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*2 weeks later* (24 weeks pregnant)

"Why do I have to move in now?"You asked reluctantly packing the last of your things

"How many fucking times do I have to repeat myself? Those brats are going to be here in a few months. It's smart to start setting up the house before they come"He said glaring at you

"Okay I get it no need to be so hostile but I'm going to miss being at my house all the time. I'll especially miss my bed"

You laid on the bed closing your eyes while rubbing your 24 week belly. It was getting huge and was nowhere near finished growing. You felt a dip in the bed opening your eyes to see Katsuki next to you.

"Taking a break?"

"Yea we've been standing for a long time and my feet are starting to hurt too much. Can you make some food so we can eat then put everything in the car?"

You looked at him only to see him staring back. After some seconds he rolled his eyes getting up to hopefully cook.

"Thanks"You said moving under the comforter to take a nap

He went to the kitchen and made a quick meal he knew you'll like. Once he finished that he went back to the room and sighed when he saw you were asleep.

"We didn't say shit about you taking a nap"He said walking towards you to wake you up "Get up"He spoke softly shaking you

"Is the food done?"

"No I'm just waking you up"He sarcastically replied making you smack your lips

"Don't start I just woke up"You said getting up going to the kitchen. While you walked you heard him laughing behind you. You looked around trying to figure out what was funny but you found nothing "What's so funny?"

"Your waddle"

You turned around hitting his arm before grabbing your food.

"Well I'm sorry I have the pregnancy walk now"You mumbled angrily eating the food

He sat down chuckling at your pouty face before eating.


"And we're done"You sighed after placing the last of your things in the room "mind telling me why you forced me to share a room with you?"

"Forced?"He questioned

"Yes forced I said I'll take the other room but you brought all my stuff in here. Is it because you like sharing a room with me. Or maybe it's because you like cuddles and I'm the only one you'll allow to know that"

"Shut the hell up"He mumbled making you laugh

"Fine, I'll leave you alone for now. I need to lay down anyway. We've been moving around all day and my lazy body isn't used to this"You said rolling your shoulders and stretching to rid the discomfort but that didn't work

"Soak in some water"Katsuki suggested

You took his suggestion walking to the bathroom starting your water. You then left to find your clothes before laying on the bed waiting for the tub to fill up. After a good bit you got in the tub and washed yourself. Once you were clean you leaned back to enjoy the soak.

"I should've lit a candle"You quietly spoke noticing how much the light was ruining the vibe

You spent about 15 minutes soaking but you still weren't completely comfortable.

"Katsuki"You yelled


"Come here"

You heard as he groaned stomping his way to the bathroom.

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now