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*4 weeks later* (33 weeks pregnant)

You were sitting on a bench in the backyard taking in the fresh air when you received a call. You stared at the name making sure you were seeing it right. Your phone displayed Mom❤️ with an old picture of you and your mother. You reluctantly answered the phone bringing it to your ear.


"Hey Y/n"

"Hi mom"

"How have you been?"

"I've been good, getting things together for when I give birth. So far I've moved in with Katsuki, the babies father, and we're getting the nursery together"

"Babies?"She questioned instantly ruining your mood.

You thought you were going to have one good conversation but it seems you got your hopes too high.

"Remember it's twins. I told you this almost three months ago"

"I don't recall. I know you told me about the pregnancy but I'm not sure about the twins. Are you sure you told me? "

"No I just forgot to tell my mom that she has two grandkids on the way instead of one. Maybe if you checked your text messages you'll know. Do you even know the gender or how far along I am?"

"You know I get too many text messages to check them all and-"

You cut her off not bothering to hear her excuses.

"So I take it you know nothing. Well congratulations you have a granddaughter and grandson whose due date is in 7 weeks. I doubt I'll make it that far since it's twins. Although you should know this because I text you weekly updating you. I never expected a response but I at least hoped you were reading them. I guess not"

"Y/n you have to remember I'm a busy person so half the time I don't check my messages. The secretary does and he tells me about the important ones"

"That only makes it worse. I'm pregnant and you aren't even attempting to look at my texts to stay up to date with the pregnancy? Your secretary isn't the only person to blame you are too. You as my mother should check up on me yourself. The secretary shouldn't have to report that to you"

"And I can't argue against that"

"Also are you saying my messages aren't important enough to tell you? Did I not make the list of importance since I'm not a business partner or someone willing to pay you?"

"You're being childish Y/n"

"How am I being childish? I'm just stating the truth. You're always focused on money more than family"

"That's not true"

"My bad allow me to correct myself. You focus on your family but only if they're helping you get money. Once they stop doing that you could care less about them. I'm walking proof of that "

"You're the one that left"

"But who's the one that made me leave?"

"I didn't make you do anything"

"That's complete bullshit, of course you didn't force me out but your actions showed how much you didn't want me there. I'll be damned if I continued to stay in that hell hole of a house when you didn't even acknowledge my presence. You started treating me like a damn unwanted pet. I have common sense I know how to take a fucking hint. And I took that as my hint to leave"

"Y/n watch your language I am your mother"

"And if I don't watch my language what are you going to do? We haven't seen each other in 4 years and we barely talk. I don't care what I say to you. It's not like you can come beat me or something. You have no idea where I live. Why did you call me because right now it seems you called to piss me off?"

Baby Daddy |Bakugo x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now