Momma Katsuki

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*2 weeks later* (2 weeks old twins)

Katsuki had just given them a bath and they were hungry so you were in the nursery breastfeeding them both as Katsuki pulled out some clothes for them.

"That's really some bullshit"You said as you looked down at them both

"What is?"

"The fact that I carried them for nine months but they came out looking exactly like you. I thought one would at least have my eye color but they proved me wrong when they opened them"

"They don't have my hair"He said referring to just the texture because they had the blond.

"As of right now. They were just born so we don't know if they'll get those spikes. They took everything else from you might as well take the hair too"

"You're jealous"He laughed

"Yes I am. I have no shame saying I am"

You waited a bit longer for them to finish so you can burp and change them.

"Here burp her"You told Katsuki handing him Katsumi leaving you to burp Katsuya

"After she burps put her clothes on and she should fall asleep"

"I know"

You both did your own things with the babies until they went to sleep. You placed them in their cribs and made your way to your room.

"Where are you going?"Katsuki asked

"To the room to go back to sleep"

"No you're not"

"And why not?"

"Did your dumbass forget you invited everyone over to see the brats? And you also said I'll cook the fucking food"

"I did?"

"Yes you did. So now you have to help me cook and clean"

"Cancel it. Tell them we're both tired. It won't be a lie"

He sighed closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"It's in two hours. If we cancel now people will still show up since not everyone will realize it's cancelled"

"Okay fine then order some food"

"The damn thing is in two hours"He repeated looking back at you "That's too late to order food, let the restaurant make it, leave to pick it up, and also make it back here in time"

"Why do we have to cook? We're the ones who've been taking care of newborn twins for the past two weeks"

He stared at you in silence for a few seconds trying his hardest to not get too annoyed.

"You invited them and told them there will be food. Not me. I should be the one asking that. Not you"

"Why did you let me do that dumb shit?"

".....We need to start cooking and cleaning"He responded ignoring your question and walking towards the kitchen

"I won't be any help with cooking"

"That's why you're going to help and learn"

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes. You invited the extras"

You followed him to the kitchen and began helping him grab the ingredients.

"Do I really have to cook? Think about it, I could clean the house while you cook. It's a win win both things get done"

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