Katsuki Bakugo

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Mina spoke to Bakugo about something leading to him bringing the both of you to his office. The room had been silent for a while and you surely weren't going to speak first. You found yourself looking everywhere to avoid his annoyed gaze hoping to think of a way to tell him the news. 

"So"Mina spoke breaking the unbearable silence "...this is awkward. I'll just leave you to it"She said dashing out the room not sparing you a glance

"Wow such a great friend"You mumbled staring at the door shocked that she left you in such a desperate situation. There was a brief moment of silence then he spoke.

"Are you just going to sit there like a dumbass or will you tell me what the hell you want?"He asked gaining your attention 

"Uhhh well you may not remember me but we had a one night stand a month plus some ago. So long story short I'm pregnant and it's yours"

"Why the fuck should I believe it's mine? You could be someone who just wants money and will tell any lie to get it"

"That's a valid point but you're the only person I've messed with in the past few months. It's only logical that it's yours. If you don't believe me we can wait the pregnancy out so you can get a DNA test"

The man stared at you while leaning back in his chair. He clicked his tongue and averted his eyes to the ceiling.

"Okay"He responded looking at you again

You blankly stared at him for a while before you let his words click. There's no way it was that easy to tell him.

"Wait that's it? You believe me?"

"How the fuck do you barge in and tell me you're pregnant with my damn brat then question me for believing it?"He growled

"It's just from what I've heard about you I would've expected more. Especially since I'm just some random appearing with your child. You don't even know if you had sex with me"

"I do"

"You do what?"

"I do know that I had sex with you. I woke up saw you and went back to sleep because of the stupid ass hangover"

"Oh okay"You said causing an awkward silence once again ".....So I'll get going. Um do you want to be filled in on the doctors appointment and all that?"


"Okay have a good day"

You stood to your feet and made a retreat until you heard him speak again.

"Oi how the fuck do you think I'll know about all of this if we don't have a form of communication?"

"You're right"You said grabbing your phone and walking towards him.

You handed him the phone and watched as he typed his name and number. He then called himself and handed it back to you.

"Once again have a good day. I'll text or call you about the doctor appointments"You said quickly walking out and releasing a breath "That was so fucking awkward"

You went to the nearest elevator to make your way to the lobby. Mina was waiting for you down there and as you tried to leave out the building she bombarded you with questions.

"Before I answer anything can we get out of here first? I don't want his staff knowing his personal business unless he tells them himself. Also you would know what happened if you stayed in the damn room instead of ditching me"

You lead the way outside leaving Bakugo upstairs in his office with the abrupt news finally settling. He really had a baby on the way with someone he knew nothing about.

"WHAT THE FUCK"He screamed after processing the conversation

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