Extra:Find Out 🍋

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I really wanted to edit the hell out of this chapter to make it better but that has proven to be a hard thing to do. I'll probably have to rewrite the entire thing to do that. Anyways I don't really write lemons so if this shit is trash it's not my fault. It's the readers that wanted it fault.


You stood by a dresser taking off the jewelry you wore for the reception. Katsuki sat on the edge of the bed and watched as you sat the jewelry down. Immediately after you dropped it he reached out pulling you into his lap. Your legs straddled his waist making your short dress rise up your legs.

"So did you tell anyone?"He asked looking you in your eyes as his hands slowly moved up and down your thighs.

You could feel your dress riding higher and higher due to his actions. That didn't bother you though. His hands provided some warmth.

"No I didn't. I decided it was something I wanted to keep to myself"

"I don't believe that"

"Well you don't have to believe me but it is the truth"You said leaning down bringing him into a slow kiss as you unbuttoned his shirt and took it off "So let's lie and say I did tell someone. What will you do about it?"

He ignored your question not bothering to give an answer. Instead you felt him unzip your dress making cold air hit your back. He pulled the dress off your arms allowing it to fall around your waist and quickly proceeded to take off your bra. That made you bring your arms up to cover yourself from the coldness.

"What the fuck are you hiding for? I've seen you naked multiple times"He said grabbing your wrist to bring your arms to your sides.

"I'm not hiding from you. I'm cold. This house is freezing"You replied trying to bring your arms back up but his hold was strong

"You'll get warm eventually"He said with a smirk

He leaned closer to place a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck. He began leaving passion marks on your neck and collarbone. He pulled away to look at you and smiled to himself before changing your position to lay you on the bed. He then went back to your neck and worked his way down.

Your face grew extremely hot when he started kissing your left breast while using his hand to occupy the right. He sucked, nibbled, and drew circles around your nipple with his tongue. Making you get even hotter so you cover your face with your hands.

"No, none of that. Let me see you"Katsuki said pulling your hands away from your face before returning to what he was doing.

The more time this went on the more impatient you grew. Your irritation made your heart rate pick up and your breaths were becoming short. Why was he taking so long? He finally switched to the other side but he still took his time.

"Katsuki"You mumbled


"Can you please hurry it up?"You asked trying your hardest to control your breathing

"Someone's impatient"He chuckled on your skin "And no I don't think I will hurry up. I like this speed"He answered continuing what he was doing and dragging it on.

"You're going to hate me"He said moving to began leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach

"Katsuki don't do no stupid shit"

"I'm doing the shit you asked for. Don't forget you wanted to find out"

He stopped when he made it to the dress still laid around your waist. He tugged on it a little then clicked his tongue.

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