We're Friends

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*The next day* (20 weeks + some days pregnant)

You woke up and immediately got reminded of what happened last night due to your legs being in pain.

"Wow that actually happened"You mumbled getting out to find a robe or something to cover you up

Once you got that you gathered your things to take a shower and freshen up. After taking the shower, brushing your teeth, and etc you got your sheets and stuff off the bed to put in the washing machine. When you were done with that you walked to the kitchen. In there was Katsuki cooking. You sat down in a stool and watched him.

"It's nice knowing what exactly happened to cause the soreness in my legs"

"It's nice knowing how many noises I can make come out of you"He said turning around to look at you

"Well what can I say I'm quite vocal in bed"

You looked at the time then at Katsuki.

"I take it you're not going to work"

"I'm going late, first I had to plan an entire fucking day of shit to do with you"

"Oh, we're still doing the bets?"

"A bet is a bet and we both won"

"So I need to quit today?"

He nodded and placed some food in front of you.

"How come you're always cooking?"You asked eating the food

"You wake up too damn late. I would've starved by the time you cooked"He said fixing his plate and sitting by you "Can you even cook?"

"I can survive"

"So you can't cook?"

You continued to eat ignoring his questioning on your cooking skills. After you both finished he went to the door but stopped and looked at you.

"Need a ride to the cafe?"

"Yea I need to go grab my uniforms first"


"Thanks for the ride"You said about to get out but Katsuki spoke

"The date is tomorrow"

"Date?"You questioned

"Yea what else would you call it? Tomorrow is the day I planned to spend the entire day with you. That's a fucking date"

"Okay see you tomorrow. Unless you stop by tonight"You said getting out the car and going into the cafe.

"Good Morning, what can I-oh hey Y/n. What are doing here?"Mei asked cutting herself off

"Hey Mei, I came to quit. Sorry I didn't put in a two weeks notice"

"What's wrong why are you quitting?"

"Nothing's wrong. You know I've loved working here for the past few years. It's just with me being pregnant and everything this isn't the ideal job anymore"

"I understand. I honestly saw this coming. You have to stand up way too long for a pregnant woman. Speaking of pregnancy what's the gender?"

"Boy and girl"

"Twins"She said with her voice laced in excitement

"Yea I found out about a week ago"

"Well congratulations"


You heard the door open and saw a customer come in.

"Here you go I should get going"You said handing her your uniforms

"Okay don't forget to stop by every once in a while"

"I'll definitely stop by to bother you every now and again"You said then made your way out

You sent a text message to the girls group chat asking if they'll come over to your house. They all agreed to come during their lunch break. Now you had to get a taxi back to your house.


You made it back home and saw all the girls parked outside.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize it would take so long for me to make it home"You said making your way to unlock the door

They all reassured you that it was fine. All of you settled in the living room and they pulled out their lunches.

"So Y/n mind telling us why it's been almost a month since you joined us in our girls meeting?"Toru asked

"Well I had to work and the rest of my time has been spent with Katsuki"

"Oh you're calling him by his first name now?"Kyoka said

"What's changed since a month ago? Why the first name now?"Ochaco questioned

"We just got closer. Is it wrong to call my babies' father by his name"

"What do you mean by closer?"Mina asked

"He sleeps over here a lot and stuff so we got closer"You said trying to get away from the topic

"And what is this said stuff?"Toru asked

"You know...stuff"You answered trying to ignore the heat rushing to your face "Can we get off of this topic?"You asked looking at Momo and Tsu for help but they looked away from you.

Truthfully you had no problem telling them you had sex The problem was who you had sex with. They were making you think of last night and that only made you realize how much you liked Katsuki. You couldn't help but become flustered at the thought of you and him.

"Okay we're definitely not leaving this topic. Y/n for the past years you've literally told us everything. You're never embarrassed to say anything so what the hell could you two have done that you don't want to tell us about?"Mina asked

You looked down to avoid their eyes. You felt like you were going to pass out due to the heat rushing to your face. You honestly felt so childish and out of character. It really shouldn't be this embarrassing to tell them anything.

"We didn't do anything that I'll have a problem telling you about. It's just you guys are questioning me and making me realize some things"You mumbled fiddling with your hands "...We had sex last night"You said covering your face so they wouldn't see your smile

"Awe look at Y/n, he has her all nervous when speaking about them. What happened to my straightforward Y/n who says most things with ease? It's cute seeing you all nervous behind a man"Mina said with a big smile

"Well I wasn't expecting that but that's good. It seems the two of you are developing a relationship"Momo said

"Yea it's better than you both being strangers with a kid"Ochaco stated

"What is your relationship to him?"Tsu asked

"We never spoke on it so for now I guess we're friends"

"More like friends with benefits"Mina said gaining a hit from Kyoka

"She's not necessarily wrong but we do have a date tomorrow so that's better than  just strictly being friends with benefits"

"Oh, What are you doing?"Toru asked

"I don't know he planned it all"

"Bakugo planned a date?"Kyoka asked surprised

"Yea but it was because of a bet"

The conversation continued from there until they had to go back to work.


I had to change a part since y'all feel like Mina/the girls be forcing information out of Y/n. Like Y/n is quite literally a straightforward and blunt character. She has no problem sharing shit hence how she spoke about having sex with a stranger in the very first chapter. They don't need to force anything when girly literally spills everything herself. She just be bullshitting and not saying it outright because she's flustered since she actually likes him. I hope that makes sense.

Just a simple filler but next chapter will be the date.

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