivating me to continue writing this after chapter 3.

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