"Can I eat now"

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Same day (38 weeks pregnant)

By the time you made it to the hospital you were in the beginning stage of labor. They got you settled in the hospital room and you switched into a gown. You were laying in the bed as you sat through another pain.

"Did you tell your mom?"You asked Katsuki receiving a nod

"She'll probably be here after 7:00"

You looked at the clock seeing that it was 4:41 a.m.

"I'm about to try and sleep. You should too we have a long day ahead of us"

After a few minutes he fell asleep but you couldn't completely fall asleep. You would just occasionally doze off or be in between being awake and asleep. You definitely knew you wouldn't be well rested for the next few hours.


You're not sure when you dozed off the last time or how much sleep you got but you do know you were awoken by the sound of Mitsuki talking to Katsuki.

"What time is it?"You asked moving your hand to block the sun that was shining through the blinds


"I'm going to tell the nurse you're up. She's going to see how many centimeters dilated you are"Mitsuki said getting up

"Still tired"Katsuki asked watching you once again close your eyes

"Yea"You sighed getting annoyed at how inconsistent your sleeping was

It didn't take long for the nurse to come in to check up on you. She asked a few things then checked your dilation. 

"You're 3 centimeters. It's happening slowly but surely. Remember if you experience anything you feel concerned about let us know"

"Okay"You replied and with that she left out

"So how are you feeling?"Mitsuki asked


"Understandable, try to go back to sleep before you dilate further. After 5 or 6 cm the pain won't allow you to sleep"

"It's already not allowing me to sleep. I'm just getting lucky to doze off at times"You grumbled turning your face from the direction of the sunlight "Can someone close the curtains? It's hard sleeping with that bright light"


"4 1/2 centimeters"

"Can I get out the bed to walk around"You asked growing sick of your back touching the bed

"Of course just don't walk too far from the room. And Dr.Violet is on her way"

You slowly sat up before getting out the bed. As you made your way to the door you heard Katsuki get up to follow you. It was a silent walk until you spoke.

"Your kids are stubborn"

"Our kids"

"No, your kids"

"Okay so how are my kids stubborn and why aren't they your kids as of now?"

"They're taking forever to come. I went into labor because they're ready to get out but at the same time they don't want to"

"Labor takes a long time"

"I know but I've been in labor since 1 something it's"You paused glancing at the time "9:15 and I'm only 4 1/2 centimeters"You groaned realizing how long it's been

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now