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*1 year later* (2 year old twins)

"Thank you so much you just don't know how refreshing this is. I didn't think terrible twos was an actual thing but I stand corrected"

"You don't have to thank me they are my grandkids after all. Go enjoy your day. You deserve a break. I know they can be a handful"Mituski told you as she grabbed the kids bags

"Hopefully they don't give you too much trouble. If you need anything call me"

"I just said enjoy your day I definitely won't be calling you. You need a day that revolves around you. Don't worry about the kids they're fine with me"

"Okay but-"

"Goodbye Y/n"Mitsuki laughed letting you know that you should get going

"Bye Mitsuki"You said taking the hint and going to the car "You didn't need the carseats right?"

"No I plan on keeping them here"


You got in and drove back home but to your surprise Katsuki's car was there. It was 2:17 p.m. He shouldn't be off of work right now. You walked in searching for him and found him in the room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Left work early"

"You never leave early"

"There's a first time for everything"


You looked at him suspiciously something was up he would never leave work for absolutely nothing. But you didn't want to assume anything so you shrugged it off.

"Where are the damn brats?"

"With your mom. I finally have a free day and I'm planning on sleeping and binge watching something"You said laying on the bed, covering yourself, and closing your eyes to go to sleep

"You get a fucking free day and choose to sleep?"

"Yes, the kids aren't here so there's no reason for me to get woken up. I can finally get the sleep I deserve"

"No we're going somewhere"

"Like a date?"You asked sitting up intrigued


"Why are we going on a random date? It's a Tuesday and you left work early. What's up this isn't normal for you?"

"And what the hell is normal for me?"

"You ask me where I want to go and then get someone to watch the kids. You never planned a date without asking me what's a good day or what I want to do. Basically for you to plan one on your own isn't normal"

"Well surprise"He sarcastically said

"What time are we leaving?"


"Nope I can't do that. I need to get some sleep. At least let me get a solid two hour nap"You said falling back on the bed getting comfortable

You heard him smacked his lips and sigh.

"Only two hours"

"Yep you should sleep too. I know the kids kept you up all night so you could read bedtime stories. Come on lay down with me"You said patting the spot next to you and lifting the comforter as he got under it. You rolled towards him laying your body against his feeling the warmth.

"You may as well get on top of me"He joked due to your closeness

"Don't mind if I do"You said quickly getting on him only for him to pull you off

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now