"And you didn't"

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*1 week later* (8 month old twins)

"Are you going today?"Mitsuki asked

"Yea. I'm leaving in a bit"

"Need me to watch them?"

"No I want to bring them there. It's been a while since they saw him"

"Okay call me if you need anything"


You said your goodbyes then hung up. You checked the car to make sure you had everything you needed, then you went on your way to the hospital. It's been a week since Katsuki was rushed there and he still hasn't woken up. He did start to react to sounds and touch. Hopefully he finally wakes up today.


You walked to the room while pushing the stroller and mentally preparing yourself for how your kids would react. You walked past the doctor but stopped to ask some questions.

"Good afternoon Dr.Takahashi"

"Good afternoon Y/n, oh you brought them"He asked as he turned around

"Yea this is Katsumi and that's Katsuya. Say hi to the doctor"You said waving until they waved "Is there any news or updates?"

"As you know he is responding to things now so I feel he'll wake up soon. His wounds are healing fine and his body has definitely gotten rest. I think that he'll wake up within the next few days at the latest. He may wake up today"

"That's good to hear and hopefully he does. I'll get going now and let you get back to work"

"Okay, let us know if anything happens with him"

"I sure will"You said walking away with the stroller to the room.

You went in and brought the kids to the side of him. You took them out the stroller sitting one on each leg allowing them to view Katsuki. They started making random babbling noises to which you spoke back.

"Yep it's dada. Say Hi to dada"

You picked up one of their hands to make them wave. The babbles began to get even louder as they pulled from you and started reaching for him.

"No no leave him alone, you shouldn't touch him right now"You said as you tried your hardest to pull against both their strength.

In the end you let them touch his hands but nothing more. His body was most likely hurting from all the cuts and bruises. After a while they starting attempting to put his fingers in their mouths to chew on so that was the end to that.

"I don't think your dad would want to wake up to that"You laughed pulling them away

You let them continue to make noises and play with their hands to let time pass by. After a while you realize they began to calm down, so you glanced at the phone seeing it was their nap time. You fed and rocked them until they drifted to sleep. You placed them back in the stroller and fell asleep in the chair.


You woke up to the sounds of shuffling and groaning. You opened your eyes only to see Katsuki looking at you. You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the blurriness to make sure you were seeing right.

"Oh you're awake"You said before it registered in your brain "you woke up"You screamed tackling him with a hug to which he groaned in pain "sorry, sorry I forgot"

You pulled away making sure to not cause his body any more pain.

"What the hell happened?"He asked looking around the room and at his arms that had the IV in it.

Before you could answer you heard the kids cries fill the room. You must have woken them up from your screaming. You rushed to get them both out the stroller and bounced them to get the crying to stop. They started to calm down and you sat down turning them to Katsuki.

"Look Katsumi dada is up. Katsuya look at dada"The kids looked at him and began calming down to laugh and reach out to him "You think you can hold them without getting hurt?"

He reached out for them safely placing them more on the bed than his body then look at you again. You laughed as Katsumi babbled a lot as if she was telling him something. You watched as she pulled herself into a standing position with the support of Katsuki to get closer to his face. She kept babbling while trying to hit him and laughing as he dodged the hits.

"Mind telling me why I'm in a fucking hospital bed?"

"From what I heard you were fighting a lot of villains and eventually passed out. The doctor said it was probably because you overworked yourself. Then you were rushed to the hospital and was unresponsive. You've been asleep for a week...Anyways I'm going to go tell a nurse or the doctor that you woke up"

As you got up to leave you stopped at the words you heard.

"Da da"Katsumi spoke slowly

"Yea that's dada"You answered not even surprised that she said dada before mama "I knew she'll say that first. Katsuya better say mama first"

Katsuki laughed at you as you walked out the room and saw a nurse.

"Hey, Can you tell Dr.Takahashi that Katsuki has woken up"

"Yes we'll be there in a few"

You watched as she walked away and pulled out your phone to update Mitsuki. Then you went back to the room and surprisingly the doctor was already there.

"Everything appears to be fine. His cuts still need to heal but other than that he's okay. I'm going to prescribe an antibiotic to fight off any infections that can appear in the wounds. He should be able to leave today since there's no need to keep him. Ms.L/n make sure he stays seated as much as possible. He shouldn't be moving around too much until his cuts are fully healed. We wouldn't want those to reopen"

"I can do that"

"Okay I'm going to get that prescription to you and you can stay until Mr.Bakugo gets some clothes. Have a good day and don't hesitant to come if any problems occur"

"You have a good day too"You said as he left then you turned your attention back to Katsuki

"Want me to get them?"


You sat down and watched as they, mainly Katsumi, played with Katsuki.

"They really missed you"You smiled seeing how excited they were to see him

"And you didn't?"

"Not really"You shrugged knowing it was a lie

"That's a shitty ass lie"

"There goes the Katsuki I know and love. It was weird seeing you so silent everyday. And why ask the question if you know the answer. You know I missed you from the way I reacted when you woke up"


P.s that isn't the first time she's said anything about love which is why that isn't acknowledged. I just didn't write about when Y/n or Katsuki first said it.

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