Surprise Visit

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*3 weeks later* (16 weeks pregnant)

"Ugh what did I eat that you decided you didn't want?"You asked looking at your stomach after you finished being hunched over your bed throwing up into the trash.

This was the worst possible situation for you to be in. You couldn't take any medicine because you were pregnant so you just had to rough it out by yourself.

"I need to eat but nothing is staying down"You groaned getting frustrated because you felt your stomach growling but nothing you did worked.

After laying in bed for so long doing nothing you fell asleep again but your slumber was interrupted by banging on the front door. You forced yourself to get out the bed and go to the door. You opened it and to your surprise it was Bakugo.

"Oh hey Bakugo, what are you doing here?"

Instead of answering he picked his hand up and pressed it against your forehead.

"What the fuck. Were you exercising or something? Why the hell are you so sweaty and hot?"He asked yanking his hand away

"I woke up this morning feeling horrible and throwing up. I felt like this for hours before going back to sleep for about..."you glanced at the clock it was 2:27 p.m.  "an hour. Then you came so no there was no exercising"

"Did you ever think you had a damn fever?"

"I figured it was more than that. Maybe a stomach virus. Anyways I'm going to lay back down. I'm getting light headed"You walked away and heard as he came in locking the door behind him

"So you haven't eaten today?"

"I tried but I keep throwing it up"You said walking to your room as he followed

"Have you been staying hydrated?"

"I throw that up too. My body won't allow me to keep it down"You made it to your bed and laid down "so why are you here again?"

"I felt like something wasn't right. It fucking stinks in here"

"Well there is a trash can right there with throw up in it so.... Anyways I don't have the energy to stay awake so I'm going back to sleep"You closed your eyes and instantly fell asleep

Bakugo walked out your room and towards the kitchen. He started searching for the ingredients to make soup but couldn't find anything.

"What the hell does she eat? There's nothing but bullshit here"

He went back to your room to get your keys so he would be able to get back in after locking the door. Once he found them he got a damp towel to place on your head before leaving and going to get groceries.


You woke up to the feeling of your stomach turning. You quickly rushed to the bathroom to handle your business. After that you realized your house had the nice aroma of food being cooked.

"Smells good but I still feel horrible"

You slowly went to the kitchen and caught the sight of Bakugo by the stove stirring a pot of something.

"What you cooking?"

"Soup. You feeling better?"

"No, how much longer would that be?"

"A while"

"Okay I'm going take a shower"

You gathered your clothes and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes you realized your body wasn't willing to let you bathe. You were too light headed and felt like you'll pass out at any moment so you just rinsed the sweat off and hopped out. You then got dressed and made your way back to the kitchen.

"What type of half assed shower was that?"

"I got in but started feeling light headed again so I had to hurry and get out"You answered sitting on the stool and rested your head on the countertop. Before you knew it you dozed off again.

Bakugo lightly shook you until you woke up and placed a bowl in front of you.


You ate half the bowl before getting full. Something was definitely wrong with you because it was some good food.

"That's as much as you can eat?"

"Yea I'm not hungry"You responded propping your head up with your hand and slowly beginning to fall in and out of sleep

"If you're sleepy go lay back down"

"I'm not sleepy though. I've been sleeping the whole day. My body just wants to sleep but I don't"

"Who the fuck are you and what did you do to the dumbass? She wouldn't pass an opportunity to sleep"Bakugo joked

"Haha real funny but I can ask the same. The Bakugo I know wouldn't make a surprise visit and suddenly start taking care of me"

"Shut up"He mumbled looking away at nothing in particular

You caught a glimpse of a hint of red on his cheeks before you can drift back to sleep. This caused you to wake up and continue the conversation.

"Was that a blush I just saw. This really is a different Bakugo. I guess you can be soft when you want to"You teased but that soon ended when you felt the need to rush to the closest trash can.

You were annoyed that you finally filled your hunger and it was already coming back up but you couldn't be surprised. After throwing up you turned to talk to Bakugo.

"The food was good but sadly I couldn't keep it down. I'm going back to sleep. I have mild cramps and I'll rather sleep that pain away. You can stay if you want. It doesn't matter to me"You told him not waiting for a response before leaving

You made it to your bed and wrapped yourself in the cover. You started dozing off but the stench of the throw up in the trash started bothering you.

"Bakugo if you're still there can you please take out the trash for me"

A few seconds went by before he came to do what you asked. You heard him exit the house and you tried to go back to sleep but everything was stopping this. The cramps were getting worse, your throat felt dry and scratchy, and you felt like you were in an oven.

You attempted to go back to the kitchen to get water but the cramps wouldn't allow you to walk too much. As you clutched your stomach you could only think of the worse.

Please don't let anything be wrong with my baby.

"Y/n you have a stomach virus that's all. Nothing is wrong with the baby. The cramps are from the virus. The virus can't harm the baby. You just need to get some water and go to the hospital"

You tried to reassure yourself as you made it to the kitchen but it wasn't really helping. You could feel you wanted to cry but the tears weren't coming to your eyes.

"Stop overthinking it. It's nothing, you're okay, the baby's okay, everything's okay"

You searched for any cup to put your water in but couldn't find one. How couldn't you find the cabinet with the cups? You never moved it.

As you searched your vision started to get blurry and you couldn't keep your balance. You blinked trying to focus your vision and stabilize yourself while also holding your stomach due to the pain. You heard Bakugo come in and all you could make out was his silhouette.

"Hospital, I need to go to a hospital"

Was the last thing you said before everything went black.

"Y/n oi oi wake up"

Was the last thing you heard before completely passing out.

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