Bye Y/n

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*3 months later* (Almost 1 year old twins)

You were laying in the bed trying your hardest to get back to sleep but the child hitting your face was stopping that.

"Mama"Katsuya called as he continued hitting you "Mama"

You were really starting to wish they never learned what to call you. It was nice just having them both call for Katsuki all the time. Now that they knew a name to catch your attention they called it too much.


This has been going on for what felt like five minutes. At least he wasn't like Katsumi and slapped you extra hard to wake you up.

"Katsuya go to dada"You groaned attempting to cover your head with the comforter but the weight of the child on it stopped that "Katsuki get your son"

You put your hand over your face to avoid the hits but didn't get a response from Katsuki and didn't feel any movement. You opened your eyes and saw that Katsuki and Katsumi weren't in the bed.

"So that's why you're bothering me. You had no one else to bother"

You got out the bed holding your arms out for Katsuya. Once he was there you walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Then you went to find Katsuki.

"Why does it seem like I'm always left with Katsuya and you take Katsumi?"

"She wakes up at a decent fucking time unlike you and him"

"It's 10:00 a.m., that's not even late. Be honest you didn't wake up before her, she woke you up by slapping you"

"Yea the damn brat is annoying"

"You say that yet she's always with you. Did you cook anything or you haven't eaten?"

"We ate fruit"

"That actually doesn't sound bad. Want some fruit?"You asked Katsuya and he only responded with babbles

You left the living room and went to the kitchen to get some fruit. After you were both finish eating you went back to the living room.

"I think it's time to get them to practice walking"You told Katsuki as you sat on the ground with Katsuya

"Who are we starting with?"He asked looking down at you

"Katsumi, she's been showing that she wants to walk more than Katsuya"

He placed her on the ground and sat down with her. He grabbed her to stand her up, waiting until she balanced herself to remove his hands. She was now standing up on her own and just needed to take some steps.

"Katsumi come to mama"You smiled encouraging her to walk to you

She took some steps but decided to plop to the ground instead.

"Good job"You said bringing her to you and placing her back on her feet "Go to dada"You said pointing to him as he watched her start moving.

Of course he didn't say any encouraging words or coo at her. Instead he got her favorite snack making her want to get over there. It took a lot of encouraging and some falls but she eventually learned how to somewhat walk. It wasn't perfect but she'll improve.

"Now time for Katsuya"You said grabbing him and standing him up "Go to dada"

He looked at Katsuki and took about two steps before sitting on the ground to crawl. You repeated this for a while and he still wasn't walking all the way to you. He was getting close though but Katsumi definitely did it quicker.

"He's lazy like you"Katsuki laughed

"I really can't deny that"You shrugged watching him put Katsuya on his feet again

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