"Oh you can't be serious"

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*The next day* (16 weeks pregnant)

You woke up to your alarm and stayed in bed for about 15 minutes just staring at the ceiling. You really didn't want to get up but you had to go to work. You let out a dramatic groan as you slowly got out to hurry and get ready. After you brushed your teeth, freshened up your appearance, and got dressed you made your way to the front door.

"Where the fuck are you going?"A certain ash blonde called from your couch

You had forgotten he welcomed himself to spend the night. He appeared to have woken up from the sound of the door opening.

"To work. Go back to sleep but be gone before I make it back"You responded starting to walk out the door but he spoke again.

"How the hell are you going to go serve drinks and shit when you have a damn virus? You can pass that to plenty of people"

You paused pondering on what he said. It did make sense but you didn't feel bad anymore.

"I don't feel sick I'm sure I'm fine. I won't pass around anything"

"Of course you feel fine dumbass you're taking medicine. Do you not know how a fucking virus works? You can feel fine while still having the damn thing"

You walked back in closing the door behind you knowing he was right.

"I still wanted the money though"You mumbled as you went back to your room to change.

It's not like you were poor. You could really go a while without working. You just preferred to always have a certain amount of money making its way into your pockets every month.

You put some comfortable clothes on, notified your job on why you wouldn't show up, and made your way back to the living room.

"Since I'm being forced to spend time with you and not make money what are we doing today?"


"You stopped me from going to work so what are you going to do to entertain me?"You asked plopping onto the couch next to him

"Not a damn thing. I'm helping you not spread a virus why the fuck should I have to entertain you too?"He said facing you

"What you need to do is help yourself and brush your teeth"You said scrunching your face to block your nose

"Shut your damn trap I just woke up"

"Seriously Bakugo please go brush your teeth it's making my stomach turn"

It may have seemed like you were over exaggerating but your heightened sense of smell from the pregnancy was seriously picking up too much of his breath. 

He got up, grabbed some things from his bag, and went to the bathroom. You heard as he screamed something about germs then came back.

"So uh do you always scream at germs?"

"Yes"He answered giving you a blank look

"Okay... Anyways do something with me it's boring and I'm not sleepy"

"Stop acting like this is your first time not going to work. Do whatever you do on your off days"

"I sleep because I'm always tired from working. I don't usually get two consecutive days off. So it's not my first time but it's the first free day I've had in a while"

"Find something to do then"

"Help me then"

"I should've let you go to work"He mumbled

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now